PAGE 2, WEDIYESDAV, FEBRUARY 20, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS LEF-etor. F THE SHOES FITS After watching the illegal manouevers of quite a few school buses on our county roads lately it would appear to be tume to take the drivers out from behind the wheels and into the classrooms. Driving school buses may be only a part time jobi to many but with the job cornes a frightening amount of responsibility and we wonder how often the drivers think of that responsibility when they wheel the bus out of the yard. [ t is quite possible the students are to blame for distract- ing the driver but it is pretty hard to imagine a driver being distracted to the point where he makeswhat many people like to terni, 'a, rolling stop' through an intersection. Rolling stops are flot defined in the terms of the Highway Traffic Act because, of course, they are illegal and down- right dangerous. A stop sign meansjust that and no sehool' bus driver lias the right to jeopardize the lives of 20 students by failing to corne to a complete stop at an intersection.1 Running yellow warning lights, backing out onto a county road from a side road and improper lane changingý are ail illegal tactics sehool buses have been seen doing Iately. As well as failing to the standards of the H.T.A. some drivers seem, to be rather ignorant of where and when they are to put on their flashing liglits. Who is to say which school bus might bold a future Prime Minister, Nobel Peace Prize winner or scientist? We can"t prediet the future but we can make the present safer. Perhaps it sl-ould. be mandatory for school bus drivers to enroli in a defensive driving course or take a high school driver education course before they get the job. Maybe we owe that much to our kids. REAPERS WRITE Dear Sir: It is wth considerable open mindedness that 1 pen this letter, but 1 do feel that sornething further must be said te discourage the "Powers-that-Be" in expropriating another littie hamlet vis. Green River. This little village, probably as much, if net more, than those excluded f rom expropriation výis. Whitevale, Cherrywood etc. can lay dlaim te much of Historical Interest. 1 couldn't begin te enumerate in a letter the many incidence of Histerical value, dating back te the 1800's. Many of my ancesters pioneered here, in 1855 when our land was bought with pounds, shillings and pence and was measured off in chains, links and half-links. They cleared the land, under very distressing circumstances, built heuses, and made living in the district possible, for these who survived. Many did flot survive, but those who did certainly did net lack courage. This little harnlet should be henored, net destreyed, or eliminated, as the Gov't seemn inclined te do. Instead of destreying our Historical background, let us cultivate a wiser judgement in dealing with this situation and "Keep Faith- with those who are buried here. 1 arn aIse very much concerned over the promotion of a useless -White Elephant- in the f orm of another Airport at Brougham in Pickering Township, This vill cost many millions of dollars and wil certainIy be a staggering Ioad fer the Tax payers te carry for year-s te corne and not counting the loss in productîvity. When you consider than at average herd of cattle would comprise about 50, and multiply that bv 18 herds. think what that would mean in the lack ot mile production, which will be lest, if the proposed Airport and Cedarwood Housirsg Preject are allewed te go through. Consider aIse the losin beef cattle. Prices on beef now have soared eut et ail reason because ef a short-sighted peîicy and pork may aIse soon be prohibitive. I appeal te aIl sensible citizens te think this over: In 1972, 4,000,000 qits. et milk, 375,000 lbs. of pork, 45,000 bus. of wheat, $2.25 million worth of beef, $30,000 worth et poultry and 200,000 doz. eggs went te the Torento Market f rom the Airport site. These are f acts, statistics are net available for the area, unddr' thiýsplan or expropi lator. Vhy rio înquiry on this subject. You are only te look at the price ot fruit te see what has been dene in the Niagara district by Gev't bungling. Peaches have been imported from Georgia U.S.A. which in ne way can be cern- pared te our ewn Canadian peaches. AIse, apples, imported f rom Africa, were advertised in an l.G.A. store at 5 fer 59 cents and the Gov't wants te turn our orchards into Cement and Housing. Can they ferret eut the sense in that? Have the Trudeau and Davis Gov<'s ne idea of the value of the country's crops? These are things et inestimable value and ne money compensation can