PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 23,1974, WH IT6YFR'EE PRESS. Fd Iu1orim- While die concept didn'i't seemn too bad the actuial workinig of regional governnîent.iii Whitby anîd surrouind- iîîg area is begiîîninig to ztcqitire the proverbial rotten snîiell from Denmiark. Anybody iiot directly working for the ilîuîiicipality niiglit not realize that A is not bliss these days buit juist ask any policemanl how'things are going ini the regional shLîffle. Not onlly have we lost omir cliief, WNilliamî Pilkinigtoi bt our inispector, Fred Baker lias beeiî denîotcd to sargeant and what was a very efficient police departnieint seemns to be plagued with a smnallnimorale prob lem. Aniother problemîî of regional governimenlt ini this area is the niane. We doit know wh<> suggested the naine Dtirharn but it looks like the legal ramifications of tising suich a îiame were îiot fully explored. Citizenls'living ini the town have objected to the naine anld it îiow appears thev have good reason to complaiiî. Lab reports inte,îded for the region of Durhîami are windiîîg up in the town of Duriarn, and the, people of the town of Durlham feel, silice their coiiiinty lias liad tlhe naine officially incorporated. thîe regioîî has no legal righit to use it. So liot only does thîe region of Durliarn have probleîîs' right off thîe bat as far as operatiîîg but it appears there is a chance the îîare wiII have to be chianged if the Town of Durianiwins their day iin court. .Add to the above thîe United Nationîs like noises tlîat are heard ini the regional council meetings along with the fact duat Wlitby is losiîîg the Industrial Coinnissioner, Wes Winters and you have to sit back and ask yourself if regional governnîent was better on paper than iii realtiy. Like a marriage, for better or for worse, we'll fiîîd out sooîî euougli. Ratepayers Question Councill Procedure Jolin Buchanîan, president of the Corridor Area Rate payers* Associationi, iin a letter to coumicil iîîforned thîem that the association did îlot consider that couincil lîad act- ed accordiîîg to correct par- liamentary procedure iii hand- ling the Wlitby Townl Estates subdivision alternat e pro posai. Mr. Buchanan said that after he lîad presented the alternate proposai to couîîcil Dec. 10, it was seiit to the admîinistrative conmittee for reco)Iiiiiendati>u (o council. But et a Dec. I17 meeting the counild accepted a ia- tion tca seîîd Al objections to the OntarioM>lunicipal Board. Mr. Buchianaui said that 'tlîis nîotion wvas passed even' thouglh it wats braLîglît ta cauncil 's attention that tlîis uatter wa s laready under ad- viseineîî of the admninistra- tive corniîitee. We feel that the miotion passed by coun- cil wvas i<)t done in correct parliiîîîentary l)rocedtire, aid iuLst be rescinded.' Mr. Buchîanan lso indic- ated tliat the association ini- teîîded to sec the situation corrected eveti if legal action wvas necessarv. Town Clerk BillI'Wallace said that the alterna,,tive pro- posaI had been referrtd to the admiinistrative coîîîiitcejist as iinformnation. Coti. Johni Goodwvin said Mayor Newman Back And Looking Good Witby i nman' is bacl niearly two due to as 'nie Mayl at a receit the first officiai businîess me- anîd t1 thie news îîax'or Des Newv- eting of the year, anid appear- respect ing lus pri k at work after cd ta be quite luppy ta be also thauîked tlie iionths' absenice back ta work. thîcir 'kiîîd gestur, spinal operation. Mavor Newman thaiked id tlat lie is fec 'or took the reins the counicil and town staff for better. "but by coujîcil meeting tlîeir help duriîg Iluszabsence, perfect phusiclIy. Caretaker over Architect Saveg The executive committee of the Durham region lias literally fired its architect, and authorized caretaker Fred Olsen to supervise the renovations to the Rossland Road building and save the READERS WRITE Dear Sir: Yes, 1 do agree there are art-as of decisions concerning many social activities as to their moral values which are decided by the conscience of the public. Where the public take their authoritative value is the big question and concern. But, as ta taking Gods name in vain there is no need of public decision on this, God lias made it clear that he that taketh bis namne in vain God will flot hold hlm guiltless. Concerning some of these books, pages 7 or 9 anîd 14 in Mice and Menî, page 256 in Who P-as Seeîî