WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY,OCTOBER 11, 1973, PAGE9. I Iurgess linerof thre wsek This winsome wind-blown Miss is comely Cheryl Mc- Luhan, a sixteen year old grade eleven student at Henry Street High School. Cheryl's hobbies include swimming, .water ski-ing, and curling. lb. PrR t4Ly PLEA NAIKETr nliNs . ST 47 INOW US THE TOME TO CALL For Sofe.Cleani Dependable' OIL FURNACES - Fuel Pi! and Service CALI. 723-4663 313 ALBER T. Specialists i 1728-OHWACN Stereo Sound- Equipment Frtebs IAUl wor&in guaranteed neti on Instaltati 'QDll VIRG ~~opn23-Set. 22 The most significant day will probably be the I 6th. Î Te whole period swings around that. Keep a tight reign on your budget, you may have bîuis to pay lu Your energy is high - you Itoîx forward to getting up ini the morning and you hate the idea of going to bed at night. You are in a good mood ail week. LEO (iuIy 23 - Aug. 22) You won't have much time for relaxation during this high activity period. You can improve your status in the community in the eariy part of the week. by Madje Rutter for period of Oct. 14 - 20 U BRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) This week will offer only a slight rest from your busy sehedule; you have loose ends that need tying up. AI- though you'll have your quota of parties, you'll probably find your social life slows down somewhat. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 -Nov. 2 1) Look realistically at current events, be practical. Don't slip into a duli routine, use initiative and try for the' unusual. Wednesday I 7th and Thursday I 8th are your significant days, when you experience an unusual happen- ing. You may be attracted to a Cancer, who shares one of your hobbies. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 -Dec. 21 Take advantage of the colorful fait scenery, drive through the country, or, through his or mountains - take your tinie, this is nature af her most spectacular. Mar- nage ad partnership matters are spotiighted the first of the week. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-iJan. 19) The eniphasis is on relaxation this week, when you may be involved in participation or spectator sports. If born January I Oth to i 8th do not aliow co-workers to thwart plans. Althougli you may îlot realize it, you are making headway, so don't give up. AQUARJUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) This week lessens pressure, there's an opportunity for ighthearted frivoiity. Monday the lSth and Tuesday the i 6th are significant, when speculation is widely fav- oured. PISCES (Feb. 19 -March 20) "Caution" is the key word this week - don't rush into anything. You may travel quite extensively at the begin- ning of the week. ARIES (March 21 - April 19) Communications are excellent this period, Aries, and mentally you are very alive. Investigation and research turns up interesting data. You are in the right place at the riglît time. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) Ths il e liyl e for-you-Turus,-but;fyo 4 ,l