ever equal this national resource et A.1. agricultural land. The unmixed blessings of our rural Conservation Parks is another big issue. The Gov't has spent millions of dollars on these for the benefit et those harassed people who want te get away fromn Toronto for a few heurs eftrest and relaxation, with only a 25-30 mile drive te the country. Has the Gov't considered that the pro- posed Cedarwoed, a city ot 200.000 will only add te the traftic cengestion. When you consider that practically every famîly will have a car, maybe 2, where is the sense in adding to the already heavy traff ic on week-ends, and holidays and the dailY 5 o'clock rush. This new proposed Airport and Housing Project is chosen to be buîlt on Class A1. agricultural land, where the water for our con- sumption is f rom beautiful, never-failing springs, clear as crystal and unpolluted. If this asinine scheme goes through and this land expropriated, the many trees planted in big areas, to conserve vater, and needed to trap the water, during the flooding season, wili be lost. Last spring, sand-bags had to be used in abundance to protect the beaches in South Pickering. Does the Gov't want a flooding situation which would be infinitely worse if many of the trees in North Pickering wvere felled to make way for runwvays for an Airport and roadwvays fro Cedarwood Housing, stores and streets, etc. Why does the Gov't want to destroy what is an invaluable asset to our country? As 1 see it, the threat of expropriation has engulfed many of us here in these villages of Green River, Brougham and others, to the exclusion of our better judgment. To those of us who have inherited homes and farms, the result of years of hard laborious work, in order tu have something to leave te our chitdren, why should they be suddenly wrested or f ilshed from us by a Gov't, so obsessed by political aims, that they fail to see where this is leading.' Can they net see that farming and raising of live-stock is the very ife-bleod of our country? To take, by actual test, A.1. soil, such as this is, and cever il with cernent and housing, is nothing short of wvaste, & unparalleled lunacy. When you consider that Northern Ontario is seething vith dis- content, because the irdustry, development and housing it nieeds $0 badly, is not forthcoming, yet we continue to squeeze industry people and housing into Southern Ontario at the sacrifice of our best agricultural land, nothing but a short-sighted Gov't can be blamed for this. Also, as a constructive suggestion, may 1 say that up in Collingwood, they have every facility or indlustry, housing and developmient, on strong land, flot to be compared to our district, and more ship-building wvould give added employment* wvould it net be much more sensible for the Gov't to support a scheme whereby younq men with Wtong backs, and plenty of ambition, could be taken off the wvelf are roils and given a chance to earn, and Iearn, the basics of carpentry, ship-building, market- gardening, furriîture repaiîng, etc. etc., and give them a better incentive to become good cïtizens of Canada, a country whîch has no equal. January 29th, 1974 Due' to health reasons, since this letter was written, 1 have read a copv of the Order-în-Council stating that ît s necessary in the public interest te exproprîate without an inquiry procedure. We know that it was agaînst the Law for property te be expropria- ted, except for a Hospital etc. or something in the public interest. Why wvas the announcement made of a Press Conference, and not brought up in the Legislature. where [t could be debated. This scheme ïs not in the public initerest. It s being forced upon us, by the Gov't who sought to legalize this take.over of property, by retro-active legislation, pessed hast ily in a late niqht session or by Order-in-Council with ne ,nquiry procedure. Anyone with an ounce of sense, knows why there is to be no inquiry procedure. We in North Pickering have been blessed with a certain amount of in- telligence. Is this what you call Responsible Government" or "I rresponsible Government"? 