Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 May 1974, p. 11

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FOR SALE - Ultra-mod- ern Sound Systeni for Di or rec-roomn. 3 portable sections, vinyl covered, tape-deck, co- ntrol panel, switches, bogen amp., 2 garrard transcription turn tables, 2 audio empire tone arms, GE cartridges, 15" JB Lansing. Speaker mnount- ed in theatre cabinet. New cost SI,100. will take $700. or best offer. Cati 668-9746. emp. » FOR SALE - dresser, 48" wide high, walnut, circa finished. SI175-00. 4375. Antique and 36" 1825, e- Caîl 668- em p. FOR SALE - refrigerator - laie mode!. AdmiraI, two door S i110.00, anid Westing- bouse aulornatic washer S 1 75. Both Guaranîeed. Cal! 668-3881). e FOR SALE -one register- ed 7/8 Arabian weanlinig colt . Chestnut with white blaze. Excellent disposiion and breed iîîg. Askiing S400.00. Caîl 668-4368. emp. FOR SALE -walIl ent, 10 x 12 with screen and floor, used i season. S85.00. Cati 655-3683. emp. FOR SALE 2 ear oid Gilson Freezer. whie. 7 cubic 1-eet. niacuflate coniditioni. Cai068-3995.* May 8/74 TOR SALE - Trim Gym Exerciser with instruction book. New condition. $50. Cail 655-4245. eimp. FOR SALE --24" Gencral Eleet ric pusih-bu tton l îcavy duty range. Good working condition. Asking S835.00. Chili 668-5535. einp a FOR SALE - i dalma- tion, 10 months old, mate, has had ail shots, beautifutly spotted, good witlî childreîî. Cali 728-5497. emp.1 FOR SALE -- greeni rug. 12 x 14 wittî pad. S85.00; Canister Vaccuumi, 830.00-. tloor polishier. S23.00; joli- nny-poie, S1I3.00. coîcînan stove and cooter. S 1 2.00 eaclh; large fidge and stove (Vik- ing), S i170.00 each: .ivigrooin drapes. loor lemgîli, S I 5.00 for 2 pairs; watl inirror. 87.00. Cal 655--')i44. enip. FOR SALE --2 whte bedspreads. Napolcon's des- ion. friîîged. fie irioom. twîn size. S830.00. Calil668-4355. elmirt -- FOR SALE -portable radio and record piayecr. SIt 5.. elecîric kitchen dcock. White. S5.. sel of l'iguri e bedrooni lanmps. SO. Ail lîke new. Please phione 668-4435. ellp. Words from West Lynde by N.orm Mealing Tiiis week I iîougli t i wouîd devia teti oidie usuai pal terilitoI iowed in iiiis coiimnuîiaid iio t briîig \ou ireaders a prot'ile of' the reiîaiiîiiig, iiemîîers Of* lie WL.A- - x- eculive. Iîstead I would iikc b mnaizke a imber of' observations aliouit wiîut I conlsider to be a verv serions probleininiiioui conîmnii îy -Ille problen Of' dog dirt. Now. bef'ore A you dog-iovers gel iiii narmns. le t nIe say thal I arn l iot uni i-dog. jost amîi-dog-dirl. While c1 coiîcede duat I have îîever bought Illie iîan\ sbcst frierid idea. I do th iik that dogs îîîake good pets. Maîîv of' li\, meighbours have dogs. aîîd ilyv vounigesl son reaîly enijoys playiîîgg vi ii therin, aîîd tliiis is goo)(d. XViîat is i101 good. hoxvever. wticîi eilîiOf' iii\, sols- cornie home with l imir slîoes covered iii due-dirt a:îtler liaving sîepped in il on mxi\ awuî. What is e(ILaiiy bad. espcciuily iii a niexvsuibdivision i vtIi imany x'ouilg Irees. anid sbirubs. is b hfave dogs aiiswerimig tue cail ioot iaitire agaitisl t rees id sîî ubs. WlIatIn akes il A Ille mo re age aai ýingi is tuiat usuuiiy the dog is accomnpaiied k' ils Owner wIio) is emcouragiuig tlhe dog Io do luis bu sîîeSS. 1 used 10 ride thle Go i raii xvi tlii mie of mn m ieigli boums. le is a dog-owncer arId lie is dime first (Ioii ba if i ii ic f iliatilifyou owiî a dog. you nîust look aller il. OitIlite tirsl 00od Saturday this spring. lic was out ICîeamiiiig ip tlleCdO" dirt iii his backyard. He wemît about lis job cheert*iuliy kioxing full wctlili was but the first ut' nîaiiv tlimes icexvas goiiig to do the job tlis year. k Our street îs crtrrentiy ptaqued by a Saiit Bernmard. Tl'le dog. whiclb runs ioose hlaf tue-tiîîe. secems t1 itave takemu a particular interest iii the Iaxvîîs aiid slîrubs on tie strecet. lie is siowly but sumeiy kiiling flic cedars oil anotlier of rny meiglbour's iawns, and there doesii't seemni to be anly wy ofstopping him short ofshootînig inîi. My wife and kids and I recentiy waiked tliroLmgh wtîat wiII eveîîtualty be the main