WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23,1974, PAGE 3 Sunday Shopping Freedo m of Choice TORONTO, Monday,iJan- uary 21, 1974..Freedom of choice for consumfer and retailer alike should be the only facto r governing any ev- entual decision the Ontario Government makes on Sun- day shopping laws, Noel R. Rebick told Provincial Justice Secretary, the Hon. George Kerr toda. - Speaking at a hearing con- ducted by Mr. Kerr at Queen's Park, .Mr. Rebick who is Pres- ident of Lumiberking Home and Garden Centres, Agin- court, said that the recent Ontario Green Paper on Sun- day as a Common Day of Rest and Uniformi Store Ho- urs ducked the issue by neg- lecting to outtine the advant- ages of an openî Sunday. The hearing took place at the Ontario Room. Macdonald Block, Quieen's Park. According to MIr. Rebick: "Freedom of Çhoice for re- tailer and shopper alike would remove from this Province the increasingly and univer- sally attributed stigma of gr- owirig interference by Gov- ernment with public liberties.i "Freedom of Choice thr-2 ough liberalized laws, soonere than the re-cycling or man- ipulation of existing laws, would mean the elimination t of the costly levels of en-c forcement required to main- t tain public respect and ob-v servance of more restrictiver laws.t "Freedom of Choice isi consistent witb public de-C mands for the right to make its own decisions as to what to do with its leisure time - and when, and where. Mr. Rebick went on tob say: "Aswe move inexorably, t towards a four day week, it iseems inevitable that the. nec- essity to reduce traffic peaks, to provide continuity in the service industries and to main- tain essential public services will see these four-day per- iods "staggered " , as indeed, several stLIdies lhave indicated they inust have. "'We feel stroiîgly, tliere- fore, that the observationof a common pause day will become more and nmore irr- edevant to Canadians as time goes bv. "~Of the well-îneaning, but misguided indivîduals wvho oppose Sunday openings" lie contintied, "we can only ask that in attempting to deny the pleasures and needs of' others they take into account the fact that the tolerant and democratic laws of a free country permit themn the free- dom to worship as they pIe- ase, the freedom flot to pat- ronize stores that open on Sundays and even the free- dom to criticize. "'Perhaps they will corne to realize that their own att- itudes are archaic, intolerant and often impertinent in an educated, modemn and free society. "We would venture to say that many of tliose who, shop on Sundays also worship on lhat day. Those who do not worship have, I1arn quite sure, no wish to interfere with those who do. Why is it that it doesn't seemn to work the other way around?"'. Mr. Rebick told Mr. Kerr Lhat his company was present- y conducting a public survey, in an attempt to confirn ilis belief that Sunday opening is the will of the people. 15 and costly reality righit here in this city. If you have doubts, examine the obitu- aies which appear in our daily newspapers. You will find that our local mortality experience closely parallels national figures; that, on the average, about haîf our death notice will 'mention 'heart attack', 'stroke' or 'heart dis- ease'. Ail too often these terms are applied to family breadwinners in the prime of life - men in the 45 to 65 year age bracket. There isonly one practical way to fight heart disease, namely by supporting your I-eart Foundation's balanced programs of research, educa- tion and information. You can do this by contributing Heart Fund dollars. Truly, the Heart Fund deserves a place at the very top of your 'giving for health' ist. Send your contributior> to the Can- adian Heart Fund, 310 Day- enport Road, Toronto, MSit 3K2, or your local Chapter. It is important for every- one to realize that the Heart Fund, conducted here and throughout Canada during February is something more tlîan just another health drive', The Heart Fund is uni- quely important. Essentially it is a combined appeal supp- orting the nationwide fight against a great complex of diseases and disorders - heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, rheumatic fever and inborn heart defects, to men- tion only a few. Diseases of the heart and circulation, which your Heart Fund doll- ars help to figlit, are respon- sible for more than 78,000 deaths in Canada each year. That is more than the corn-1 bined total, resulting from A other diseases and causes of death. In fact these cardio- vascular diseases account for over 51.4 percent of ail dea- ths. The heart problemn is no distant abstraction. Aithougli national and internation in scope, it exists as, a painful' Chapter Congr ess The Oshawa Chapter of the Certified General Acc- ountants Association of Qn-* tario will host the Ontario Chapter Congress at the'Holi- day Inn in Oshawa on Feb. 15 - 16,1974. The Congress represents ain opportunity for the Ont- ario Board of Governors and the Chairmen and Vice-Chair- menî of each regional Chapter of the Association to hold seminars, study sessions, and to review current accounting developments. Representa- tives from ail areas of the province will be in attendance. Special guest speakers wil bring messages fromn both the industrial and the politicai fields. Hlelp gour Heort. HeIp gour 4 Heart Fund STAINLESS STEEL POWER HUMIDIFIERS%., IAQUADUCT WORKS PERFECTLY ON ANY FORCED WARM AIR 1 FURNACE1 !CH*RG HARK" INDUSTRIESEX AJAX - O (NTARIO ;42-1 101-- DEALER ENQUIRIES INVITED -942-1101 i STANLEY & SO] NEW REROOFING M E T A L............... ........... 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