A NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY On October Jst, voters who are eligiblc to vote will be going to the poils to choose a new Council, both Regionally and ftcal. The Citizens of the Town of Whitby will be electing: A Mayor 2 Regional ('ounicillors 4 Local Counicillors, one fromi each Ward This advertisnent is placed in this paper for vour information andi support by Candidate M I cable tW F[[E CONECTION a1 MDNTH'$ F[ IE IWINII reconnections) FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY .... CALL NOW- 579-2232! INt ILDElS SECdONDIS IANI) IIF(ONNFCI'IONS* SEE exclusive cable (overage of1 local events on (:ahlecast 6! TREAT Your family to a rmal variety of entertiunent! Watch al (hi, sports events: hockey, basebail, football, golf and lacrosse! ENJOY 'I. . as iL is meant to he seeii: sharp, clear, dependable reception on every ehannel, on al of your sets! ENJOY sharp, dependahie F.M. reception in sterco on your F.M. reciever! SAVE $14.90 with a free connection plus a month's free viewing! HAVE your second set connected now absoiutely free' llurry! This free viewing offer is for a short time onlv! C> cable tv PieRidge Cable TV Limited- Oshawa, Ontario CALL--5792232<OSHAWA>-623-2506(BOWMANVI LLE)-668-9331 <WHITBV) * New subswribers only Part of a $250,000.00 shipment of Bridge Decking leaves Whitby manufacturer for British Columbia. Whitby Company One of Canada 's Formost Suppliors of Steel Deoking Welded Grating, a Whitby company formed in 1968, and managed and operated by Whitby Welding Liniited, lias become one of Canada's foremost suppliers of heavy steel bridge decking to the Canadian Construction lndustry. As well as heavy grating for bridges, the firm manuf- actures, and is just working. on completing an order for decking for the C.P.R. to be used on Piggy - Back rail cars. Whitby Welding, the management company for Welded Grating is located o1n Warren Road iu Whitby's Industrial Park. Mr. C. Hewson, owner and General Manager of Whitby Welding hias seen his company grow from a small welding shop in 1950 located on Brock Street S., to it's position today of a higly specialized custom mach inery manufacturer, conducting business across Can- ada, the U.S.A., the United Kingdomn and the West Indies. The firmi, now located in it's third new plant on Warren Roaîd offers a completely integrated service frorn Mechanical and Structural Enginieering and Design As- sistance through wt manufacture and installation of it's custom - luilt nmachinerx'. The growth of the comipany lias paralleled the growth of the Steel lndustry in the Whitby area. The company lias becorne specialized in servicîing the Steel lndustry's re(luirelnents. Officiai Plan Adopted Whitby Council Iast Monday niglît, finally gave approval to the new Official Plan complete with thirty - four amendments. The new plan replaces the Official Plan of 1962, and althougli having received Council's blessing, wilI not take effect until il is approved by the Minister of Treasury Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs. Councfi went into committee - of - the - whole on second reading of the by - law to adopt the plan. D)EPUTY - REEVE GOODWIN was quick to make specific amendments, not all of which were carried. Other councillors expressed their opinions on the plan: REEVE TOM EDWARDS said that he was "dissatisfied with Council's position on Iow rentaI housing" and added that he wants to go into regional government with an official plan, but said "l'd like to have seen us increase our industrial allocation." COUNCILLOR GERRY EMM put into words what other Councillors would have been afraid to admit in public saying '"l've had more trouble understanding this document than 1 have with the Holy Bible." Councillor Emm also said tliat bie didn't think that there's "enough roads to handle the people." He said that he wasn't 100%7 happy witb the plan but the plan- was a more presentable document now than it was when it was first presented to Council by the planning Board. Councillor Emm went on to say- thWtý' is. 4biggest concern' was the heavy density of population which bias been redoced somewhat. Council arose from committee - of - the - whole adopted.the.roceedings, -nd£put th-Span to-a-vote WFITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1973, PAGE 3 GERR Y EMMI jor Regional ('ounciillor Phonfie: 655-4673 655- 3452