the Wind, and other books. We teach our children the Lo)rds Prayer "hallowed be ilîy name" which in effect- wlys that we honour, respect, revereuiee, keep. sacred Hiîs inîmte. Thein the next few sRegion $65, region approxiniately S65- 000. Architect Alunî Wilcox lîad suggested renovat ions es- tinîated at SI125,000. But the cornnittee took the advise of the caretaker miniutes hîand tlîem these fil- thy,ý damning God books sucli as Mice and Menî, Catcher and the Rye, and many otliers. Such corrupt books ini a book store, yoLi can buy or leave, but iii a school a cLass is given a book ta study froin therefore t hey must study. snmedia for rivacy. lie ires" aiid sa- dingO 11iucI no, ii tanis 1OOO anld reported thatIltie îîeeded altcratioiîs caîî he mîade for S60,000 bu ititlloriziinîiai- titena îîce superi isor Fred 01- senl t<) supervis5e tie reiov- aians withi Mcl Ron Conist- ruction doing tlie work. lu is niost disrespectfmil 10 the Cristiai coninîîlîîity. Ouîr scliool autliorities slîould re- unove tdie abLîive language of Gods nîaine. Yours truly, Pastor R.H. Janmes Whiitby Free Met hodist' Cli urchi TH1E WIIITBY FRE E PRESS (Voice of thli Cou nty Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; also serving Aax and Pickering. Z.erving total of approximatelv 25.,000 readers. Published every Wcednsdtav by Whitbv Free Press Inc. Bruno Hariîaid, President Located at: Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, Whitby MAI L: Box 206, Whtby PHONE: 668,6000 or 668-6111 TORONTO LIN E: 282-1004 Editor/Gen. Managr- Mi ke1 Assistant Editor- Jim GLail *MAI LING PERMIT NO. 2941 Burgess - Advertising Manager - Graphie Arts - Marie Rutter tlhat the objectîins to the subdivision liad been forward- cd to the 0MB because thiere mas sufficient cause for a hiearing. He nioved thiat there l)e no actioîn taken on Mr. Butchiauan's letter becauise lie didnl't waîît to sec the pro- cess of turiing thîe natter over to the 0MB st(>pled. Tlie alterniate proposaI sub- ïllliM would hiave replaced the îroîîosed town houses withi single fainily and low reiltaI homnes. COMMONS TAKES BREAK I he Lîheral Governiment's Flection Fxpenses Bill re- ceived Royal Assent just before Parliamient recessed for six weeks. The Flection Expenses le- gislatiori restricts campaign spending by candidates and political parties and requires disclosure of donors who con- tribute $ 100 or more. The Fnergy Allocation Bill, thie Oul Export Tax Act and the Wirtapping legisla- tion also reccived final Par- tiarnentary approval. Thte Ilouse o f (orn mfois recess will 'ex tend, until February 20. The recess carne afler 202 daivs of* sîîtings. HOUSING STARTS Central Mortgage and Fousing Co rpo rat ion lias rJe- ported a record number of' hlousing staris across Canada fo r t lie t lîîrd consecutive vý,ear. I here were '05,000 housing starts iii I1973, an in- crease of <0e. over 1 q"' < MORE CASH TO FARMERS (anadian farmers' total cash receîpts f roin farrning operations in aIl provinces except Newfou nU land for the period of January to Novem- ber. totalled an estirnated $0.34 billion, an increase of 31.2% froin the $4.83 billion total of 1972. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE Unemployment in Canada, seasonally adjusted, remained unchanged at 5.6% during the miont h of Decemiber. HOUSING ýBOOM GOOD Urban Affairs Minister Ron Basford said on a televi-' sion prograrn that if housing construction continued at its present record level, it will' help reduce housing prices. "Construction and produc- tion has exceeded for quite some years the rate of famnily formations in this country. Obviously. if we inaintain thIs kind of construction, which 1 think we can, we will have a depressing effect on pfices." Mir. Basford also stated that most of the budget of Central Mortgage and Hous- ing Corporation is aimed at the housing problems of se- nior citizens and low income people. JULES LEGER INSTALLED Jules Léger, Qùebec-born carcer diplornat, was installed as (anada's 2-lst Governor (Jeneral, in a colourful cere- mony in the Senate Chamber tif thle Parliarnen i Ruildfi ng. M r. Leger ns only the fourth Canadian and the second of French-Canadian origin to serve as this coun- try's Governor General. ARotten SmeII THIS fWEEK jro Otaw WE'VE CHANGED- HOW ABOUT CR00?o NEWS TEN MINUTES SOONER dialV 14 C.HOO The Bright and Lively Town & Country Sound