Words from West Lynde by Norm Mealing This week we profile two of the remaining three mnembers of tbe executive of tbe West Lynde Cornmunity Association. Margaret Boyce (Secretary) Margaret Boyce, bier hiusband, Bernard, and their four chiîdren live on Anri Arbour Court in our subdivision. Tbey mnoved to Whitby from Mon treal where tlhey hiad emiigrated fromi Engiaîîd. Margaret is a teachier by profe- ssion, and in Montreal, sIte owncd arnd operated a Nursery School. SIte is a supervisor aI a nursery seblool in Osbawa. Margaret soughrt the positîin of Secreîary primarily because of ber past experience as secretary of a P.T.A. in Montreal. Site says that slIe knows the job thal riceds 10, be done, and initends to sec that it gets donc. Mrs. Boyce * joined the Association. and ran for office because sIte wanted very mutcli to get invoived. She sees otir commun- * îy as dispuîed and viol really a part of Wbitby. SlIe wants to overcome this and describes a stîccessfui conuniry *association as "somietbing wbicbi joins everytbing logetlher." 1~Mararet secs lte main challenges for lte W.L.('.A. in tecoming year. "We need," site says "ru get a recrealional programi going soon. to gel the parks, roads etc. in West Lynde fixed up, and to beconie invoîved witb the sbool board su tha r the rîew schooî is availabie for tise by the * community. Hearber Crortiien (Social Director) Heatlier Crotrieri iives witliiber biusband anid tree children on Calais St reetr. Site liails [romi Scarbotrougir. and mioved lu Wbitby tb enjuy the advaiages of a smnailer cîty. Hearber is une of the (tîd girards on te nîew excecîr ive ini ibiat slhe se rvcd on the Steering (Xotirtee f' rite W. L.C.A. Suie lias taker art acrtive part i n thte Associat ittn becatîse shie feels r ha r a yon rtc cornt it v needs surve- tbirig lu uriify te residents. Mrs. Crurnien admirs that site wartted te responisibiliries ut Social Director wiiert sIte rani for otffice. Sire potitsb witb justifiable prîde to ihie successfnrl cLiices v hicit liave been lieid. arnd pruritises tiia t tliev v.ere lusi tire begi uni ne1. As unle ut twtî Iiocsewives oin Ile execci rive. I ieairler planîs 10 involve otiter ltotrse\wives, as iticli as p Msbl i the social progranis of lte .[..Sire sees as I îssrb)iiiit esý bingo nigliîs anrd square clanrces trncilit pes rIte Wt tieni otl We st Lvnde wvil i pitch ut aid lielip. Heat1er's prescnprit t, 'cct sý a Vink ii nI)a\' plaît- ried for Lite Jci ie. Sire w.anlis litip Mi .îi\ ttrt inticiesteci rhold cail lier ai 6Ã"bS.-1)4 2(). [30W tiLN(. W.L.C'.A. MIE)BOWLIiNGI. .FINAL STANDINGS T E ANI1 l'O lNl -IS Swimwers ivovà r ERVICE - Spring Speci White B*irch Clumps S'ilvei Large Selection $21 .5' up Fast G $50800 Off Any Clump reg. These item s are on a f irst corne f irst served1 ALITEMS ARE CASH AI We t 0 RE stoci *ou X~5000 CONLIN RD. Larg _____ZDuri z o z ut c~TAUNTON RD. Mon.i Satuci FE Sunda ROSSLAND RD. m LOOK FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS FROM O.G.s. LJA, Lucky Strikes Bar Mac Do Do's Misfits Bombers King Pins Screwballs HAPPENINGS Dan Pelletier tells me that a meeting will be beld on Thursday, May 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Munhicipal Building. Dundas St. W. to discuss the Men's Hockey League. A rep fromi the Recreation Dept. will be there, and Dan says anyone interèsted should attend. A&s 1ISee Ut by Rev. R. H. James Whitby Free Methodist Church May 1 congratulate The Kinsmen on their Bikeatlion and miany other groups for useful worthwile recreation and projccts for our boys and girls. The Scouts. Guides, and other wortby organizations, camps, etc. are indeed miost worthy. Il is puzzling. disappointing and liard to undcrstand wlîy the Bikeathon lias to bce beld on Sunday morning.