Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Nov 1973, p. 5

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Ij! Fire Report by Busy Beciver ALARMS 'Ibe W.F.D. responded to the followîng calîs from October I9th to October 28th. October 2Ist ut 3:54 p.m., building fire ut Royal Hotel, 171 Brock St. N. October 22nd at 2:38 p.m., building ire ut Steve's* Laundramat, 107 Dundas St. W. At 6:42 p.m., check cal ut Industrial Minerais on H-arbour Street. October 23rd ut 6:30 a.m., wash down at Dundas & Pine Street. At 11:21 a.m., check catI aI Water Street Pumnping Station. At 10:45 p.m., check cail at Whitby Medical Centre, Brock Street South. October 25h ai I12:49 a.m.. check caîl at Royal Hotel. &ctober 26eh as 8.5S1 p.m.. pam fiwe on Blair St. (kiobru !78bs 12 -JO pj.. bvshflre ai Brook lin Cen- (he phwi w m 8Wtbattis. oet àtWhilby fif £ obmer . S ce am Wl,. yM bon s M uec th<e Fim e Iawtient t" e' y .a<eerkm .consMera< Io. Some of thes am: elecol wfing. stonae of flam- nuble luuids, rabbish dispoual, fuse box overload, storage of combustibles, and. proper containers for ashes. Is your home free firom potential fire hazards? T'he Fire Prevention Program of Home Inspections in Whitby has been completed for 1973. To date, 5,128 homes have been checked since the programn began in 1970. A strong sense of fire awareness has developed in the community. Thtis, in part, can be attributed 10 lthe Homfe Inspections performed in the last four years by tbe mem- bers of the W.F.D. On behaîf of the Whitby Fire Department, 1 would like 10 thank the citizens of our community for their part- icipation in tbis program._____ gÀ WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1973, PA,3E SPEAKINS ON AIVERTISINSb oy mt Ciculation Vesus Readership - Don't Be Misled! Advertisers now making use of the Free Press will only be too pleased to agree they are obtaining results. The readership is, as we suggest so often while discussing advertising with our clients, based on metropolitan news- paper figures. These are bard to beat. According 10 the metropolitan newspapers who should know, there are approximately three people per family. The Free Press publishes and circulates 8,000 papers per week, minus a Iew copies kept for filing purposes and as tear sheets for advertisers. Thtis adds up to 24,000 readers per week and, potentially, 24,000 customers eager, to do business with, local and neighbouring merchants. The, potential customers require services and merchan- dise of various types. Businessmen who have something to selI or offer in the way of services are selling themnselves 'down the river' by itot using the medium that will serve them best. How does one decide which is best - radio - television - handbills or newspapers? It is a complex question which has long been debated at great length. A multitude of words have been written on the subject and yet, no one really kn*ows' for certain what is -the best medium. Fast talking, smooth throated or acles will expound the virtues of their particular medium at any time. They often do this to excess. Here at the Free Press, we offer no long winded comn- mentary on how we think we are best. Frankly we don't, know - and that is the most honest answer you'l ever receive from any advertising sales personnel.' We do know that we deal straight from the shoulder, offer no grandiose platitudes or extravagant figures on our circulation. Results speak louder than empty promises and false proclamations. SimiIar to a wise businessman, we stand behind our statements. The circulation is 8,000 flot 30,000 our poten- tiaI readership is 24,000 not 60,000. There is a difference between circulation and readership and il is a wise ýbusinessman who understands this. Thousands upon thousands of circulars can be spread around but this does not always bring resuits. Thtis does not signify a specific njjmber of readers look ut a circular long enough to digest the contents. Watch tItis corner for future explanatory comments on advertising. They could easily spell the difference between spending your advertising dollars wisely or merely throwing them away. We dure 10 comment on this subject. Polgice Report Oct. 25 - 12:30 a.m. Whitby Constable Umphrey as a resuit of a vehicle check in Brooklîn had a reason 10 believe that a break and ent- er had tuken place. After an extensive search he found tliat Brooklin Concrete had been burglarized. Two boys from Toronto are charged with break, enter and theft. Oct. 27 - A counterfeit fifty dollar bill was turned in by the Toronto-Dominion Bank if Whitby. Thtis coun- terfeit bill was a second fou- nd in the area. Oct. 28 - A counterfeit twenty-five cent piece was turned in by the Canadian Tire Gas Bar. Oct. 29 - St. John's Ang- lican Church in Port Whitby reported the theft of a set of communion dishes which we- re given to the church ini 1857 by Nelson Gilbert Rey- nolds, the first sheriff of Ontario County. Stolen were: one silver challice; one silver communion wine tankard (10 inches high»'qee silver com- munion wine tankard (15 incites high); one white com- munion veil; and a botîle of communion wine. 02 ZONINO AMENIMENT ln a new business in a special Council Meeting held, Monday nigitt Coun. Emm asked for clarification of By- law 1028-73 as being a zon- ing by-law amending by-law 1784 which pertains 10 (2 zoning llghway Commercial. which is within lte town and is being adverlised prior to going 10 lIte O.M.B. for ap- proval. Emm's question 10, deputy planning director Ke- itIt Birch was if the intent of the by-law was 10 amend ail existing C2 lands, as he bad received many inquiries relat- ing 10 this imalter. M.r. Bircit explained that the pur- pose was 10 include existing lands and ltat the by-Iaw is being advertised to receive objections before going 10 10 te O.M.B. for approval. WE HAVE MOVED! FRON THE GSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TO FAIRVIEW MALL' EFFECTIVE NOVEM BER lst OUR STORE WILL BE LOCATED IN FAIRVIEW MAL - TORONTO However, you wiII. stili be able to take advantage of our &"Free Customized Drapery Service"'. After November lst!, SimpIy cali our Toronto nu mber: 491-0421 COLLECT and we'I1 be more than happy to serve y'ou 491- 04217 i Pi,8 P t O t t f t V-i LV ~k> " Lose weight for the last> time. It's great to lose w~eight, but how~ do you stay slirn? The Caniidian Famnily Meal Plan shows you how to lose wveight without starving anid also shows how to stay slirn. Join now and . . . lose weight for the last ie. Only $7 to join $3 a week thereafter 491 Lm-ecA% wýT.r% 2tl MEW GAS S Tuesdav, 7:30 nm.- November 6 Knights of Columbus 133 Brock Street Nortli Whitby n FAIRVIEW MALL 9

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