PAGE 2. WEPNESDAY, JULY 10, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESSý W4eil, we 're 'no good" aîd accordirig (o (>ne gentleman So arc ail the other surrounding newspapers. Yes tfis quite outspoken gentleman told the Free Press editor Monday night' fiat the Whitby Free Press and the other newspapers were ail "no good" because we ail (at least most of us) ran photos of*Mayor Des Newman cutting the ribbon officially opening t e neiv Whitby Yacht Club's c!ubhouse. H-e told us because Lord Thiompson or Basset (Eaton) are prett~y lard to get a hold of ....we're fot. JVe can't repeat what he said about these particular photos, but he feit that in the case of the Free Press we, shouid be coming out with very sensational editorials instead and tearing apart Mayor Newman and Whitby counicillors in general. lVell we're very sorry that our editorial policy 15 îlot based on sensationa 'lism and fiction. And it brings înuch dismay to us that we have to apologize to anybody fogr our tru thful, factual and impartial type of reporting.* But wvhat reallv bot/zers us is that fis fellow says he wrote a lettwr t one of the Oshawa newspapers complain- ing about everybody ini general. Why flot the Ihitby newspaper? But then he's izever contributed anything to his local newvspaper. Thze Free Press - the voice of the County Town (îzow W e're«",No9good.. tne regional seat) - is here for the people of' Whitby, and is availablefIrryouir use anzd benefit. If you want YOUR 0OWN independant local newspaper, not part of a c/zain or being run for political purposes (such as an Ajax newspaper), it's up. to you, the readers, to be -the con tributors and be a part of YOUR newspaper such as the people ini Brooklin and West Lynde have donc. YOU ARE THE NE.WSPAPER!! If something is happening in your community, or organiization'don 't cal an Oshawva or A/ax newspaper and then complain because, the Whitbyitewspaperdidn 't çarry it..and believe-it-or-not we sec this happen too frequently. We very rarely ever refuse to print a contribution, unless it is slanderous or in out and out poor taste. We print everything we receive that is of local interest, or concern- ing local people usually /ust tlhe way it is written. And believe- it-or-no t'the size ofyour h/hitby newspaper, îs îlnot restricted to a certain number of pages. We are now settled into our *own Free Préss Building on Brock Street~ North with three stories allowingus lots.of room for expansion to grow with the growing needs of Whitby. How mue/i and how fast yourWhitby newspaper-grows is up to you. Action speaks louder than words. Dear Sir: 1 wish to luaiuk you for putting tlue last report in your paper. 1 realize tluat it inay flot always be conven- ient to do so but thank you for your time anyway. After having written the Iast report 1 realized tl1at duere are prob. ably a numiber ofpeople who don't even know whiat the 4-H program i s aIl about. So. I have prepared a brie f sumn- mary of the prograni which I hope that you will prini if' you ever luave a colunin to filI. 4-H is a program for the developrnent of young peo- ple, in which participants nucet together in clubs f'or group activities. h hlelps to- days' youth, giving themn gui- dence, friendship and nom- erous opportunities. In each community one or more ad- tilts wiIl serve as volunteer club leaders. These leaders provide guidance to thue mcmi- bers and tlue local club pro- gram. Help also cornes from tlue Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. At prescrnt Mr. Ivan Bell is thue Agriculture Representative, with Brian Hancock and Paul Ruth as assistants. Each in- dividual is allowed to choose their own projeci. This may be anything from a field crop projcct to an animal. This aids the young people by developing tlueir sense of good decision making after having taken in ail the necessary factors. After choosing their project they must then carry il out in full. Thuis teaches rcsponsibiliiy. The mnember will main-tain records which, arc ineaningfu ' 1to iîn. In the livestock clubs the rec- ordscontainsuch information as the cost of' kceping your animal and the amounit of daily gain. This gives thein a rcalistic view of the costs and overhead of farming. In short the 4-H programn dev- clopes individual qualities of leadership, and develops an appreciation of agriculture. We mccl once a month at some agricultural oriented place. Here we judge live- stock on what buyers want, have a brief but concise lcss- on, have time for questions and have a greai time. 1 hb- long to the South Ontario County 4-H Community Club so the following relates ho that specific club. Our pro- Ject is ho raise a beef animal, halter break il, groom it, reaeit for