1 wonder! We know that St. Scholastique Airport was built on the best land for dairy-farming in Quebec. The Gov't promised the farmers, on the periphery of the Airport that they could farm there as long as they wanted to. They said "You can sign a lease for 10 years, 50 years, or 100 years if you want to" but the fact is that the Gov't can Cancel a lease at a 3 months notice, if the land is needed for Airport purposes. (That includes Highways, Services, or what- ever>. This could happen in Ontario. Y<ours in Protest Vera E. Smith Green River, Ontario. Dear Sir: As a ioumnalist, your sup- port is needed to correct what strikes me as an extra- ordinarily dangerous situation ini the Highway Traffîc Act. Uike many citizens 1 have, for years, been under the impression that the regula- tions required that: a) School buses must have flashing lights operating when children are being loaded or unloaded. b) School 'buses must have a sign or Iettering, in- dicating "DO NOT PASS WHEN SIGNALS FL- ASFING". c) Motorists - approach- ing from either direc- tion must corne to a fulil stop until the fia- shing liglits stop. Did you realize that in areas where speed limits are niot more than 35 miles per hour none of these regula- tions are requireenits? In- deed, the Act allows the council of any city to exempt highways under its jurisdic- tion where speed limits may be more than 35 miles per hour. As a father and citizen, 1 submit to you that the pro- tection provided a child in a 36 mile per hour or over zone, is just as vital to a child in a 35 mile or under zone. Being hit by a car at any speed could indeed cost the precious life of a youngster. This week 1 have written ail members of our Provincial Pariament asking for intro- duction of a bill amending these inconsistencies in the Highway Traffic Act. 1 implore your investiga- tion and public support as a Journalist. Respectfully, Hugh A. Crothers Onie Crothers Drive Toronto M4H lAI Ail Sailnts Church HoId Gymalnfaganu Ail Saints Anglican Chiur- eh, corner of Centre Street and Dunldas St. West, will be holding a Gyrnanfaganu (We- lsh Hyrnn Sing> Sunday, Mar- ch 3at 7:30 p.m. The congregation of St. David's United Welsh Cîturcli ini Toronto will augment the Ail Saints congregation for a H-ynin Sing of Traditional Welsh hymns. Thtis will be a four-part conducted musical occasion. This aniual visit froni St. David'scongregat ion first started in 1966. Trhere will also be a yen- dition froni the club Cyni- raeg and a solo by Mr. C. Mason. lTe organîst wiIl be Mr. John Robertson and the conductor. Mr. Glyn Roberts. .,Following the service there will be a Te Bachi (cup of feï and Welslicakes). Ail are This pay day-- remerrber welcome at nto charge. Thlere will be the tîsual collection. This is one of a series of events being lield at Alil Sai- nits to dedicate their new pipe organ. OXFAM rH£ IWrERNArIONAL OEVELOPMENT PEOPLE 97 Eglinton Ave., East Toronto 315, Ontario 43 Summer Jobs Available Thie Whitby Recreation Departmient is now accepting applications for summer eni- ployment. A total of 43 positions are open: 30 as playground leaders (require- mtents - minimum age 16 and somne leadership ability and he ielizihIe): 8instructors ificate); 3 lifeguards for the Lake front (requirement - National Life Guard Certifi- cate). Applications are available at Denis O'Connor High Sch- ool, Anderson Collegiate, and the Ontario ILadies College, Volunteers are Now Needed for Whiltby Jaill Re-hab,. Programs David Homnenuck from Vol- unteer Prograrns Dept. of the Ministry of Correctional Ser- vices is looking for volunteers to start programs sudi as recreation and life skills for the iîîmates at the, Whitby Jail. In an interview with the FREE PRESS, Mr. Homenuck said he is appealing to any group or individual who feels that they have something to offer to the inmnates. ,Any adult men or women interested in helping with a program is asked to contact Frank Gil, Superintendant of the Whitby Jail at 668-8809. - guards for the conimunity atioli Dept. office at lo05 Thnis efforieparora swimming pool at Kinsman Coîborne Street, E. Provin-ide i vefrmei Park (minimum age 1 7 ad Applications wilI Ie accept: commsnit i vo emll t m in Red Cross lilstriictor's cert- ed tuntil 5 p.m, Mardli i th. filsittthis. ThBe inisrtryt step in rehabilitation îor tMe inmates because they will interact and relate better to volunteers who are seen as persons who actually care enough to corne ini on their own accord without getting paid. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voicc of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; also serving Ajax and Pickering. ZeJrving total of approximatelv 2É,,000 readers. Published every Wedncsdav bY Whitby Free Press Inc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at : Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, WhitbV MAIL: Box 206, Whitby PHONE: 668,6000or 668-111 TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 MMUNGM PERMIT NO. 2941 Editor/Gen. Manager - Milke Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim Quail Advertlslng Manager - Graphie Arts - Merle, Rutter