PAGE 10, WEDNESDAV, APRIL 3,1974, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS BURGESS GIRL 0F THE WEEK Pretty 18-year-old Nancy Legree is a grade 12 student who plans on a career in social work and will take early childhood education ai university next -year. Nancy teaches gymnastics part-urne when she's net werking at lier other part-lime job ihat of a scarnsiress. But Nancy does take a hioliday occasionially anid will bc spending the inonih ofiJuly hii Limia, Peru. Photo by Mike Burgess Landscaping Industry Gears f or Expansion Formerly regarded separ- ately as plant and tree nur- series,- turf farms, garden suppliers, là wn and garden maintenance firms, a whole industry bas emerged, rep- resenting, over a bundred, million dollars in sales last year, 10 Ontario consumers alne The indusiry is seeking 10 unify uts efforts ho pro- mnole ils products and ser- vices through ils provincial trade asscciaiil...- "Land- scape Ontanio". ht secks te promete and stimulate con- surner interesi in cvery as- pect involving horliculture througb irnprovinig'stanidards cf design, intsallation, mat- eriaIs, maintenance and workmansbip. They bave an ambition program. Consumer promo- tion ranks higb on thie list. But, essentia!Uy thte main thrust is towards up-grading industry training, product standards. metnbership group benefits, legislation. inter- change of' information on marketing techniques atnd honticuliural technology- The association actually is a merger cf tbrce carlier industry groups: On tarie Landscape Contract 'ors, On- tario Nursery Trades Assoc- iation. It was formed te consolidate parallel programs initiated by cach cof ieliehre merging associations, in or- der to focus more sharply, an industry image te residen- tial and commercial consumer. Organizcd in regional chiap- ters ihroughout tie province, Landscape On tario memibers are active on local prograrnis as well as in their provincial associations affairs. Reccog- nîzing flie widc appeal cf'l' te iiidustry ho secondary school students, the Association a- wards scholarships te yeuing men and woren enrolled in coinfliity college cou rses and encourages their partîci- pationi in Association func- tiens, both techinical and social. Toronto Chapter Prcsidcnt Marc Thiebaud. of' Oshawa Garden Service, lhcads the largest regional chapter. cx- tending from Oakvillc caisi to Oshawa and 'romn Torotnto north to Barrie and Sinmcoe ceunty- He is assisied by a Board of' Directors etf twelve menibers froni the region meti-ncd above. Soi-e cf the local mnembers in the Durham Region are, Oshawa Garden Service Ltd., King West Garden Centre, HI. Van Stitvcren & Son, Rundle Gar- den, Centre' Lud, Van Belle Gardons, Pine,,Ridge Nurser- ics and Pickering Nurseries. The Association is recog- nizcd as the arbiier otn stand- ards ilhroughion the industry and by Governtneni and cd- uceatîinal autheri tics ini On- tarie. Each year, ati its annual convention, it presenis aw- ards l'or excellence in residen- tiaI. comuinniiy and conîni- ercial landscaping proijccts, itn horticultural journalisrn and for singular acliievernen is aniong junior nurserymnen. It sponisors seminars on a broad range et' subjecis rcied horticulture and awards schi- olarships ii 1recognîitineof meritorieus achievement by students ini horticulture at communiiy colleges îbroughi- oui Ontario. e e coe by Marie Rutter for period of April 5 - 1l ARIES (March 21 - April 19) Relationships with, the opposite sex are intensified. You communicate very well with your eiders. Toward the end of%*the week, do more listening than asserting. Sig- nificant days are the 1 Oth and 11lth, when you may be tempted to take unnecessary risk's. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) Throughout the week, emphasis is on harmony with the domrnestic circle. Your cycle is moving up, but does 'not reach a high pint for a while yet. Emphasis is oni famnily and home life. There will be an added income in the near future. GEMINI (May 21 -June2l1) Travelling is flot especially favored. If taking a short trip be sure that your automobile is in tip-top shape. Try 10 avoid long journeys. Use exceptional care no matter how far you do go. Your partner or mate becomes very importan t to you. You r sign ificant day is Tuesday the 9 th. CANCER (June 22 - July 22) An unexpected event arises id-week. Unlike Gemini, travel is very favorable for you, Cancer. and may prove t0 be glamorous and beneficial. You may be attracted to a Capricorni but do flot get too involved as il won't last long enough 10 be worth while. LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) Your disposi tion improves during ibis sevcn-day peniod. Sec that your diet does flot include spiccy foods and hot drinks. Eat well, but siniply. You will feel better for it. Yoti'rc very lucky especially when il cornes te numbers. VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) This wcek you can do a great deal for your self image. You have an urge to spend money but check your budget firsi. You may be aitracted to an Aries but use caution firsi impressions nay be mnislcading. Signiicant days are Tuesday tlhc 9th and Wcdnesdaý' the lOih. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Prepare for a greai deal of activity during ibis seven-day perîod. A friend wvill be very helpful whcn it cornes to special frojccts, Muil over future goals you have in mmid. Now is theetir-ne te decide %vhat you rcaly want to do. SCORPIO (Oct. 2-3 - Nov. 21) This is an excellent pcriod for getting chores out of the wvay and clcaning up. Yon vill enjoy an audiovisual or lfilmi prcseniations dealing with ethnie cuilturcs. You nîay be a1ttracted te a Libra who takes commnand of certain si tuat ions. SAG ITTARI US (Nov.22 - Dec ' \Verk achieves special importance i t' oit toîl bchind the scenes. Research projects involving cheinistry and politics arc particularly favored. Nlid-wcek will be an excellent timie for going over the famnily budget and decid- ing whai bo do with that extra bit of cash. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 -iJan. 18) Energy increases during this sevcn-day cycle. You will be in a moud to climb on the bandwagon and take over. Near tbe end of the week is a favorable timne for friendly get-togethers. Your significant day is Sunday the seventb. RICHMOND Be pormpered anid trected tike a King! Shower, Sur'ken bath, N neboi Orub dowr, reloxtng lounge Altori Cr77VITRIA Nude photogrcnphy. privote room% 0 Tri'the 4 0<fter inthe King £ADELAIDE -o-eLadies aISO vwelCome. Attractive malle attendant. m 1u Vctrite!flo r$I O61.0 f,~,