PAGE 10, WEDNESDAV, JUNE 26th, 1974, WHITBY FREE P1RESS Fiee ZPreass EmDorum FOR, SALE - Ultra-mod- ern Sound System for DJ or rec-room. 3 portable sections, vinyl covered, tape-deck, co- ntrol panel, switches, bogen amp., 2 aarrard transcription turn tables, 2 audio empire tone arms, GE cartridges, 15" lB- Lansing. Speaker mut ed ini theatre cabinet. New cost $1,100. wiIl take $700. or best offer. Caîl 668-9746. emp. -- FOR SALE - Economy Camper. 1967 VW Camper in excellent dlean condition, propain. Must seil, $1,195. or best offer. Cail 668-3889.. TVREPAI RS SPECIAL July and August Service Cai Onlyi Blackand White - $5.00 Colour - $8.00 723-0065 a FOR SALE - 8 yeai old bay show Pony and saddle. 12 Hands. Good with child- ren. ENGLISH AND WEST- SERN TRAINED. CAN JUMP. $250.00. Phone 668-2203 before 9 p.m. ep FOR SALE - Trim Gym Exerciser 'with instruction book. New condition. $50. Cali 655-4245. emp. FOR SALE,- 1 boys c.C.M. MUSTANG Bicycle. in berndEclntion-il dit ifo $00. Cal5 468715. emp. FOR SALE - Agreerg 1214 orepwith padw$85.0 Cnbante Vacondti, $30.0 ny-lue,$ 13.00; coflean teand mit.col e, $ forl 2 paifrs; $400miror,$ 700 ernp. FOR SALE - electric lawn mower apid grass catcher, excellent condition, $65.00. Inglis Gas Dryer, excellent condition $98.00. Ampli- fier in -mahogany cabinet, excelent condition, $45.00. Fridge, good working ordet, $25.00.- Please cail 942-4656 any timne after 6 p.m. emp. Il- - M FOR SALE - portable radio and record player, $15., electric kitchen clock, white, $5., set of figurine bedroomn lamps, $6. Ail like new. Please phone 668-4435. emp. FOR SALE- 1 Starite deep well pump with 20 gallon tank, gauges and fit- tings. $80.0. CalI 942- 2569. emp. FOR SALE - crib, $20., mesh playpen, $15., baby carrier, $800. Caîl 668-6093. emp. FOR SALE- Revolver, antfique, Phone 655-3505. $60.00. -m-p-. FOR SALE- new kit- chen cupboard doors, $1 .50 each. Seli very reasonably. Cal 655-1534. emp. FOR SALE - one 7-piece Dining roomn set (light oak). Cost $950.00. Selling price $325.00. Also 3-piece Easy washer set, one Easy spiro- lator washer, one Easy dryer, one Easy Ironer. Price $225. Caîl 942-2569. emp. FOR SALE - 14' Radial ply tire, spare, new, neyer used. $30.00. Cali after 3:30 at 668-7433. cemp. -- - - - - -- -a r ___________________________________________I FOR S4ýLE - 1972 Yam- aha 200, Electric. Needs rings. Best offer. Caîl 668- 7260. June 26/74 FOR',SALE - Gendron Pool Table, 4 x 8. Cues and, baîls, $85.00, firm. By 24" bicycle, $10.00. Cal 66 8-7642 after 6: 00. lune 26/74 FOR SALE - 4 registered Irish puppies, six weeks old. Had ail shots. Cal 655-4329. June 26/74 7 FOR SALE - large gize chrome table, 36 8 x 70" let out, and four chairs, good condition, $45.00. Large bathroom basin with pedes- tai, white, $5.00.- Phone 655-.3598. ernp._ FOR SALE - 4 Michelin Super X tires (Steel Belted). Size:, 180-1 5-XAS total $40.00. Modem Art: Moon- fish Patron in Frame, green background. Teackwood(new) lIHalf price $ 25.00. Cal 668-8527. emp. FOR SALE - Model plane with gasoline engine, battery, fuel pumnp and clips. Almost new, $ 15.00. Cal] Steve 6684706. .emp. FOR SALE - Volkswagen roof top carrier, $10.00. 2 Volkswagen tires with rims, like -new, $30.00. Electric lawn mower, like new, $30., 2 Dodge tires with rirns, $15., 2 - 15" tires, $ 10.00. Cal 655-3167. ,1 emp. FOR SALE, - 4 hp riding mower, 8 square blue shingles, 8" bevel siding, I, bathtub. Caîl 655-3977. June 26/74 FOR SALE - 1966 Grandi Parisienne V8, 327 englne power breaks, power steer- ing. Lime coloured with black vinyl top.. Good con- ditio n. $400.00. Phonel 668-5 105 after 6 p.rn. emp. FOR SALE - new^ air- conditioner. '5')000 BTU, $ 140.00. Black xegistered thoroughbred poodle, mnale, 7- or 8 months, spayed, al shots, $100. 2 ladies car coats size 18, $10. each. Desk lamp, $6.50., Basketbal' $2.00, Kitchen light fixture, $3.00, ladies white hat, $3., dlean plastic shoe splashers, size 8, $1.00. Bathroom taps, $3.00.' Caîl 668-4225. emp. HELP WANTED Reliable girl to care for 3 school age children - 14,1l2, and 9 during day, during the sumnmer months. Myrtle area. ICaîl 655-3414 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE >- 21" Our, plate Jacobsen lawn mower.. Only 2' years old. $65.00. Phone 668-8675. FOR SALE - boys bic- y cle, almost brand new, 26" tires., Asking $35.00. Cal 668-3995.,' Ml Farm Tractor. Complete with power take-off. Hydrol- ic operated front end,,loader with snow bucket and dirt bucket. $750.00. Caîl 655- 3439. June 26/74 FOR SALE - SirnplicitY spin dry Washer and Dryer. Excellent, Condition,, Cail 668-6986 anytimne. emp. FOR SALE - ",Slùim ine" Belt Massage 'Machine for spot reducing. Cost $ 125.00 -$60. De-Luxe Projection Screen - excellent condition $15. Call 668-3727 emp.ý June 26/74 SOENERAL TIRE Marke~TIFREcatn -Career Opportunity We are seeking, an individual, experienced in the Forecasting of Production and/or Sales.' A specific background in statistical reporting is a prerequisite for the position offered. Experience within the tire industry would1 be a definite asset. Please submit a'detailed resumne, including salary history, to: The General Tire& Rubber Company of Canada Limited 200 Fairview Road BARRIE Attn: Personnel Manager Pali Jeanne Hughes tty simpkis 21 Jim "6Sotty» Wilson SALEYLD 66B*777 We would like to welcome Jeanne and Ray to our stafl. They bring with them a vast amount of experience, and they wiIl be heading up our new Land Department. EarI Haruis Doug "Scotty" Tayloir Ray Grastin Benny Stacewicz Archie Taylor BROCK*STRET NORTH 668- 777 --l