WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1974, PAGE 7 The perfect car for its time is a new Volkswagen called Dasher, a remarkable car that does tyeryth!rig you want a car to do these days. For example, high -power and good gas mileage normally don't go together.ý But Dasher has an as- tounding new, four-cylinder engine that does a hot 0-50 in 8.5 seconds and also gets 28 miles out of the gain. If you're like most people you wanta roomny car. And you want lots of trunk spac:eý. But you also don't want a big car. Well, Dasher solves the.problem. Technical innovations- some of thern will amaze before in a conventional car., As weIl as traction on curves and in mud 'and snow ýand'ice that's nothing less than spectacular. >Dasher also cornes with a miraculous littie thing called the Skidbreaker. Miraculous, because the Skidbreaker causes the Dasher to move st-raight ahead as you brake, when one side of the car is riding on lice or snow, normally ticklish proposition. Dasher is designed to be reliable (who knows how better than we?). It needs maintenance only at 10,000 mile intervals. Its made easy to repair. It takes TODAY'S HEALTH An Apple a Day.. by David Woods You've heard it said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. With soaring food prices - and since the advent of medicare - il probably makes more sense 10 gel a doctor. If you can find anc. There was a lime when family dactors made hause calis. Today, the house cali is practicallY non- existent, though the reasons for ils demise are considered quite corn- pelling. Medical science, the argu- ment goes, bas become so sophisti- cated and complex that il can no longer be carried arourid in a little black bag. tI Somne peoetake issue with that V ek, Cw- e, çtJ&. pç çdnt of the..ý College of Family Physicians, Dr. Claude Murphy, told the annual meeting of that organization in Quebec City last September that the house cali is not outdated. He referred 10 a study of the miedical profession in Ontarlo, which found that 40 per cent of patients sur- veyed reported that their own doc- tors were unwilling to make house catis. He said family doctors can't claim. to be providing continuiag care if they won't visit the homes of at least the aged, the incapacitated, or the young mother with several children. And so the seesaw of opinions teeters this way, then that, but the odds are still, against your getting a .GP, to visit,'ou at home, wben .y».Q need bim. So, where does that leave you if somnething happens in your home that requires immediate medical attention? Most people go to the emergency department of their local hospital. If it really is an emer- gency, then you're in the right place and whatever is wrong will be han- dled quickly. If it isn't, you're probably adding to the problems of an already overburdened depart- ment and may be in for a long wait. You should be seeing your family doctor. But today's family doclor -works an average of 56 hours a week. And he's as entitled as the next person to have some time off with his family, t0 relax, pursue his hobbies, or whatever. Obviously, we can't expect him to answer bis phone 24 hours a day evýry day. IWÊat w& cln dgç is toi find out from hjrn,hQW( erý Uç that his patients are covered at ail know about you and your family. tîrnes. Respect the fact that he's a very If he's a member of a g:oup busy man, but don't hesitate to cal practice, there shouldn't be a prob- on him either, when you really lem. If he's in practice on his own, need him. he should make some arrangement Give your family physician a for coverage by a colleague when chance to do what he's supposed to he's away. But î's up 10 you to find do - provide personal, continuing out, in advance, what his services and comprehensive care - and the are. hospital emergency departrments Try to, find a general practitioner what theY're meant to do - look as soon as you move to a new loca- af er emergencies. ion. If you have no referral from D v d W o s i o i e d t r o your previous family physician, a Daid d s Fis a fomer ilor ofa goodwayof fndig a ew ne i to zine. Hehas served on the inedical contact the Acadeny of Medicine, stafl of four medical publcationis, where there is one, or the hospital and written for several others in switchboard in the community you Canada and infernationally. have moved to. The local Chapter of the College of Family Physicians of Canada is another good initial reference point. Once you've found your neW> 'fà fùilfPIhyslcian, getto know him, :and let him know, whýt ie i1eedis,,