Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Mar 1974, p. 4

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DAGE 4, WHîTBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20, 1974 Ad peori more over- ber- est in 2000 sent (Su thiný Ot perh acce ing*s long, grca -l il or r ily1 lot heal Age belr ila i i 1 t lie e nt st'f ens sin s', A quiet lunch in an histonical setting is <me way to relax af ter a shopping spree, and Blair Lancaster, Mliss Canada 1974 from Burlington, Ontario, is doing it ini superb style. Blair's fresh glouî and clean good looks are attention grabbers. And so is lier uvardrobe. SlIe's sporting a tiwo piece suit 10 spart the seasons in a fabric of Park Lane Jacquard Art l)eco iithi burgundy diamoncLs. The double elasticized waist affects the blouson style top and neat fit f rom t/te waisi dowLn that will predominate Spring and Summer fashion lines. The fabric is by Dominioni Teytile and Mhe design is by Marilyn Brooks. soniuch thl al hosilalitohn is soncay),and yosptztircon ist ncmplele andaplicti on for nthet eslte are benlilcatoordthy 0H11>. nd cidalrte ben oefitsb Only apply if y have beni i Ontario for ai leasi the past year. I)tîiulic Woods is a forinur edifor <>1 Canadicuî Finil 'v Plici a ga- rin. fe ha.r ,çcrv'd on flec'stafl of four inedical publications. ai ndii- Icin for- seierai aiiers ini Canada ani int eriiuIioPally. Euchre N*ight r lheincomglnetaxhelpsyse Iand how to makeiàtwork for yoii. As you know by now, we changed a lot of things last Second. If you're still confused or somnething just I year. We gave you a new return, a new Guide, severai new doesnt seem to work, phone. The number of your I deductions and a few new ru les. And quite honestly, we were . own District Taxation Office is beiow and at the more than a litIle concerned about your reaction to il ail. end of that number there are people whose oniy job is 10 help I (And very, very interested in your opinions.) taxpayers wîth problems, by telephone. And on Mondays and 1 Weii, now that we've had time to reaiiy look back at tl Tuesdays phone lines are open 'tli 6 p.m. So don't hesitate. and assess il honestiy, tl appears thal most taxpayers d id If you live outside the office area, cali the Operator andI not seem to f ind il too diff icuit. The error rate did not ac- ask for Zenith 0-4000. She will automalically connect you 10 I celerate greatly or change drasticaiiy f rom former years. your own District Taxation Off ice. Remember, ail calîs are Generaiiy, most taxpayers seemed to handle their new f ree, ail questions are answered, and if you have queries. weI returns fairiy weii. want you to cali. However, Income Tax wiii neyer be the easiesl or most * enjoyable thing in anyone's life. And il wiii aiways present ÇorTh ird. Some people prefer 10 taik thîngs over in probiemrs in some areas, for some people. Thats expected esnIfyuroeoftr adhvpobm, and undrstndale.dro by for free help. Anytime. The address of your * So. What we want 10 do now is really work on those District Taxation Of fice is below. yoi niiuly ondtee tf10 domet axttr usetFourth. Write. To Ihe address below. Explain your you difficuity. probiem as clearIy as possible and include aIl in- And thats whal April Aid is ail about. il's a help system n' formation. (And your return address, please.) In and t primary objective is 10 ensure that whenever or return, we'Ii answer ail letters as quîckiy and clearly as whatever you need heip with, you can gel il. And know how possible. Remember- if you need help. il's there. (And f ree). togt l And ail you have 10 do is ask. 10 gl il April Aid. T And thisis howit The Income Tax help syslem.I r ; works: Lets make il work for you. -'First. Your Guide is aiwçays the bs nswer when you have a probiem. J Read il. Foiiow il. Il not oniy gives expiana- 1 9 h lions, but in many cases, exampies of justw e ng tiI I Taxation Impôt Robert tny i ni r Roberi Stanbury. minitre Mackenzie Bdg., 36 Adéliade Street East, Toronto, Ont.