Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Mar 1974, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESIJAY, MARCH 20, 1974 BIRD 'S EVE VIEW _J/M CL/AIL Rega i n.in g Lost Youth lsn't il terrible to wake up in the rnorning and realize the day may offer nothing more than te miake you a littie older. Lately l've been nolicing that flot only do I1flot have the jaunty spring of youth in niy stcp anyniore but whilc rny body may have faccd rip te the truth, mny head lhasn't 1 have been going skiiiîg with a younig tcllow front Pickcring. David Lin ton, and ilt is painfut te look back a few years and renieniber whien helirst sî:irted skiing. 1 say ils painful because there was a tinie whcîîlie had te hustie le keep rip te nie anid now îs ihe erlier wty ai eunid. Frankly. 1 don't know 1mw nmuch longer I can keep r- up. As witlî anx' skier Dave's first couple uf vears were spelit hacking arounid the hiilîs trving bo survive. I lis ftatiier seiit those Saine vears rrviug Yte keep the1wvo mog bu c k ut r ted wi th skis. h 's net i t t[)-,ive ou tgrew t1hein. allier cadi piair weuld disin teg ra te uiider lus feet . I is falier \vas efteii lîcard te iîiuuble. *1There lie gees skiing agaili and VIu OhIlY .1V I te cp iue Skiing ,is ver\ oris t liose Iiia lniixecauIse il recluires hours and hu so! practicehcloî>ie smustai i te get gooed au il Iet aloi nje te sporit. ('alliîg il a Speili lias t e be àa ni iSt ake ît o. A . dI\ sovlwo'to vuId(l utnIi a sne0W S10erii aI 10 d0glices ab ci) e roand charge d 'ssii ai hih aulspeeds approachinig 0 111111. &d iirees anid lences. laste be ai basket caise foi thîe Ipsy'clîiatiric ward. 1 don 'i cxclude nivscî f troiiliat cateloirv. Leekinsz back ai aIl tlhe craty iihi ngs 1t ave donce()nskis I can onlv c0enclude tiiiymvfricnds zare prebabl\, rigli t aoulie sur te of' tuvSsani iv. I chalk 'il up Iii Ir iu1, o regain nîy lest youth. There 's anoth2-r sat\-îing hat fls tee, "Tliere's ne fool like an old 10(1." Most people grow old graciorisly but il'ni tee stubborii se 1 I ghit il tili nîy rmuscles ache. E.vcry tinie 1 have a fal skiing 1 get up and wonider whcen l ni gcsing le have the eue that breaks an ankie or a leg. Usiially 1 don't saste tee nîuclî timie wonderîig abou t it aîîd ten mlinu tes la 1cr l'n doing sonieniore crazy stunîs. Mmnd yeu I don't ever remeruber doiiig soeof ihue things yeung David lias donc. One weekerîd wc werc out at the Oshawa Ski Club at Kirby and David figured he knew how te take this jump botter ilian the rest cf us. 1 figured, who arn I te argue, the kid's probably riglît se 1 weiît ahead. Well, David came over iliat jumnp like gang- busters, comptetely at the wrong aîngle of trajectcry, anîd did a beautiful flight path right into the top of a cherry irce. In situations like that î is very rude te say, 1i bld yeu so"'. Net wanting le be rude 1 didn't say anything, instead I jusit aughed myself sick. te know 1 gel îhem failing down the escalator in the subway iii Toronto. If Spring doesn't corne seon 1 can onty hope the men iii white corne and haut me away in the truck before 1 kilI myself. CARE's nutritious meals hetp 25 million children to a healthier" future. Two dollars provides food for 180 hungry children in the world's de- velopirig nations. Send you dollars to: CARE Canada Dept. 4 63 Sparks St. Ottawa K P 5A6 REPORT During the wcck cf Mardli 1th ite t 7tlî, 1974, officers on general Iaw etifercemnent aI Wtitby Detachîîîcnt invest- igatcd 4. thefts, 1 disturbaiice, I inîcidenît of malicieus damage, 6 liquor violations and 3 traffic cemplaints. On Wednesday, Mardi 13, 1974, at approximately 4:30 p.m., $45.00 worttî of stere tapes were stolen fromn a car belongiîîg te Jerry TAYLOR, Lot 1, Con. 7, Scugog Townîship. The car was parked ini fronît of the Port Perry H-igli School att heieime cf te thcft. On Friday cveiiing, Mr. Retie LESAUX, cf R.R. 4 Port Perry, rcported the îîcft cf $700.00 froîîî lus wallet. tîîis flini, pictured lefti