PAGE 16, WLVNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS TODAY'SL1m1 rc y Making Exercise Ned s to Ge't Brrowed Boks Bacýk The Whitby Public Library wishes to thank al those borrowers who helped with our moving by taking out books in December. In order to facilitate the return of these books to the new i6- rary, we are cancellitng al fines on books taken out from December I ,to Jan- uary 8. You helped us move - now help us get the books, back on our shelves. Corne in -and see us in the-new Library. I nteresti ng by David Woods 441 get my exercise acting as a palibearer to friends who exercise," * claimed U.S. lawyer-politician Chauncey Depew, who lived t0 the age of 94. But for most of us, the need for exercise is a more serions matter. SWe accept the fact that exercise is important for our health and well- being, but many feel it's lime- wasting - and boring. Does it have to0 be? loyd Perci- val, director of Toronto's Fitness Institute, believes it doesn't - pro- vided you go about it the right way. What is needed, says Percival, is motivation: wanting to be, and to stay, physically fit. Then it's a mat- ter of choosing an exercise program that's enjoyable. There's littie point ini walking your way 10, fitness,-if you're impatient, strongly competi- tive, or don't like your own com- pany. However, Percival rates brisk walking, cycling, and swinming among the more effective exercises. Before embarking on a fitness program, it's advisable 10 have a chat with your family doctor. He'll tell you what sort of condition you're in to start exercising, and will almost certainly advise you to go at it gradually. Anyone whose only exercise i the past ten years has been to get up 10 change the TV channel, or go to the fridge for a snack, wouid be iii- advised to rush out for a morning of strenuous jogging. Exercise should be fun but real- istic. Playing golf with a motorized cart, snowmobiling or driving 'a powerboat may b. very sporty- but they hardly contribute to fitness. Moreover, a leisurely stroli once a ~.week, or an occasional cip ini the pool, aren't enougb. Percival says that strong legs .mean a strong heart, and 10, achieve that you'll need to swim at least three times a week or walk at least a 15-minute mile a day. But remem- ber: build up to it - don't try to do it ail at once. Percival also urges that any exer- cisc b. followed flot by slumping into the nearest chair, but by what he cafis active rest: five mninutesi rhythm.ic rocking, or gently on-the-j spot running "to, help the body recover from ils effort." Exercise should not be something separate from daily routine - but a part.of it. For instance, ride an exercycle while you're watching television or listening to music. In other words, superimpose exercise on something else that interests you. In this conuc;ction, television sets that work only when you pedal furiously -like the ones i the Ontario Science Centre - might be a boon to fitness if they ever were 10 be marketed commercially. One lltness programn that gives the highest return per minute of Canada and internauionally.