PAGE 12, TFIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1973, WH1TBY FREE PRESS I.,. DUPLATE 0F CANADA Limited ROADWAY TRANSPORT LTD. 280 CoSdova Rd., Os1hawo 576-6080 "Courtmey ls Cortaglous" ROSSLYNN PLAZA COIFFURE Rosslynn Plaza, Oshawc 728-1331j "20% off on Perms durlng S.ptembr ROXY VARI1TY for ail y6ur school suppJjes mi 500 Rossland Road W Oiawii724 FLOWERS by-PENROSE 1188 Smco 72S. S .lsonRd.5S.J-17600 576SOgy.400 our .4419 7204WlooR.St. s, Oshawa 576w-40or5641 Ë% Ous enr .ut b aJrS TIXAC0 72 -5 mîi1 The the policeman cares. crossing ,guard. *So does And, of course, so do- you. But caring has to be put -into action. So keep alert.-Watch for signais. Drive slowly, very carefully. And NEVER pass, a scho.ol bus! NU-WAY PHOTO LTD. 25Kinig St. Eost. Oshoac Oshowos Most Complefe Cornera Contre BOND IOWERS Prince & Richmond Sts. "The ultimate in apartment living se BOND TOWERS MAl 57900O' 284 Trent St., Oshowo Watch the littie children sir watch them as they go They're in a littie dream world sir And at McDonald Ford We want to see them grow. McDonald Ford 815 KING Si. WEST, OSHAWA Kidswill be IKidS.HELP US TOý PROTECT, THEM BY DRIVING, SAFELYI 576-7-1711 728-1619 1 m 576-1800 Oshawa 245 Wentworgh