TIic Doiiiof'ciethwRock rigilit: Lorrie Grectie, o (Mosque cf Omîar) oti Teîîî- caîîîera narrater; Joliiri (chlic pie Mounit, risiîîg abuve t lie as Richard tie Lioii-ticart( ancien t walihcf Old ieruisaleiiî cf' Engtand : Barry Morse syiiiboîiies tie ou-local ieu Saladiti. a legeuîdary Meste seltirîg of a CBC'-TV 90- lea.der:. Toby Robbiiîs as Mz mîinute îiistoricat docuimenîît - iamnie, icwîfe oi'fIerod tl ary-drarna. Ncxt Year lI Great; Josephi Yadin as I Jertrsaleiîî, fer tchecast oni cazar. leader cf' die Jews thie utwork Tucsday. Mardli Masada, First Century A.I 26, at 8 p.n. Tiue stars cf Sami Jaffe as tîîe proph Brookliln tUnited Invites Others Ladies cf' the Aîigi.cauî, Bapuist, Prcsbyteriaîî and Ro- mail ('a tiiic ('tîrrchies cf' the Cominînity have beeti iîîvited te joi te Breoktiîî Unîited Chîurctî Womeîî l'or dessert at 6:45 PM on Aprîl 2îîd, 1974, ai tic C.E. Btdg. cf the BrookliiîUnîited Cli- rîrclu. Foltowiîg itie dessert at 8 PM Mr. Aîîdrew Briidjar, District Secrctary, Canadiaii Bible Society, Upper Canada District wili îalk and show stides on Af'rica. Everyoiîe is weicome te corne anîd heur Mr. Brîîdjar. TIîe Brocktiîî United Cii- urcli Womnî have ceîîpited rlîeir t-avourite receipes iiite a cook book îiîled "Look 'N Cook"'. Thiese bocks are 110w avaitable frein inenîibers. Thie Atinuai Suîîduy Ser- vice cf* tic Brookliî Uniited Chîurçhî Womeïî wilI bc hîeid on Aprit 2t1sit at Il PM Mrs. Otive Baytîss, recentîy rctturiied frciintissien work iii Kerea, wiIi be thic guesi speaker. BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m. BUS SERVICE PROVJDED REV. MURRAY CLU( The theft occurred at this residence. An investigation by Constable Bob FINDLAY resulting in Paul N. WILSON, age 22, of Lot 20, Con. 10, R.R. 2 Seagrave, being charged with'Theft Over $200.00. He is schcduled te appear in court in Whit1by on April 9, 1974. Driring the, week officers on traffic patrol investigated 21 mnotor vehicle collisions. One person was killed, 10 people were injured and property damnage amnounted to> $47-,200.00. On Sunday mnorning at 1: 10 a.mn. a îwo vehicle collision on Highway 401, 0.5 miles east cf Ajax, ctaimed the life cf Richard DIXON, age 24, cf 4010 Lawrence Ave. E., Apt. 1109, Scarboro. The DIXON vehicle, a 1971 Triumph, was apparentty westbound, crossed the median aîîd went under the wheels cf an International tracter trailer. After the impact the vehicles traveîled 800 feet mbt the niedian where they burst itîto flames. The driver cf t1e tracter trailer, Michael FIDDES, age 23, of Montreal, and two passengers, David BATE, age 24, cf Montreal, seated ini the cab, aîid David COY, age 34, cf Montreal, wtîo was asleep in thie bunk cf the cab, all jumped clear after the trtîck exploded. Tlîey were treated and reîeased atAjax-Pickeritig General Hospital. DIXON was takenti t the Toroto City Morgue m7here he was positively identified by fitigerpritits. te Isaialî. The c cler filnîi. sîîot duced anîd directed by Harry J1i- ini Jcrusaîciîî anîd environs Rasky, recent ACTRA Asw e0s hast sruliiiiier, is wrillCii, pro- a rd-w iiine r. At s Ci î * j SPORISMEN9S SHOW ar- MARCH 1510O24 leW COLISEUM, EXHIBITION PARM ujt D. * Hourly Bus/Train Service to Exhibition Station. e Free Parking at most GO Stations. e Children under'l12 haîf the aduht fare. For further bus and train information phone: Metro Toronto 2831 Ctarkson-Oakville 845-6694 Burtington Hamuilton 527-8187 P icke ring -Ajax-Whitby-Oshawa 942-2000 Government of Ontario Transit Operated by CN and Gray Coach Lines 419 Brock Street North Whitby, Ontario Telephone (416) 668-2508 SUN DAY SERVICES WORSHIP SERVICE - 1l a.m. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 p.m. NURSERY PRO VIDED FOR ALL SERVICES le6 6USD Pioneer Girls and 6:15 pa.m. TUE DY: Christian Service Brigade to 7:45 p.m th Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.rn MINISTER 0F OUTREACH GSTON REV. RA LPH DUNN

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