- Tbiis interfères, intrudcs and causes confusion concernîng one of the main cvcn ts of the chiurch for thecir hblîdren - flic Olne lour miorning Sunday School. No organization or group bas, nor would thcy, organize public even ts for boys and girls any day Monday to Friday whichi wottid in terfère with tleir scliooi hiours. Wbiy do an incrcasing number hoid lit tic regard for tlic ecurch. SLcb) as nlany hiockey tcami practices. gamies etc.? Or is il an oveî-sigb t. 15 tbcre inconveniences in lbaving a Sar urday 13 ikea thon? I iund reds ot chîld ren who are honotiring thieir paîrenîts b', ben il inii ltrlonS n a orig ac eigdeprived of die likeathuon, I lockey gaines, airntdmi cuc o uda onina ofirsports and activities. Ma\ i. i n c 1< >Sig. Ct nien cld and wi sh each munotp Ille best il) success in il il i t t rrt s t o kee r Sunrd av a [ara il',' iay snclr as Hr Ite nruns. C(htirclies and uther ttroauiatittns. F . A LA N1 TR U 1 N BAINK I . (" I/ ' LAWSON C.A. STE E <RUPT('Y G; 1.1/ "THE CENTENNIAL GARDEN CENTRE"5 THICKSON ROAD NORTH RR No. 1 BROOKLIN. ONTAbIO LDCATED 41/2 MILES NORTH 0F HWY. No. 2 PHONE 655-3331 laIS r Maples 6'm 8' rrowing Shade Tree i$7-95 Sale $4.95 basis-while they Iast ND CARRY carry a complote line of A-i nursery k and ail rolated gardon alds. Over ) trees and shrubs to choase from. gest gardon contre and nursories ln iam R egion I I I I I I I I I l I Everybody WHITI3Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1974, PAGE 5 G.M. Vacatieons Gencral Motors of Cana-, Tbe comipany's vacation da lias announiccd tlhat the pay scliedulc for biourly rate sunîimer vacation sebiedule for is 80 liotirs more tlian a Oshawa veliiele assemibiy pl- year's ser-vice but Iess thian ants wilI be the wccks bc- ftbrcc 100 biours for- tbree ginning August 5 and 1 2. but lcss thian' five -,120 lhou rs For fabricating operaltions fo r five years but less thian the two-week vacationi period 10, 140 liours for 10 years will be set on a deparinientai but less thianI 5; 160 Jhours basis, with soine sections shiut for more thian 15 years but down Juiy 29 and otîlers Iess tlian 20; and, 200 biours eioscd on August 5, depend- for. 20 .or more years of ing on production sclieduies. service. Ifor buisiness or pleasure I Oshawa Flying Club-- Gov't approved schooI for both commercial and piepilot trainingI lot Lessor: $5.00 and fiais ad OSHAWA AURPORT I <JTy~Q~412* N728-1626 < Brooklin Spring Fair Parade Re-Scheduled For Sat. June 1lst. Tbe parade this year will The Brooklin Spring Fair Parade plans are wcll under- 'Na\. En try fornis for the Pairade have heen sent ot and a few ent ries have been cont-irmed ai ready 1w tele- The 13rotikl ii Spring Fai r and Pa rade is scheduled f'or .Sajrldav. inne I s!. be starting at 10 a.m. instead of itooi as itn past years. Tomi Douglas, editor of This Weck., Eric Watts. editor ot* Oshawa Times, and Mike Burgess, editorof The Wirby Frc Press Will be judging the fluais iii the parade. F-or furtber information caîl 655-3750 or 655-4378. i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - s Welcome to Your Credýit union Off ice Whitby Credit PEN 7 DAYS A WEEK I1 . thrui Fn.- 9 a.m. tiI darkfl* - day -- 9 a.mi. tii 6 pan. I I I IlLIU. ýay - 10 a.nî. tiI 6 p.m.i IEMBER: INDCAE OLAiii Dundas St. W. Wh*itby, IP :M IIIL Iy I IThursdayMay6,i974 f rom 2 p.m.til 9p.m. Refreshments WiII Be Served I Free Balloons for the Children1 I ,au lu