Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Feb 1974, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS 4SEVENS 668-7777 WHITBY Ranch bungalow situated on ½ acre lot , 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, L-shaped living-dining rooms, huge recreation room with bar. Owner has bought, asking $56,000. View before the spring rush! Call 668-7777. Earl bas heen in Real Estate since 1955, bas been a brokçer since 1957, and has a wide range of both residential ç L and commercial real estate ex periejice. WHIIIY 5 be'droom, 3 storey home situated on a 68' x 165' lot, and close to everything. Complete with family rooni, 3 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, separate living and dining rooms, inground swimming pool, 2 car garage, etc. For further information and to view, caîl 668-7777. OSHAWA, Two storey, semi detached. Three bedrooms, living, dining room. 4 pce. bath. In good condition. Priced to seil with $1,500 down to one mortgage. Caîl 668-7777. Jim has been a local resident for 14 years, and bas seven years Real Estate ~ expérience to put at your disposaI. EARL HARRIS JIM WILSON WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND AN INVITATION TO EVERYONE TO COME AND VISIT US AT OUR NEW OFFICES AT 121 BROCK STREET NORTHI NOTICE TO0PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Town of Whitby for approval of a By-law to regulate land use passed pur. suant to Section 35 of The PIan)iing Act. TA KE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law No. 1104- 73 read a first, second and third time and finally passed on the lOth day of December, 1973. A copy of the By-law is furnished herewit h. A note giving an explanaton of the purpose and effect of -the By-law and stating the lands af fec- ted thereby is aiso furnished herewith. Any person interested may. with- in fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of his objection ta approval of the said By-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. Any person wishing to support the application for approval of the By-Iaw may vithin fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of his support of approval to the said By-Iaw together wîth a request for notice of any Hearing that may be held giving also the namne and address to which such notice should be given. The Ontario Municýpql Board rnay approve of the said By-Iaw but before doingso it may appoint a time and place when any ob- iection to, the By-lavv will be conisidered. Notice of any hearlng that may be held -wIli be given only ta pesos ho have fied an objec- tion or a notice of support and who have lef t with or delivered - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to the 01er k undersigned the address to which notice of Hear- ing is to be send. The Iast date for filing objection vvill be the 2th day of February. 1974. Dated at the Town of WYhitby this 6th day of February, 1974. W. H. Walace, A .M .C.T., er k r) 405 Dundas Street West, mm,~ Whitby, Ontario. i o ietaIX ieps se THE CORPORATION 0F THE ep is m TOWN 0F WHITBY BY-LAW &id mmtnake itwork foryoau. O. i 14-3 EG BY-LAW .28 As you know by flow, ecagdaltothnsat Second. If you're still confused or smtigjs TO AEN BYAW O. 585 year. We gave you a new return, a new Guide, severai new doesn't seern to work, phone. The number of your AS AMEN DED deductions and a few new ru les. And qu ite honestiy, we were ~ own District Taxation Office is below and at the WH ER EAS the Council of the more.than a littie concerned about your reaction to it ait. end of that number there are people whose oniy job is to heîp Corporation of the Town of (And very, very interested in your opinions.) taxpayers with probiems, by telephone. And on Mondays and Whitby deems it desirable toi Weii, now that we've had timne to reatly look back at it Tuesdays phone iînes are open 'tii 6 p.m. So don't hesitate. amnend By-law No. 2585 (as anid assess it honestiy, it appears that most taxpayers did If you live outside the office area, cati the Operator and amnended.> flot seem to find it too difficuit. The error rate did flot ac- ask for Zenith 0-4000. She wiII automaticatly connect you to NOW THEREFORE, be it enact- ceierate greatty or change drasticaty fromn former years. yourown District Taxation Office. Remember, ail catis are ed and it is hereby enacted as a Generaiiy, most taxpayers seemed to handie their new f ree, ait1 questions are answered, and if you have queries, we D..-i.... M the~ rnnrtnf the I retu rns firy w >. an yuto cati. Town of Whitby by the Council* thereof as follows:I 1. That Section 17 (2) (b> (v) is hereby amended, by adding the following sen- tencp thereto: However, Income Tax wîll neyer be the easiest or most enjoyable thing in anyone's life. And it wili aiways present probiems in sorre areas, for some peop le. Thats expected and understandable. So. What we want to do now is real ly work on those problem areas. And the best way to do that is to work with you, individuatiy. on whatever part of Income Tax that causes .14..lffelih viNotswiftheni thepro- And that's what April Aid is ai l about. I's a help systemn vison ofth f rs paa-and its primary objective îs to ensure that whenlever or graph of Section 6 (13) whatever you need heip with, you can gel it. And know how the parking requirements to get it. for hotels and motels as set lorth in Section 6 (13) ,wcou And thisls howlt (a> shall ýppIy in a C3 MEi~ works: zone. L ---- First. Your Guide is atways the 2, This By-lavv shal ltake eff - best answer when you have a probiemn. ec r-mtedtei s Read it. FolIow it. It fot only gives expiana- (: eca frste datou ci s e t 5I tions, but in many cases. exam ples of just passd b Concîlsubect how to figure somnething out. to thie approval of The Ontario Municipal Boardci By-Iaw read a first, second andI thrd time and f inally passed thîs 1th day of December, A.D. 1973.I EXP LAN ATORY NOTE * Mackenzie Btdg., 36 Adelaide Street East, IToronto, Ont. M5C 1 J7- 869-1500 EXPLANATI ON 0F T-HE U . - - --L POSE AND EFFEOT 0F BY-LAW AND MOTELS IN C3 CENTRAL application is on file and open NO. 110473. THE PURPOSE COMMERCIAL ZONES 0F 1.2 for public inspection in the Plan- AND EFFEOT 0F BY-LAW NO. PARKING SPACES PER GUESI ning Department located at the 1104-73 IS TO REQUIRE ON ROOM.; Brooklin Offices, 14 Church St. SITE PARKING F09 HOTELS Almtrlfiecoc!inths reet, Brooklin, Ontario. iao Third. Some peopte prefer to taik things over in INperson. If you're one of them and have probtems, drop by for free heip. Anytime. The address of your District Taxation Office is beiow. Fourth. Write. To the address below. Explain your 'xproblem as cteariy as possible and include ali in- formation. (And your return address, please.) In return, we'it answer ail letters as quickly and cieariy as possible. Remember- if you need help, it's there. (Anid f ree). And ai l you have to do is ask. Aprii Aid. The Income Tax help system. Let's make it work for you. Together, wecagetit ~\done. Revnu ~~~~Canada Revenu Canada Impôt J-,Robert Stanburv Minister Roberi Stanburv ministre IF YOIJ ARE READING TIS AD, SO ARE OTHER PEOPLE* FREE PRESS ADS PAY! I I I I I I I I -J 1 1 Î3? E LmTY LTD,, %mow ioo let E ti

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