- è.' ~ PAGE 2, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS Editorial The political forum held Tuesday night by the Whitby, Oxamber of Commerce at the Centennial Building was probably a good indication of the publices and the candidates interest in the upcuming election. Approximately forty people attended, of which twelve were candidates. That's right! There were less than thirty spectators, and some of which were wives and friends of candidates or press. Eight candidates, representing 40% of the total number of candidates, didn't show up. Now if that isn't apathy, 1 don't know wbat is. Some feel it's too soun after the last election to get enthused again, especially about a virtually uncontested situation. And how can we really expect the people, the voters, to get enthused when less than two weeks away from the election only a couple of candidates care enough, or are interested enough in getting elected to have started their carnpaigns. Less than two weeks before the night we place our ballots in the box, only a handful of signs are up. As a matter of fact, when I went for my Sunday afternoon drive around town, 1 could only find two signs and ironically both belonging to the same candidate - Councillor Emm. Since my inception as editor and general manager of the FREE PRESS 1 have always tried tu maintain a policy of fair and truthful reporting of the Whitby happenings without any journalistic sensationalismn so frequently found in other newspapers and in the past this one in particular. But after attending this excuse for a political forum, I can't help but be appalled at the political grandstanding by some of the candidates who were present, by the obvious 'heckler type' questions that shouldn't in al fairness, have been asked of ANY candidates and especially flot by the following (or friends) of OTHIER candidates and especially by the lack of turnout both by the candid- ates and the public whom they are going to represent. on Eletio 1 feel somewbat sonfy for the Chamber of Commerce who did an excellent job .with what they had to wurkç with and they certainly have to be cummended for trying to be as fair as possible to ail candidates. The Chamber can't be blamed because tbey advertised the forum and the people of our cominunity are tou apathetic to get uut and take an interest. Neither can the Chamber be blamed for the lack of attendance by some of the candidates. We can unly blame ourselves. If more peuple bad expressedl an interest and attended, possibly we might have got more candidates to become interested in voicing thei.r views. At this tume we are on the verge of possibly the greatest change in our governmental structure and people don't seeni to care whether Whitby has three strung representatives out of thirty - one at the regional level or whether we have three weak ones. In A fairness to the guod citizens of our tuwn. I can't help but feel that the candidates have been lacking in their efforts to make theniselves available and to express their views tu the people through the media. J3pe FRISE PRESS bas phuned every candidate and su THIS WEEK .Wýj from Ottawa GATT TALKS Trade Minister Alastai.r Gillespie proposed this week in Tokyo that Japan increase its imports of Canadian manufactured goo ds. At a meeting with Yasuhiro Nakasone, Japan's Minister of International Trade and Industry, Mr. Gil- lespie said that Canada would like to upgrade the contents of its trade with Japan and would like to receive more Japanese tourists. Mr. Gillespie is in Japan with other Canadian Cabinet Ministers to launch a new round of international trade negotiations. IMMIGRATION UP Immigration to Canada in- creased by 30% cluring the first haîf of 1973 over the sanie period in 1972. By the end of June of this year, 70,833 immigrants entered Canada as compared to the 54,313 who entered in 1972. FOOD PRICES Beryl Plumptre, Chairman of the Food Prices Review Board announced that some si.xty researchers have beeri sent out to check shelf pri- c~es in supermarkets across Canada. The federal govern- ment's Review Board will bring pressure to bear on gro- cery retailers whu have raised thoir prices unjustifiably. TRAINS RUNNING Rail ,transporta tion in Bi-, tish Columbia resumed Sep- tember 1 1 for the first time since July 26. The resump- tion of rail service followed the return to work earlier this week of Vancouver area railworkers - the last holdouts against Parliament's back-to- work legisiation passed Sep- tembher 1 UNEMPLOYM EN T The unemployment rate seasonally adjusted for Au- gu-,t. increased to 5.5% fromn 5.2%. Analysts have noted that young people seern to be remnaining in the labour force' longer than normal before quitting summer jobs to return