Mc Donaid's FAMILY RESTAURANTS WHITBY & OSAWA1 Vol. 4, No. 13 10 CENTS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1974 Whitby WinsAppea on in Ranc Mink Breeder Has ta Stop After 18 Years. _ After winning a decision in Provincial Court, Daniel Korte, 54 Garrard Road, Whitby, lost when the Town of Whitby appealed the case at a higher court last Friday. Mr. Korte, 61, owner of a mink ranch at 54 Garrard Road, was charged with con- travention of a by-law, pro- hibiting the keeping of mink, which was passed in 1970... 12 years after he started rais- ing mink at this location. When the charge was brought against Mr. Korte and was heard in the Provin- cial Court the case was dis- missed by Provincial Court Judge H. W. Jermyn. The Town of Whitby, apparently not willing to ac- cept this court's decision, appealed and the case was heard in the Courtt of the Judicial District of Durham, formerly known as the Cou- nty Court. At the conclusion of the evidence Judge Donald Ross Shearer stated "I've got a lot of sympathy for Mr. Korte", and fined him $150. When Mr. Korte came to Garrard Road in the former corjidor area in June 1953 there were only two houses '3-Metre E Leaves Mi Says Dr. I Former councillor DrKen Hobbs is not too enthused about the proposed three- metre diving board at the new IroquoisPark Swimming Pool. Dr. Hobbs expressed his concern to council recently about senior citizens swimm- ing in the pool and the poss- ibility of children jumping on thern from tnree metres up. He was quoted as saying 'I very well realize that somd people feel that we senior cit- on the west side of Garrard Road. There was no Scott Street. at that time. He began to raise mink with six minks in May 1956 and built shelters for the an- imais in 1958 in agreement with the regulations as set out at that time. He was not aware that 12 years later a by-law would be passed prohiiting the raising and keeping of animals. This new by-law passed in 1970 prohibits the keeping of turkeys, geese. chickens, goats, swine, mink, foxes, and chinchillas in certain ar- eas of the municipality. This section of the municipality in 1960 did not have such a by-law, according to Town Clerk William Wallace "it was a matter of general infor- mation to the public as it was a new concept of leg- islation for this municipal- ity and it was felt that the public sho- uld be notified of the meet- ing. There was public notice in the papers having circula- tion in Whitby Town." He did not say it was advertised in LOCAL paper, nor did he say WHICH papers the notice was in. CONT. P.2 oard e Cold' Hobbs izens should stay at home and play solitaire and as a matter of fact in some cent. res they classify us as non- streakers, however the three metre board as it may be still leaves me cold." Dr. Hobbs also told coun- cil that they should have pr- ovided a whirlpool bath for senior citizens because it can have a therapeutic effect on aging circulation. The president of Canad- ian Swimming Pool Design Services, John Loaring, told council that a three metre diving board is a better ch- oice than a one metre board. The three metre board w- ould cost an additional $30,- 000. At time of -writing the council apparently feels that a three metre board will not be included, but a decision is expected soon. This familiar sign on Garrard Road will probably Korte was fined $150 and wiI not be allowed to con- soon disappear. A high court upheld the Town of tinue operation of his mink farm despite the fact that Whitby appeal of an earlier decision and found mink Mr. Korte's farm was in operation 12 years before the ranch owner Daniel Korte guilty of contravention of a by-law was passed. local by-law prohibiting the keeping of mink. Mr. Free Press Photo INSIDE TODAY'S HEALTH{.........................PAGE 3 WOMEN'S PAGE.......................PAGE 4 MOTORING..........................PAGE 5 SPORTS...............................................PAGE 9 GIRL OF THEWEEK........................;.PAGE 10 CLASSIFIED......................................PAGE 11 Whitby Sells Land For Bank and Restaurant The Town of Whitby has sold a 1.6 acre parcel of land at the south-west corner of Burns and Hopkins streets to W.A. Construction Co. to Toronto. This firm plans to contr- uct a bank and restaurant at this location with contr- uction to commence the first of June. The Whitby IndustrialPa'rk provides over 1,000 jobs and these facilities are now nec- essary for the employees and businesses in the area. It is also the intention of the owner to construct four in- dustrial units of 12,000 squ- are »feet making the total project 20,000 square feet. There is an evergrowing demand for the rental of industrial units in this area indicating the desire of man- ufacturers to locate in Whitby and in the Industrial Park. Roads Budget of 1.5 M. Approved by Town Council Whitby council has appr- oved a roads budget for this year of $1,545,016. Major projects include the reconstruction of Garrard Road 1,200 feet north of the recent construction, and the reconstruction of Perry St. North from Maple Street. The one and a half mill- ion dollar budget is divided Region Will C Area Sewer. P Durham region finance commitee has decided that costs for sanitary sewer pro- jects be charged back to the benefitting area municipali- ty. The subject came up last Thursday when 13 workers requiring immediate attention were brought forth by Bob Richardson, regional works commissioner. Waterworks projects, it was decided, will be funded from various reserve funds of area' municipalities which were turned over to the re- gion. The Whitby projects, part up: $430,647 for construct- ion with a supplementary amount of $700,850; and $397,940 for maintenance with another supplementary figure of $15,579. The town has apparently requested pr- -oad ovincial subsidies of $400- 000 for road work and $316- 346 for supplementary work. hange Back broject Costs of the Brock Street recons- truction, are a $230,000 san- itary sewer, and a $115,000 watermain. The Town of Whitby was requesting a committment from the region in oTder to notify the ministry of Trans- portation and Communicat- ions who are expected to give 90% subsidization for the reconstruction. The region has $636,000 in the former Whitby Public Utilities Commission's reser- ve fund which when trans- ferred to the region will be sufficient to pay for the wa- termain project. CIRCLE TAXI 128 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, ONT. 668-6666 24 HRS. Mo L- . 1 1 < - 1 1 < ý 1 > 1 ý , 1 1 ý 1 1 1 1 <1 1 1 . < ý Il 1 1 1 . Il 1, ý <, , 1