PAGE 2, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS One of tbe oldest proverbs in business is "you scratch my back and l'il scratch yours." This saying is often said ini other ways: "let's work together", or "you help me and l'il help you". Not restricted to the business world alone, this phil- osopby is a ruIe of thumb ini our everyday lives. Your neiglibour cuts the grass in the mniddle and you paint bothi sides of the fence. For years farmers bave been working together with their neiglibours sharing machinery and lab- our s0 that each fariner can be more efficient (and hence more successful) than if he tried to do it 01n bis own. The newspapcr business is no different. We sec basic- ally the same things happening bere as you do ini your personal lives. Our staff, and need-less-to-say their It seems ridiculous to put a decent house on a lot that is onîy 40 feet wide and then have the nerve to advertise the bouse as being buiît in a beautiful. sccnic *area. Some of the nemw bouses ini West Lynde are so close if's possible to break tbe window next door wben you stick the mop out your window to shake the dust out. At the present trend and rate it won't be long before we are building bouses only 20 feet wide and 60 feet long just so we can get enougli cubic feet floor space to make a decent bouse. Newman May Seek Liberal Leadership There is much speculation recently tbat newly re- elected Mayor Des Newman may seek tbe position of leader of the Ontario Uiberal party. Mayor Newman, who bas apparently been refusing to comment on this matter, ran as a Federal Uiberal candidate in 1968 against Mike Starr and Iost to E.d Broadbent. Sunday, October 28 will be tbe ecîton for the leader- ship of the Ontario Uiberal Party. High n rise- madness Maclean - Hunter News Service A suburb of Sydney, Au-. YO L stralia, recently banned al buildings over tbree storeys in heiglit after a psychiatrist fo rg c warned that high rise living is driving people insane. Dr. Luetd Kail Keoler, a psychiatrist Laurent inthe Sydney' suburb o If you'rea Kogarali wbicb bouses 0, $25000 on 000 people says the bigber repayment >'ou go the madder you get. finders fee We daims a six montb surveyDrpba of the suburb showed that Dop by al isolation, loneliness and the flOW. WhIl dehumanizations of bighriseLURN living cati lead to mental A Mernbei disorders and suicide. 141/2 Kin~g E cIl t o r-',i ai. "Mortgage. Money à I '11i may have en about. Dconsiders home improvement one of :hwhile reasons for borrowing money. ahomeowner we can lend you up to 1 a 2nd mortgage. And we have flexible it plans. There are no bonuses, no es. Lfld talk to us or give us a caîl. Right ýe its on your mind. nUDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION LTDB ýof the Laurentide Finan ciel Group Street East 576-2340 Long Hait Ci 'Shampoo and Blow Hait Cut ý . $300 .. . . . . .$3 00 Six M Rins( Bleai Reto Nek $800 ic hs 1 uch à U51'P Streak Patronis hringiing owin supplies - saniie price tpplies. Fair Lady Beauty Lau nge 116 Brock SIt. N.. 668-4051 Coiffure De Lynn 304 Dundas st. w. <Professional Building) 668-4667 Guida & Din0 institute cf Beauty 109 Broclc SI. S., 668-3621 vains Ladies' Hair Styling 1400 Dundas St. E., 668-4321 Hoir Styllng by Carmen A -1024 Brock St. S., 668-7091 Kay's Hairstyling 406 Dundas W.. 668-8470 Peter & Joseph's-Hair Stylist 104 Dund@s SI. W.. 668-5691 La Confessa Beauty Lounge 119 Green Si.. 668-9262 Vincent of Rome 102 Lupin Drive. 668-8591 Uisex Grooming & Beauty Clinic Hairstyling 102 Byroin St.. 668-3061 Cultur e Studio of Hairstyling <228 &rock St. N., 668-3151 DR. RODERICK G. KERR M.B., B.A.O., D.OBST., R.C.O.G. wishes to announce that be bas joined the staff of BROOKLIN MEDICAL CENTRE 655-3321 friends, are influenced by this basic philosophy and buy accordlngly. For example, an out of town furniture store bas been a regular advertiser witb the Free Press so it wasn't too surprising when a member of staff recently went out of bis way to spend close to two thousand dollars witb this company. Another example is a local broadloom business, also a regular advertiser, wbo ironically got the job of supplying the broadloomn (waIl to wall) in the new Free Press Building, not to mention the Editor's home. Another example is an Oshawa car dealer (and body shop) who lias bad no less than fifteen new accounts in the Last six montbs as a resuit of ....well, we could go on and on giving examiples, but we don't think it's nec- essary to, keep repeating what you already know. The moral of the story is tbat we can't sec doing bus- iness witb Whitby business people who are apparently only interested ini getting Oshawa business. If these local It stands to reason tlhat it won't be long before we have building lots only 30 feet wide. At present we 'have 40 foot lots ini the Town of Whitby and it isn't liard to find th cm. It's truc we are taced with a critical shortage of houses but the obvions aîîswer seems to be to, cut down the num- ber of people by wiscý bi rth control rather than jamiîng the people wc already have into littie strawberry box homes on 40 foot building lots. Thiere lias been a lot of criticîsm tliat people don't communicate with their neigbibours. The way things are going if we don't stop cutting down the size of building lots we'Il soon be living with our neiglibours. businesses do not care enough about OUR (Whitby residents) business to spend SOME of their money locally then why should we the local buyers? (And we only number 24,000). Why should we buy Iocally if certain businesses app- arently don't want our business? Isn't there more to running a business than just taking money OUT of a community? Sbouldn't we as business people put something back IN? .For these reasons, the Free Press encourages our readers to consider our advertisers first. These businesses CARE and WANT your business otberwise they would be ad- vertising out of town. As for the businesses who advertise out of town, let themn try and live off of out of town cust- omers. Who needs them? We can spend our rnoney out of town too. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN) Homnetown Paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburfl aiso serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving total of approximately 24,000 readers. Published every Thursday by Whitby Free Press Inc. Bruno Harilaid, President. Located at: Free Press Buildinq 1 21 Brock Street North, Whitby Mail: Box 206, Whitby MAILING Phone: 668-6000, 668-6111 PERMIT Toronto Uine: 282-1004 NO. 2941 Editor/Gen. Mgr.: Mike Burgess Assistant Editor: JMm Quail Advertising Mgr.: John MacMillan Graphic Arts: Marje Rutter ONTARIO HAIRDRESSING ASSOCIATION (WHITBY BRANCH) NEW RATES Effective Oct. 15/73 Sha mpoo Shampoo Cut .$0 Set......... $30 and Blow. .. .. jShampoo Set Shampoo Cut $5 Long Hair Down..... 0 Blow and Iron ..$5 1 Editorial 1 1 1