PAGE 12, WEDNESDAV, MAY 15, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS, Kentucky Style Ciee HAMBURGERS STEAK on a BUN SOFT ICE CREAM SOFT DRINKS LYNDE VALLEY TAKE-OUT We Cater To Parties MICHAEL BLVD. PLAZA 668-7511I SWIMMING POOL HEATERS WUHITIY Sew~cea1foa1teed~ _______________OSHAWA N.E. AREA SUBLET - Bachelor ap , Lovely older family home artment in immaculate aduit detached, 4 bedroom, 2V24 building. Mason & Dundas. storey, broadloom, living- $135. monthly. Cali 668- room with fireplace, family 7777. room, separate dining-room, 1!4 bathrooms, garage, rnany extras. Private. Cal], after 4, 5 76-5 527. Kick off' the swimi scason iii springtîic, siretch tito Aut tu nifi. You can enijoy vour pool for extra mnonths, wvith a NaturaI Cas Pool hieater that keeps the mater warmn Mien the air's chilly. A represenitative fromn Joe the Plumiber wvill be pleased to assîst VOU In your pool hieater select io n - Explorei the Underwater World I of Scuba u tran't miss this chance to sign up for comprehensive triigand certification as a Qualified Scuba Diver. I 6 week course At -- SIMCOE HALL BOY'S CLUB (EASTVIEW) I STARTING - SUNDAY, MAY 19 Sunday mornings from 9 a.m.-I p.m. COST - $70. (Tnk and regulator supplied I I for training course)I FOR INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION FORMS I CALL 728-5127I 723-1474I 668-3497 WVIN $5 00 THIE WHITBY FREE PRESS IS NOW PAYING S55.00 EACH WEEK FOR THE BEST NEWS TIP OF THE WEEK. PHIONE: 66 8-0 1 1l -days 668-6700- nighits, week-ends IF YOU KNOW 0F SOMETHING NEWSWORTHY.j CALL NOW ...... YOU MAY EARNS5.00! I *etr to the **it* 'bo. 20 ,. Stb - - hitIfd[ LISING SERVK bedroôm ORILLA - COTTAGE Oi1d bdomframed cottage 5 miles north of rli front lot of 50' x 165'. Nice Sandy Beach, ideal for ig, swimming and boating. Askîng $26,500. OPEN )FFERýS. 51,900.00. 3 bedroom Brick Bungalow with carport, ted on large lot in choice location. L-Shaped living- g rooms, recreation room, etc. House and premises ,autiful condition. 121 LARL H Realtor JIM WILSON DOUG 'SCOTTY' TAYLOR PATTIE SIMPKISS ARCHIE TAYLOR BENNY STACEWICZ AJAX This model was the first sold - most sought after in complex. Sparkling, fully broadloomed townhouse. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge L - shaped living-dining room and rec-room, kitchen and breakfast nook, garage. Cail 668-7777 REALTY Lic For further information on these and other s ceil 668-7777 or Toronto line, 282-1004. proper-1 WHITBY INCOME FuIly Rented Centrally located, near downtôwn Whitby. 3 bedroom bungalow, living room, Hollywood kitchen, 4 pce. bath. Downstairs, 1 bedroom apt. living, dining rooms, kitchen, 4 pce. bath. Double paved driveway. Imi-aculate cond- ition. Call 668-7777. BROCK -STREET NORTH SALE CBa 3 Lake fishiný TO O situai dininj in beý Wi .TBY - 66.8-7777 r --- 1 Mau., 1