PAGE 12, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4,1973, WHITOY FREE PRESS CBC-m TV NE TWORK <NOTES5 [I ILL1 VAW ES Sepftember26 ta0 Octobier 13 Look for your copy of the special Flyer ot your door or pick up a copy at Warehouse Lumnbertand or Courtice Stores k - Save 15% on Kitchen Cupboards PREFINISHED Mahogafly Pcnelling NolutOI lgqhr 10 medum 'anec' Regular LOw Prriec 4* x 7' $3 49 Haà rtdbocrd PaiellIing Worm N oyai Chestnur Spe-cial 4' x 0' ,3.4 PREFINISHED Summer PRAEFINISHED Birch 'i'EAK The Real Thrng 1 Plywood 4x 8' 4'x 0* Regulat16.44-SPECIAL SPECIAL q 9 $6 9 Irg lred Quo rly SAVE 25oo-READY 10 INSTAL îM UL Vinyl Clad Mouidings HARODBOARD Il .1 F'~'ii""'Black iii 6aseboard Cour Mould, Ou!sîdr A N L corner. Stop, Shoe Muould etc (Nolol A N L Choobe tram protrnrshed Gregg Modulor Cupboards thar you con insrail coorsln iaO rYper) Beautitul f%,r accugnt wollb yourself. (Avalable in 3 distinctive styles) or selecrt ram a wide range egular as lo. as 83' 4x8 of custom buir cupboards in a v'ariery af styles ond foshion finishes. SPECIAL AS Rebuti ar-$7.SO ,ach LON AS FREE ESTUMATESII No 62 Io Clear.each- Please all. eght weeks delivery on custom cupboards *11UILDA1LL YARDSTICK W1110YOURIPURCHASE REC. ROOM CO) URSE . K t~ OUR WAY 0F SAYING "THNE YOU" FOR SlIOPING AT OUR FIND OUI 1W TO 911110 TOUR FAMILY ROOM 13DM F R E STORE A LITTL.E GFlTHAT WIL COME IN HANOT AROIJNO SCRATCH-STARTING MONDAY, OCTOBER 22Zbo. CAL 728-1611 NOW TO TOUR NOME FOR YEAIS! (Limnit OUr Pef Crstonrer) REGISTER ......... SHOP IN COMPLE INDOOR COMFORT WHERE YOU CAN SERVE YOURSELF AT EITHER CONMVNMENT LOCATION NO 2EAT RTIC D 2H ES O 1 fI R 401 EST - EXIT 73 Bloo-" St. East CBC television has submitted the following entries to > the Canadian Film Awards - the event takes place in Montreal on Friday, Oct. 12, and wîll be telecast on > both French and English networks the same'night. Eng- lish ntwk. 11:40 p.m. local times. Carnivals - Martyn Burke's 90-min, film on the life of the "carney" people The Wit and World of G. Bernard Shaw - Flarry Rasky's 90-min. drama-documentary wide- Iy acclaimed last fal Ties That Bind - from Vincent Tovell's Images of Canada (Maritimes segment) Norman - from Ross Mc Lean's 0f AIl People series, seen this summer - Norman, produced and di- rected by Jo Davis Bedrooms of the Nations and Stock Car Boys - from Sam Levene's Gallery series, seen this sum- mer; these shows now scheduled for repeats on, respectively, Oct. 31 and Nov. 14 >~To War and Back - from Cameron Graham's First Person Singular (the Pearson series) seen this summer Vicky - Grahame Woods' sequel to 1 21/2 Cents - from CBC Drama '73, starring iackie Burroughs and scheduled for telecast on Oct. 14, two days after the Canadiani Film Awards PPeace of Utrecht - from David Peddie's To See Our- selves series of last season. Story by Alice Munro; starring Deborah Turnbull and Unda Goranson. p Grey Owl - a Mari at the Centre special being repeated on the network Oct. 9, three days before Canadian Film Awards NOTE: Grey Owl has also been entered ini the 1 974 Emmny Awards, International Qitegory. Producer: Nancy Ryley. Jackie Burroughs, who won a Canadian Film Award >~ (Etrog) as Best Actress (1969) for lier performance ini the tite role of a CBC-TV Festival production, Dul- cima, is in line for another sîrnîlar honor for her performance ini Vicky (CBC Drama '73), the Grahame Woods' film drama ini which she plays a disturbed woman attempting to corne back after tragically kilI. ing her two children. Vicky will be telecast Oct. 14; Filmn Awards event is on Oct. 1 2. Larry Solway who is *giving up his featured role on CBLT's Weekday and Toronto Tonight, continues as Here Are Just A Few Hi*ghlightsf1 SPACEMAKER S 'TIEL Conserv. !nergy GARDEN And SAVEII SHEDS vermlcUllte Pourlng solve your storoge problemn, NSULATION with a good looking, stuidy Thre eoy way Ioiz> înulaîe youf gardien shed arr c Jus! pour & sprecd. 3 cu *£^DY TO ASSEMDLE fooi bug. No. G87 968 6'$9 Green and Wh',t Replace your w«of damaged kïlcirmn courrier "w.- and SAVE' ARBORITE LAMI#'4ATE POST FORMED COUNTERTOP SECTIONS Easy to tinstait 8. and 10* and 12 long one piece Sections in standard 25- depth teiturrng rolled splashback and non drip edge Ideal for kîtchens. cottages bar tops $ 66 etc White Pompe"i Mar bie $ Foot SAVE1OSAVE 10% ALUMINUM ALUMINUM STORM SOFFIT & FASCIA & SCREEN WINDOWS PR£FINIlS>fD WHITE NATURAL ALUMIMUld the mor éj- A iz end Itarli p ntr r coNy8r n $8l ~ .73 *motea5oc:01 our 'ale As LouAs.O VENTIED ALUMINM SOFFIT BIT NM 16*o 1 lV'Pinel '6'D-OrrWHmTE ENAMEI, Special Perce EachilF0mmB e lt $1 )3 6" WHITE ALUMINUM FASCIA M eAsLw. As. ,& Specral Prici 3.12 offl t$ aorrrM u-$M 11<iot rîeicà t Io- Ulogtl. 5101 0LUII BIS(MENT LUMBERLAND , wb- 100 Bond West 72eai &7