park amea imi West Lyuîde. liad auîyomie been watching. they would hiave assunied we were g t)ing througli a minefietd. We noved slowty. caeluly, ai d imi single file with Dad Ieading the way. Tîîis cautions approach was niade necessary by the quantity of' dog-dimt ou hie ground. One sliuddems 1tlîtink of' wlîat il will be like wlîen the park is ready f'or use. aind hotu Inai ahd dog can fuiiy utilize the space. Wlîat is requimed, I îlîink, is for the dog owners of' tlic eommimnity to copy my neighlbour. Don't let your dog mun FOR SA LE Lloyd baby ca rriage - good cond itioni. Navy blie. S20.00. (Cal1 068-29N7. emip. q - i 1 FOR SALE --32 steel hull. custom buili Cruiser wîtih2 - I55 111. Chrysler iiboarid-ot-boaird. Teak 1rim.ý sieeps seven, 4-bu ruer alcohiol stove withi oven, 6 and I12 volt electric refrigerator (4 cLI. [t.). buil t iii cabinet sand stainicss steel sik. f'ull size lwo piceceiîead. pressurized frcslîwaîer systein. vinyl up- liolstery, fuli lîcad rooni withi canvas up. Fori- urther ini- f'ormat ion cail 668-6000. FOR SALE- 1966 Volks- wagcnl withi inotor for dune buggy. S35.00. Buckct Scats VW, SI 5.00. Extra iniolor. Si15.00. Ail parts., .38 Iver Revolver, antique. S,60.00. Phione 655-3505. -- e ni p. FOR SALE --1wite sink withl apsS I 0.00. 1 baby car bed S1I0.00. Cal11 668-2'166i. eînip. FOR SALE copperlone 3088 gà1ýstove. lîiniaculate conidition. S1I00.00. Cati 668-5 7-0. np SFOR SALE - mirrored wardrobe, S45.00, metal frame bed, $8.00, IsLat spring, rocking chair, kitehien vaccurn eteauier, otiier Cali 942-6638. Lady inig Oie enîd of 5797. WANTED Io do lhouse day a week. Whiîby. Call $8.00, chairs. items emp. North M 668- May 8/74 FOR SALE 3baby beds wiîlî maîtresses, a few high chairs. I bedroom suite witbi double drêsser, a few chiesi of' drawcrs. A few 0111cr beds withi maîtresses good l'or the cottage. Ahl kinds of lamps. Cal! any- lime. Telepiione 668-9009. May 8/74 -FOR RENT Modern farmn house lor rent. 3) bedroomis. Iii Cani- nington. S200.00 per nionth. Refernces. Call, Toronto, 485-1765. Ma157 CARPENTRY. Kitchenl cuphoards. home improvenienîs. floor tilîig and ceramie wail tiling, etc. Free estimale%. Phone after 6 p.m.. 668-4686. WATER PROOFING Cal for Free Estimates Basernent Repair - Inside and Out Concrete Work and Patios Division of Ciaremore Construction CALL 723-5000 buose. wai k h im. as vou mu Lst. oni a ceash. anid don'î _ce him do hiis business anivwbiere but_ on vour lîroperty. 1-he oly otîter optiontu at I, and others like me. wili have il' vou dog,-o)wrers dori't act responlsibly, is tb have thie Animai Cont roi O If'icer inctude our arca, on Iiis regu lar roule. I IAPPENINGS: l'le Mcn'*s IHockey Leagoe imeetinig was bieid on Thurs- dav. May 211d. A live-inan commliit tee xas torilned. and wiii develop the leaigLe rules. and register the players over the suiiinîer imotbis. I nflat*ion Squeeze Offset by Budget by BM Newman Livinin iiOntario Southi we are iîfl uciced grea tly b\' Met ropol i la Toroit. amnd. as suich, i .ave fl!thte sctueeze of' iiillatîii moil oniy ai tlie grocerv stor'e amnidii clotimg ou r lamni!ics. b[tutiîli ie cosl o t' h ousi mîg. Reco gmi zin lmgia timifl ationus a se rotl s ;roblcmîî 0111a rio's i1)7-4 Budget takes defiuîite sîeps 10: otî'setldite efîects of iillaîiouî; restraim inlation.i *stiliilate supply: -sh a e with ic ue blimb ichepro fi t sfroiniî n flatijoli stiare reso..urces wi tiiioca! govermii is. Fim'siv, ini amiefftort 10 stabl ize lanîd prices anid recover l'or the public a mlajor sta me of' wiidfall gaimts fromn Iland speculat iomî. a land speculation tax wenît iuîto effect April I Olli. Thîis bax imposes ami addiîiomiai 5011( lax ou ilte imcrease iin vaine reahizcd on the sale of' lanîd. Over and above tlîis tax, normal persomial anîd coporate iuîconîc taxes will appty. 