Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1974, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Third Art Tnip '74 E xhibit Opens At, Pýickering -in Aprl 1 'it e .\ r î G a i e ti o îîî - exthiitîion of, pailitllos riepicîiîîtt Iite ('alaLlian Cou- ftîryside. 11Il le Siteridan Mail1, lPickeiîtg ",as parîrit o uIle Ga1 le rv's ctîrrent iA rtiFI-il)p '74 j)rt)gra 11. The exhtibitioin opens ont Tuiesdayi. April '. aîtd coit- t inuesicsItltrouîgh Sa turday, April 27 in the Pickering .ýstorelirotit" gallery. Oit viewv wiII bc works t'roin the Gall- e ry's Canaîdiait collection dating frorn lte 1880's 10 the I1960's. Ainong the p:- 1'J<" bv \iijaîî ('irik- sliiîk: A.'t. .acksri'sIa;: ('ril Pele's li do&mc i /I.,'Iî i/ Landing aitd Albert 1il. Roh- ilisoti'îS. Tile d<es CapS. 1 louirs ai Pickering r ae TnLesdaiy IluFridav . ji 8:3')0 p.: Sat Lird ay S, 10(iar.i. Io 5:310 1).n11,Admiîssiont is lirce. Th rougit ils Art Tnîp '74 prograi . [lite Art Gallery uo' Ontario is briî'ging exhibi- tions of Canadian ant oui t lle p l l,'1L')) I CI îru 'Tor- tit tr alii t stuunîî(iitg 11-eas wvitetvr. possible wiie Ilite Gaiî'spicîi.re NIaces 'are tlî1tporari v, citised for r-ello- Val itn. Fhis prooraincrnin li- ties tut ii 11(licropenls ini Sepicitîber. Ulittiil Iteit, wVatclt lor uthier Art TFrip '74 exiitjs it Shteridan Maills a t Pic ke ring an itdat M ississauga Yorkdale Shtoppintg (ceire. Sca rboroiîglt Towvn Cent re, 33 Hlazeltoit Avenue and. a fier May 1. lte new toit- course at te Toroîtto. Domi- îliinCentre. Mnissionary Convention An intcrestîing Missiîîary Convention is bcing hecid ai Durhamn Cologe Saiurd-Iy ev- ening March 3Oîh aI 7:30 I I r ALL paîn. Mienî Rev. Levene Sni- der frorn Japan wiii bc the guesi speakp.r. He wiii bc speakîig at the Rossiand Road Frec Methuo- disi Churcli. Whithy, Sunday even ing Marchi 3 1 st a t 7 parn. Everyone is weicome. Asof APR. 1 ,ELffI<O & STEREO SETS WILL INCREASE IN PRICE 0 We have a good selection in stock now at the old price HURRY' DON"T BE TOO LATE THE ACAPULCO Compact big screen 17"0 chromacolor deluxe cabinet in beige and dark brown, $39995 THE NAPOLI 26" Solid state Chromacolor I1 maiestic mediterran- ean styiing in oak or pecan. $959@ r I 1218 SIMCOE N. 579-2411 ~'$} ~ Save in the old fashioned way We may bc old fashioned, but we believe in paying interest - a generous 4% on regular savings aiccounts with chequing privileges. Higher interest on long term savings, too. So put your noney where it earns good pay - in a savîigs account - ait Victoria and Grey. Memiber Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTORIAan GREY 1 orne D. Reid Manager 308 DUNDAS W. WHITBY COURT REPORTý TEN MILE IPURSUIT LANDS DRIVER IN 1)IT('I iANI)_ COURT Steveni Whitter, 25, of Port Perry was fined $100 or 10 days n jail on a charge of coreless driving. He pleaded guilty to the charge. Ontario Provincial Police Constable Gilmoor ar 7 a.m., FebruarY 3rd investigated a single car motor vehicle accident on Highway 7 neai the "old Ontario Cournty houndary," The Off icer saw acar that hiad skidded about 300 yards off the roadway into the svvamp. The accused who was niot in the car "came forward stating he had somehow lost control of the car and landed in the swamp. He apparently had been drinking," the Off icer reported. George Ryder, 54, of Newcastle iivas fined $100 or 20 days in hall on a charge of theft. He pleaded guiltv to the charge. During the afternooh of January 12 a Security Officer at Woolco in the Whitby Mail saw the accused in the Hardware Department looking at various items. He went to the sandpaper and smali tool section of the Department. There he looked at saverai packages of sandpaper choosing a package he conceaied it in his coat. He then Iooked at pliers and put of pair of pliers in his pockat, walked round the store for a whila, then went out of the store without paying for the items. He was brought back into the store searched, the items were fbund on his person and he was charged wiî h theft. CAR LANDS IN SWAMP - DRIVER LANDS IN COURT HARDWARE ITEMS COSTLY "You must drive with due care and caution for the protection of others as well as for your own protection. It was ail dangerous driving," Provincial Court Judge H.W. Jermyn told Peter M. St., Pierre, 16, of Ceasaria, and Port Perry. His driver's license was suspended for 'six mnonths and ha was f ined $200 or 20 days in jail on the charge of dangerous driving. Mr. St. Pierra pleaded guilty. to the charge. Ontarïo Provincial Police Constable Cameron was eastbound on Highway 7A about 7:40 a.m. on Fabruary first when ha saw another eastbound car travelling at speeds ranging beteveen 85 and 100 miles par hour. In this region there are a number of curves and hilis and the Village of Nestieton. During the 10 mile pursuit the car driven by the accused wvenî for two miles through the village ai speeds up t0 90 miles per hour and there were children aiong the roadway. Coming to an intersection where Highwaj 7A intersects a regional road the car couldn't stop as it was travelling ait 100 great a rate of speed. It "skidded throughthe intersection and landed in the north ditch." The red light on the Police cruiser was in operation and the accosseri ciaimed "that he didn't see the police croiser lighr until hie had reached the intersection. That was the first time he was aware of the tact theeWýa5 a ýolice c.rui'sF r a oterca-ùrthe" area. He claimod that hie was "un a hurry to qet to a friend's place." [e te - tthe d.t* e, O. e w itb Some good things happen -at 651. Minisiry of Health Ontario iL 'iu i .lit ri T l î- ML) M'i,1 l Important: Always quote your OHIP number when contacting OHIP. The OHIP District Office in your area wiii answer any questions and help you with your application. Hami lion 25 Main St. 528-3481 London 227 Queens 433-4561 Sudbury 295 Bond St. 675-9111 Toronto 2195 Yonge Si. lEglinion) 482-111l Missismauca 55 City Centra Dr. 275-2730 Kingston 1055 Princess Si. 546-3811 Ottawa 75 Albert Si. 237-9100 Thunder Bey 200 South Syndicale Ave, 623-5131 Windsor 1427 Ouelletie Ave. 258-7560 ALSO IN STOCK ATITHE PRESENT TIME A FINE SELECTION 0F USED COLOUR TV's SENTERTAI NM ENT WILLIAMS CENTRE "jWhere Service Is Important" F ree Health Insurance. But you must apply for it.l Il becomes free as soon as you or your spouse turn 65. For both of you ard any eligibie dependents. Provided you have iived in Ontario for the Iast year. Phone, write or visit your OHIP District Office for an application form. You've earned il. m 1 Umar, à

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