Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2$ W E*i NESDAY, APRIL 10, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Iff(]f1 1Although scicntists have found proaf of high in teliigence in such creatures as porpoises, kilier whaies and monkeys, homo sapien is stili regarded as the most intelligent specie.s on earth. Psychiologists are constantiy trying ta figure out why. In fact, long after mani has startcd migrating froni earthi ta neighbouring pianets, psychoiogists wiil stili be busy probing flhc inner dcpthis of man's mind ta find out whiat makes him tick. In the fild of medicine have hiailcd such men as Salk and Banting and even Louis Pasteur xvas listed in the annais The Master Specues of history for lis prt ;ess of assuring that milk, a basic food,. was kcpt free o impurities and disease producing bacteria. These learned gentlemen devclopcd breakthroughs that assured rnan's survivai on earth. Realizing that man should survive wc have tried ta elimninate practîces that threatcn him with extinction. Presumaibly that's why, not too many years ago, man insisted the automobile rnanufacturers instaîl seat beits in cach and evcry auto buiit 50 in thc case of an accident the occupants wouid iîot bash their brains out on the dash or windshieid. The aid ciche about Ieading a horse to w ater but being unabie to make him drink should have been applied ta the species of homo sapien. Somne of the very people who insisted seat beits be instailed manditoriaily are now screaming their protests about possible legisiation forcing auto occupants to legally have to wear them. Maybe the saying should go, "You can iead a man ta a seat beit but you can neither convînce him nor force him ta wear it!" So much for the intelligence of homo' sapien. .-Robbery1 he stopped it and within min- utes there were 10 cruisers there ta assist him. The moncy was found under the front seat of the car occ- upied by thrce men. Arrested and chargcd with con't From P. 1' two counts of armned robbery are Douglas James Howard, 25, of 58 Hîiey Ave., Picker- ing, John Barry Porter, 3 1, of .285 Albert St., Oshawa, and Richard William Smith, 28, of King's Court, Ajax. St. John's Brigade Annual .Inspection The annuial inspection of the Ontario Durham Corps of St. John's Ambulance Bri- gade is ta be« heid at the ncw troquais Park Arena Sunday, May 5 at 2:30 p.m. This is expccted ta be about a two hour program, with coffee servcd aftcrwards. Awards will be prcsentcd ta members of the brigade for their accompishmcnts over the past year, and for proficicncy. Seven units wiil be includ- cd of those will be units from -Whiýby, -Ajax ykk riand, Oshawa. *The Inspecting officers arc Col. J.D. Gailoway (Ont. Prov. Comimissioner), Mayor Des Newman, and Col. A.R. Ritchie. The three Whitby uinits are headed by Superintendent Peter Etmanskie, Supt. Hank Nobbs, and Supt. Mrs. Fran- cis Terry. There wiil be a parade froru Henry Street Hîgh Sch- ool ieaving at 2 p.m. going down Henry St. ta the ncw are na. The Whitby units total approximately 19 Senior me- mbcrs and about 40 cadets. -,-The -Whitby. brass- barid wli be in attendance., This wdli be the first public affaiîr at the new arena. -ea'dr r Dear Mr.lBurgess: As the Whitby Girls' Hoc- key is coming ta a close for another season,, it is at this time wc would like ta give you aur sincerest thanks for your assistance. The girls have had a succ- essful year. They made the Semi-Finals but Iost twice in a best out of three series. They participated in two tournamnents and each time they have brought home a cup for Whitby ta dispiay. And it was through you that these gamnes were brought ta the public's attention. We oniy hope now that To The Edîtor:. An separate news releases to-day the Towns of Mark- ham and Whtchurch - Stouf- fville revealed the contents of their briefs sent into the Airport Inquiry. Bath were prepared by specia lists in the field of environmental noise anc from Canada and the other froin the USA and they say that the Ministry of Transport noise maps do flot present a truc picture ta the effects of Airport 1 1. My awn brief deiivered ta, the 1I'nquiry Iast week stat- ed exactly that. In 'Vicw of these three independent stud- ies arniving at 'the'saine con- clusion there is no doubt that the- airport people are iying. 1 therefare formally charge that the :MOT,,noise. maps are fraudulent and -that the -'oeple 1surrounding the pro- t he people of Durham Couin- ty realize that girls hockey in Whitby is a reality and that they continue ta cnjoy read- ing your articles as much as the girls have cnjoyed playing for their team. In the future we plan ta cxpand an the idea of girls hockey in Whitby and make it more of a sport for the people ta sec, and we further hope that you wiil continue ta print aur games for the people at home ta enjoy. Yours very truly, Mrs. Ruth Pitre Public Relations 602 Palace St. Whitby. posed airport are bcing delib- eratiy deceived. 1 have written ta Norm Cafik asking that my charge be brought ta the attention of Mr. Marchand. 1 have aiso written ta the Honourable Bill Newman ask- ing that the Cedarwood pea;, pie be adviscd of these devel- opmcnts. Since we can no longer beliève the MOT 1 am going to ask that.the firm of Boit, Bcranck and Newman devel- opers of the CNR and NEF systems and woridwide ex- perts on airpo)rt noise be askcd 'ta prepare a report on the effects of the airpart disturbance on Pickering and especially Cedarwood. Youýrs truly, Ken Spr atIe', Counc ior R.R. 1 Brooklin THE WHITBY FREE PRESS IS NOW PAYING $5.00 EACH WEEK FOR THE BESI NEWS TIP 0F THE WEEK. PHONE: 66 8-6111 - days 668-6700 - nights, week-ends NJew Plant Creates 35 Local ýJobs J.H. McNairn Ltd. of Scarborough have announc- cd that thcy intend ta commence construction of their new 33,000 square foot industrial plant in the Whitby Industrial Park thîs spring. Their 4!