1 ain pleased 10 seceîhîis tax coic imto effeci as it sliould bc effective in discouragimîg tlic brmyimig amnd re-setIiuîg of* properiies withormt umy real value lîcimg addcd. t1uîmst add. howevem, iiat it is lot diîe Onîtario govermumîlemt's imntenitotn bo discourage devehopmîîcmît anîd const ruct ion of' imdusiriul, comnnercial or residentiail buildinigs. Tie foltowiuig cxciii- ptions. îlierelfore, have beemi provided f'or: sale of propemby lfor comnmeircial anîd imdustriai purposes; -poperty where the vendor liais coniplied witiî a Free Press Em~ rium Thme Eaiily Funr Day is siated f'Or laie Juîîe. waîît toliici. cali Hecather Croiiîî u t 668-9429). Il you MEN'S SLOW PITCII BASE13ALL: Anvomie iii Ieresîed iii pîaying basebali. Thursday. May 9111î, 6:30 p.un.. Southi Dianoîîd. Centennial Park, Brock Street, sec Bob Rideli. Reîncnber. Ici imc kmiovvxvats goiîg 0on. line, c/o Evans Court, Whitby, Ontario. __ .Drop mne a subdivision agreement or lias boughit serviced la- nid and constructed residen liai or coînmiierîcal pr- enises,, tonîieowvners are exemîpt t'or thecir p)rincipal resid- ence inciuding 10 acres ot lantd; l*aiiy larmis aie exempt wien îbey are trantsfer- cd wiîtlin lle familnd continuLe in aý'rIC IIturlai uISe. Con troi ot' amithler aspect tl' rising land p ricesiLe. Ii age-sca le acqu isi tion1of' Ian d hbv n n -(aitad iains.w ili be con trolied 1wý a land t ransfe r tax. Noni-residen ispucaig propcrty iii Ont ario arc nlow t axed ait '0' ,. M ore specit'ic dela ils of bol t h tesc taxes are iiici uded iii Ill l i budgt xvi cl can îîli o bt ainîed troi Ill1e Mili Stl rvO f' Tre-asu r-y Econoiîî- îcs ind InîrGvcîeîiAfiairs, Frost Biliding., Toronîto. LasI ycar. On t ario inînicipi ilies receivcd direct ly large provincial gratilsIs taeîîabled tliîîi to ci ther b odidhe m in properly t axes or reduce tlîemn. TIiis t rend iS COn tinliîed luis vear witliiflic Property Tax S tabilizati on Programme. The total amnoulît of' the provincial gralîts is S 124 million, and wil hoid properlt' lax increcases to an average of 3.2Ç4e insieud of'10';1,ac ross flie province. Being loca ted in tIe Regionai M unicipt i ty of* Durthamn Ille mnunicipality receives a property tax stabilizatîoîî grant wtî le Ille tIicec lower lier mlunlicipalit ies receive sepamate gran is over, and above flie regional omie. I thouglît ilt wouId be ol'iiiterest 10 you lu sec xvbaîthlese estimiaîcd grants are: Durliaini....................... S743,000 Aj ax........................... S590.000 Pickering .....................$57,000 Wtîitby........................ S703.000 There are miaiy more details ol' ihe budget ttîat I1xvould like to discuss wiîh you: The GAINS programme. iinceased tax credîts, more exenmptions iti retail sales tax. inceascd infing and tiniber luxes. I wil îlk about tiese iii nlext wcck's coltuinii WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th, 1974, PAGE il NOTICE Tf) READERS--- Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY whe'i you seli! There wili flot be any charge to advertisers :*n the Whitby FREE PRESS unless the advertis- ed item is w.ld. Whien the advertised item is sold, you pay a commissio'n based oni the advertised price as illustrated below. Ait advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the Whitby FREE PRESS. i<ATES (if article is sofa): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 12% of the balance over $400.00 EX. - Item seils for $50.00 - commissions due - $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00). Pdivate advertising only! Please notify us if you find a ret'iler listed as a private advertiser. Please notify thec Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold so that we may delete it from f.ollowing issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads can onty be handled on a prepaid basis.. If in doubt cail: 668-6111 Mail ail ads to: Whitby Free Press Emporium P..Box 206 2nd.&3rd MORTGAGE MONET AVAILABLE 0*55y.r termn 0 Open Portoges a No paywIWflt for thr. mnoathi a No borwses 0 No credif cbocks 0 No inquiry from nighboqrs a Confiduiona orrongerinfs mode in your homoe 0 sorow os low os S 1,60 c u M. WUks 942-2611 i(L«a) ~BaIy St. Bey RIdlg. Tuie West Lynide Mixed Bowlinig league lfinishied ils piayoi-ts on April 30th. Thie Do) Do's emerged as PlayoiT Chiampions edginig iie Swinigers by IL)pins over 6 gaines. . 1

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