PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, ý1974, WHITJ3Y FREE PRESS Summer Faishion Prevuew. ___ Photos by Mike Burgess The wives and lady friends of the Oshawa Fire- f-ighters pictured above put on a fashion show for the wives of the visiting fire- fighters this afternoon at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa.. Fashions ranged from smartly styled dresses mod- elled by Paula Jolinston (left) and Lorraine Clement in top left photo, to bathing suit with cover-up worn by Mary Durno (top row s itting). The next two sporting the Cole of California swim wear are WiIli Jeyes (Jeft) and Judy Seeley. The three models wearing fashionable long dresses are Mary Morgan, Mary Durno, and Pat Waller. Centre row left, Elleen Mack and Pat wearing free-flowing peasant type dresses. Willi shows the pants of her 'sizzler' suni dress. Mary and Judy are sporting cool short and top co-ordinates, El. eanor Wood models a smart summer pant suit. Bottom row left Wi1li wears a deniin look, three piece sports out- fit. Mary and Gladys Tweedie show after six outffits. Eleanor in a chic In-town evening dress, and Pat and Judy are relaxing in more conservative swimi suits. - Photos by Mike Burgess