ý acre site is iocatcd on Consumners Drive directly south of Cannon Electric and lias been owncd by the com- pany for over anc year. J.H. McNairn Ltd. have been in business since 1882 whcn McNairn designed thc first waxing machine in Can- ada. The compafly presently mnanufactures wax paper ta the exact specifications of the food industry. They also manufacture custom shceting. printed papers, foil and paper larni nations and speciai coatings for the pack- aging trade. The company also produce waxcd and asp- haIt coated and laminatrd bulding papers and flashings. J.H. McNairn Ltd. are looking forward ta moving ta Whitby and ta a new building ta provide increased cfficiency of production and ta allow for expansion in an evcrgrawing industry. At ieast 35 new jobs wili be provided for the Whitby area. Mr. F.N. McEwcn, Direc- tor of Development, report- cd that lie was pleased that Mr. Ken Miller, President and Generai Manager of J.H. McNairn Lrd., xvas becomiîng associated with Whitby. Mr. Miller is quite involved in service clubs and will certain- ly bc an asset ta the, commnînty. Whitbyý Arts 2nd Request f or Grant To Be Considered thiird of the Board of Directors Dorothy Crawford, vice-a president of Whitby Arts, made a deputation ta Durham Re-i gional Counicil last Wednesday appealing a prior decision of couricil refusing their request for a $2,000 grant. The grant had been rcfused because the region finance co- mmittee did not consider Whitby Arts ta be as regional as the McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa which was bestowed with a grant. Mrs. Crawford said that of the 230 members of Whitby Arts only a littie over haif are Whitby residents, and anc Mayor D.G. Newman re- ported that he was particu- lardy pieased ta sec industriai growth continuing in Whitby and that hc cxpected- the Whitby Industriai Park ta be compietely buiit by this faîl. Mr. Ken Miller advised 11 ~ NOTICE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM litby ,site nd ay Garbage Disposai Site for the Town of Wh will be closed Friday April 12, 1974. The will be open Saturday April 1 3, 1974 and Moi April 15, 1974. R.F. Richardson, P. Eng. Comniissioner of Works. THE WH-ITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; also serving Alax and Pickering. Serving total of approximately 25,000 readers. Published every Wednesdav by Whitby Free Press Inc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at: Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, Whitby MAI L: Box 206, Ihitby PHONE: 668,6000 or,668.611il TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 MM[MIIG PERMIT NO. 2941 Editor/Gen. Manager - Mike Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim Quail Grephlc Arts - Marie Rutter ENERGY AGREEMENT Prime Minister Trudeau ind Canada's provincial pre- .rmers r'gached a I 2-month a- ;reement establishing a single îational price for domestic *nd imported ail. J The Prime Minister and he provincial leaders agreed- ta increase the price of Western Canadian crude ail ta $6.50 from $4.00 a barre l the federal government will continue ta subsidize ail prcsta corsumners iniQe The increase in the price of crude ail ta $6.50 a barrel is still about $4.00 below the world price. Following the agreemnent, Prime Minister Trudeau told a press conference that "it cauldn't be a better day for federalism." BILINGUALISM PROGRAM Secretary of State Hugh Faulkner announced a five- year renewal of the federai- provincial pragram on bilin- gualism, in education. L', The aim of the program is ensurýe that p'ârents of ei- arc non-Whitby residents. She said 4"the station is as important as the McLaughlin Gallery and possibly as region- ai." The matter« was referred ta the finance committcc ta be considered again. The proposcd Whitby Arts budget for 1974 is $12,050., an increase of $7,858.20 over 1972 with an estimated year end dificit of $2,5 50 if $4,000 is obtained from grants. Sal- aries for the Artist-in-residerice, and the part-limne co-ordinator account for one-third of this year's proposed budget. that McNairn Ltd. was very anxiaus ta move into their proposcd new facitity.' This new plant is a major step in the long history of this firm and will allow McNairn ta meet the demand for its many products. ther officiai language have the opportunity ta educate their childreri in their own Ian- guage and ta enable studen ts ta learn the other officiai language as a second ian- guage. Some $70 million will be spent on the program annually. URBAN ASSISTANCE The Liberal Government recently won ?a vote of confi- dence on its ,ý.w $100 million urbari demonstraLtion program. The program, introduced by Urban Affairs Minister Ran Basford, will provide funds for such projects as a new sewage systein ta eliminate wastes flowing into the Okanagan water basin; complete red evelopment of the Halifax waterfront; re- location of the Oshawa air- port and converting it inito 600 acres of residential land; and new' methods ta redevelop decaymng down- town areas in Canadian cities. Proposais for projects can be put forward. by- federai departments and agencies, by provinces, by municipalities, by the private sector and1 by individual Canadians, .. . .. . THIS WEEK from Ottawa m to i'ý 1 , , , , A 1 c',

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