tu school. OLYMPIC STAMPS The Post Office has an- nounced that the first two stamps of a special series on the 1 976 Olym pic Games wîll be issued next week. SAUVE TO CHINA A sixteen-member Cana- dian scientific mission will visit China from Septem- ber 20 to Octoher 4. The Minister of State for Science and Technology, Jeanne Sauvé, will head the delega- tion. This trip' precedes Prime Minister's week-long visit to China which is to begin Octo- ber 6. One of the few election candidates out campaigning (see editorial) is Councillor Gerry Emni (region). He is pictured here with bis wife Betty, calling un Jio Hooker, 305 John Street W., Whitby. Free Press Photo THE WHITSY FREE PRESS IVO#CE 0f: THtE =ONTYTOWN> Homvtown Oum 0( mi*y. Srokln. Myrtis end Aiibwn. urvWn, ^bu w.AdPckrrq. Fu .w v'Mubv PtWIIWud by skby F r..Prmeul.. IMtO léisd. Poemd" . &110 0X * imv. Ps"mm1S1 Editor: MiKe tbUrgess NMA1LIN C Assistant Editor: Jim Quail PERMIT Advertising: John Macmillan NO' 2941 GmauiMic Arts: marie Rutter For a Frosh Approaoh Go Regional w"ith SUGDEN 5,, !bsApathy farhasonl sen îterstexpressed b:Cuelo m (region); Frank Sugden (region); Sam Hollingsworth (north); i Gartshore (west - acclaimed); Tom Edwards (centre - acclaimed); Patrick Dooley (mayorality) and 'chuck' Roche (Separate School Board) Now surely if a candidate is sincerely interested in getting a job representing the people that may pay up to $9,000 a year or more, surely the people whom he is supposedly going to represent must be worth a$5*0 advertisment or even a ten cent press release just to let the voters know what he is running for even if he bas nothing in the way of a platform or has nothing to say about ANYTHING. Take a look at our neighbouring communities and see ail the signs that have been up for a week, the advertising and the campaigning that is in full - swing. And then, ask yourself, "what is wrong with our political candidates? Are they so sure that they are guing to get elected that tbey dun't have to convince anybody their vote is needed. NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F TUE TOWN OF WHITBY FOR APPROVAL 0F A DY - LAW IMPOSING A SEWER RATE The CouncIl of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to appîy to thc Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of a sanitary sewer on Front Street from Brock Street to Charles Street, on Charles Street from Front Street to Victoria Street and on Victoria Street from Charles Street to a point approximnately 300 fret west of the westerly limnits of Henry Street at an estimnated cost of $168,000.00. It intends to charge the whoîe of the cost of the work as a sewer rate. for a period of 10 years upon lands that wilI or may derive a benelit thcrefrom described in Sehedule "A". It is proposed to raise the whoîe of the annual paymnents by an annual rate cstimnated at 0.656 milis. The foîîowing is an example of the annual charge on an average dweîîing property having an assessment of $5,000.00. (a) The area upon which such sewer rate is to be Ievied is described in Schcduîe "A" attached to and formning part of this notice. (b) There wiII bc no exemptions gTanted. Any ratepayer may, within 21 days after thc first publication, of this notice, send by prcpaid post to the Clcrk of the Town of Whitby, at the address given bcîow, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or the imposition of the special rate. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said special rate pursuant to the Statutes and niay approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections wiII be considercd, but notice of such hearing wiIl bc given onîy to those persons who have given notice of objections as provided for above. DATED at the Town of Whîtby this I 3th day of September. A. D., 19 73. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. SCHEDULE "A" COMME NCING at a point at the south - west angle of the Town of Witby as it existed on the 31st of December, 1967 where it interscts the north shore of Lake Ontario. THENCE northerly along the west limît of the Town of Whitby as it existcd on the 3lst day of December, 1967. to .its north point in Township Lot 3 1, Conicession 2; THENCE east parallel to Dundas Street (No. 2 Highway) to a point 660 feet wcst of Cochrane Street; THENCE north parallel to, Cochrane Street to a point 200 feet north of Rossland Road; THENCE east parallel to Rossland Road to the East lit of" the Township of Whitby as it existcd on the 3lst day of December, 1967; THENCE south along the cast limit of the Township* of Whitby as it cxistcd on the 3lst day of Decembe-r, 1967, to Lake Ontario; THI:NCE westerly aîong the north limit of' Lake Ontario to the place of beginning. Sept. 13, 20.