ý M5C 1 J7 -869-1 500 Sinclair Homne and Sehool Assoc. have finalized their plans for their Annual Euchre Night. The Euchre will be held at the Sinclair School, located on Taunton Rd., ed by Mrs. R. Green, Friday March 29, 1974. Admission is $1 .00 and everyone is wel- corne. Lunch will be served. Ail proceeds will go towards the School Cenitenniial Cele- bration whiich will be held June ISth, 1974. Dutch Cheese a nd Potato Supper A N inxpnsive. supper dishi, his rheats wel and is tfilling, tasty and nutritous. Served with a green dish. 2 tablespoons butter 1 medium on ion, chopped 2 tablespoons flouir 12teaspoon saIt VBteaspoon pepper 1 cup milk 6 medium potatoes, peeled and grated I cutp shredded irrported Holland Edam or Gouda Preheat oven 10 350'. Grease a 11/2 or 2-quart baking dish. In saucepan meil butter. Sauté qnion until transparent. Blend in flour, sait and pepper. Add milk ail at once. Cook, sîirring constantîy until mixture îhick- ens. Mix together shredded cheese, gr.%ted potatoes and sauce. Pour int grensed bak- ing dish. Bake for 1 hour. Makes 6ý-8 s'trvings. -7 --IWF 1 ý - - r ý 1 ý 1 1 - - - . - 11, -7--lý- - ý ý -- r- ,; Fi r TODAY'S HEALTH Nursung Homes Are Brighter, Places Now A minimumi of 75 Ver cent of by David WoodIs Onîario's 23,000 nursing home bcds .tvances in medicine arc helping conie under the prograni. An up-to- le 10 live longer. Ontario has date list of nursing home addresses 'e han 600,000) people in the can be obtained from the Minis- -65 age group- and te num- try of Health, Nursing Home is increasing ýrapidly. Sontie Inspection, 880 Bay Street, Toronto taltes suiggesl that by the year M5S 1Z8. . thé ovcî-60 group wîll repre- rhcre are w-aiting lists for admis- the rnajority of our population. sion at many nursing homes. and, if youire over 34 now. start once you'Cre in, eligibility to.slay is iking!) ,eassessed ai six-month intervals. tir yotuth-worshippitig society Health insurance (OH IP) pays s to dismiss or, ignore the aged. $ 10.50 a day for each resident. The iaps as living reminders of our individutal coiributes fromi $4.50 a i rnorlality; and becauise of life's day (for standard ward accommo- leraî ing pace and miodemn learn- dation) up 10 $11 .5<) a day (for a 1 rapid obsolescence, age is no private or semi-privale room), de- ger associated with wisdorn. pending on the type of accommoda- oi only ihat. but our ever- lion chosen. aler nohility ofien resitis in the In sceking a nursing home. con- er generation gctling lcft behind sider ils location and surroundings, it's exceptional ioday to sec îwo ils medical, nurtsing and recreational more adul generalions of a fai- facililies- and miake sure iî's li- living tnder the saine roof. ccnsed hy the Ontario Ministry of oinie, of course, aie able 10 stay Healt h. orie and to look aifler t biir ovin it's flot easy 10 adjust 10 the new (ls. Others reqire a ssistance - a lifestyle of a nursing home - but or at litle. For tho-se who arc the homnes themiselvcs are trying to0 .lthy. there are l]umies for the ma;ke it. less ditlicilt. At one Toronto ed. or the Oiitariu Ministry of nuirsing home 1 visitecd. the 200 ýalth's Homie Care prograni. residents have TV louinges. regular ich olfers visits fromi nurses or bingo gaines, parties. cxercîsr, pro- p with hiiuior dillictities. gramns, a I ibrary aind icarning oppor- Fo>r those %vho require regular utnit es in a varieiy of arts and lv n ursing ca re. Ont-a rios 4 17 ci afts. rsing hornes reprceieit ani alterna- TEhe one-storey building is bright eto being hospitailized. And Io- and colorfuilly dccoratcd, and t he y*s nutr sing hornes ;ire ilitch miore service i nelîdes accommnodation,. ni sun ply retiositories for t he food. l-au:ndry and recr-eational faci- ici-ly. lites -- as well as 24-hour regis- There semns to be a growîvng tered nutrsinig care in three shifts. ,arene'--s thal olîL2r people have Nuirsing Home standairds aire subjeci ioitional aind r-ecr-eaitlinal needs as to regular assessrnent for conîinuing Ill as physical ones . . . and that licensutre. i :y haive a claim to a ret iremient The ideal situation exisîs when iriched wiîh inierests rallier than our older people can be cared for ilied wiîh solitude. Married cou- by relatives in a faimily environ- es are able 10 go on living nient. The alternative, especially ýgether. where there are inadequate facili- In Ontario. the terni ' nursing lies aI home and no need for hos- une' can oniy be applied to those putaI care, is the nursing home. And ýstiluitions iiccnsed uinder the Nur- the nursing home today is emphasiz- ig Honmes Act (April 1972), To ing the home aspect of caring for ialify for admission yoti have 10 the aged as nîuich as the nursing 'eti ai leaistl 1, hours of nursing part. Wliitby. It is being conven-

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