fairs, and kcep recrods on it as weIl as to meetings we judge cattle and certain num ber of points are allotted towards thue plaque upon the conupletion of your projeet. As of' itis year tue point systemi is as follows: Signis Records Cal f Shiowianiish ip 50 150 100 100 Attendance 100 Judging I100 Our project is 10 bc in fine condition for Oshawa Fair because tluis is where the calves are chosen to represent our club for Beaverton Fair and from lucre on to the Lindsay Fair. Th uere is a bus trip eachi year for interesîed memirbers aîud we go to a couple of inîeresîing places during tlue course of the day. Also, for ouîtsîanding achieve- ment there are various con- ferences to attend. The Pro- vincial LeadershipConfércnce was held at Guelph Unniver- sity during the week of Jonc 1 6 to 1-2 for menubers inter- ested in leadership training, and frorn lucre they have the opportonity to Inter-Provin- cial and National Coniferences. This year Nancy Brown, and Nancy Richardson were lion- oured to attend tue Leader- ship Conference. Only lwo per counîy are eligible to attend. This year we are starting a 4-H Counicil, and the president of this is Nancy Brown, with Heather Richard- son as secretary. This organ- ization is bouind to bring the county closer together and put us on the inap as far as 4-IH is conicernied. Tlhere is also a Jodging Complelition wherc you have the chance of' jodgin shccp, cows, licifers, answcr a swinc cîui.' and inany mnore edocational îasks. We have our own magazine, ithe Enthuosiast whiclu kecps us in contact with other progranms. The 4-H motto is. "Learn tu do by doing", and tîue pledge is "I plcdgc -mry head 10 clearer tlinkinig, My heart to grealer loyalîy, My hiands to larger service, My hcalth to better living, for my club, my comnunity and my country." and we live by this. I hope that this hasenlightcnced your knowledge on the 4-H pro- gram and nexi Uirne that you sec a "'4-H CLUB MEM- BER LIVES IIERE" sign that yoLI know a little more abot what il is aIl about. Thank youi, Yours sincerely, I -feaither Richardson South Ontaric (otinîy 4-Il (:ommnuîiîy C(lob. AslibLirn, Ontario. Ed Broadbent confronts supporters at lus victory a sea of jubilant faces bc- party Monday nighî uat the longing !o NDP workers and UAW Hall. Despite the heat. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS IS NOW PAYING $5.00 EACH WEEK FOR THE BEST NEWS TIP 0F THE WEEK. PHONE: 668-61 Il -(lays 668-6700 ffigh t s, week-end s IF YOU KNOWOF SO.MlETI IING NlEWSWORTHIY, CALL NOW.. ...YOUJ MAY 1,-ARN $5.00! WE'RE STILL THE ONE AND LONELYI' Other newspapers claim to be the biggest and the best and the fastest growing BUT we're stili the 1 and Lonely newspaper specifically serving the people of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn. We have a dedicated staff who, at every opport- unity, try their best at providing their community with truth'and informative reporting always letting the best interest of this Community fali foremost into their thoughts before writing one word on paper. We're proud of our staff, just as we are proud of, our community newspaper and needless-to-say, the co mmunity it serves..with local people pro- viding local news.and that what counts in a Community newspaper. the entluusiastic crowd tumn- candidate. cd oui in full force 10, con- -Pluoto by Mike Burgess gratolate their victoroOs t d n Bought For iElectrocuted D .u:ê: For A I 7-year-old Oshawa su r-uIIiiUMI Reasons A Canadian Press (CP> report in last Friday's Su n says Pat Bourgeois, campaign manager for Norman Caf ik, has bought the weekly newspaper Ajax Guardian "for stra- ight political reasons." Accord ing to the story, Bourgeois plans to run in the next provincial election. j- Thursday morning while working on a private swîm- ming pool in Whitby. The deceased, Plilip Gary Short of 685 Simcoe St. N., Oshuawa, was apparentîy wor- king for the summer for Aqu- alIme Pools. He was standing in water ai the bottom of the pool working with an electric pump wvhcn a wire shorted. IHe was pronounced dead two hou rs aller arrivaI at thue Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) llornetow'n paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashiburn also serving Ajax and1 Pickering. Serving ovCf 26,000 readers. Publislied every Wedncsday by Whitby Frec Press Inc. Bruno Hiarilaici, President. Located at the Free Press Building 121 Brock St. North Whitby. SUBSORIPTION (BY MAIL) $10.00 YEARLY MAIL: Box 206, Whitby PHONE: 668-6111 TORONTO LIN E: 282-1004 MAILING PERMIT NO. 2941 EDITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burgess ASSISTANT E DITOR - Jim Quail CLASSIFIED ADS - Kathy Martin GRAPHIC ARTS- Marje Burgess ADVERTISING - Robin Lyon