PAGE 6, THURSDAY, AUGUSI 9,1973, W HITBY FR EE PR ESS BIRD 'S VIEW by IT'S ALL OVER The party is over for another year and Whitby seems kind of dead now that the festivities have ended. I don't think anybody can honestly say they went to the County Town Carnival and didn't have a good time. There was just so much to do it was pratically impossible to see everything. Probably the best part was the night at the Peter Perry Award dinner and dance when Jack Woodward was presented with the award for being the outstanding citizen in Whitby for 1972. Jack Woodward has been the guiding light and the push the County Town Carnival needed to be the success it certainly was this year. Without Jack's work and perserverance the carnival might have folded long ago but instead had 'matured' to quote the mayor. Evidence of the popularity of the carnival was the large number of trailers that showed up at Heydenshore this year. I was told there were 170 trailers and after taking a look at the crowded conditions there I think Whitby will be hard pressed to keep the trailers behind Heydenshore if more show up next year. Dr. Hobbs, speaking on behalf of the Streamline Royal Rovers, said he felt they would 'cool it' for next year but I personally would like to see as many of the club members as possible come back next year. We'll just have to find a large enough spot to house them. I saw a number of the Rovers at different activities during the carnival and they seemed to be having a good time. I'm sure the local merchants were also happy to have out - of - towners shopping in their stores. Once again the Bavarian Beer Garden put up by the Lions was an unqualified success and the Lions train about town looked to be full most of the time when I saw it. The train looked much better this year with a new canopy and the rides were both interesting and fun. I got my first look inside the Whitby Arts Station since they moved it and the occasion was the casino night during the carnival. I was more than amazed at the facilities in the building and it's evident a lot of work and sweat went into moving the building and setting it up properly. Games night seemed to be very popular and Art DesJardine could be seen in the middle of the gamblers waving a fistfull of money and extolling the virtues of gambling. I'm sure A.J. Billis would approve Art. Another event I found to be a lot of fun was the pyjama dance sponsored by the Firefighters Association in the Brooklin Arena. It's not often you get to see burly Bob Heron skipping around the dance floor in a frilly baby blue night gown. Mayor Newman looked very' vogue with his little night lantern and aIl in ail everybody got right into the spirit of the dance. The highlight for me was getting a big wet smooch on the cheek fron Geraldine. 0f course Geraldine is tbat naughty lady from the Flip Wilson show and somehow she managed to get to the pyjama dance and do her stuff. I must admit I was somewhat suspicious of the stubbly legs but then I guess you can 't have a beautiful face and great legs too. WHITBY SAILING SCHOOL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT • SAILING LESSONS • SAILING SUPPLIES • MOORINGS • SNACK BAR P.O. BOX 515 Phono 668-4371 ) OPEN 9 to 9 7 DAYS A WEEK The North American Steel Equipment Co. plant on Hopkins Street was the site Friday of a fire which went through the ventilation system of a paint booth causing slight burns to one painter, but causing little damage. The fire was preceeded by a blast in the paint booth which filled the plant with smoke. In the early stages of the carnival the motor cycle scrambles at the industrial park were fairly well attended. There was a lot of riders there, some as young as nine years old, and all trying for first place. Another fun event was the log sawing at the Kinsmen park in the north end of town. Gerry Brear proved himself along with his teammate as the best log sawers in the county town and it took them just over 13 seconds to do it. That's not bad time for a 12 inch log. It would take me twice as long to make that cut with a chain saw. And how about that parade Saturday morning? Wasn't that the best parade Whitby has ever had? I think special praise has to go to the Malta Club for their Whitby Dunnies float which was really in keeping with the Homecoming theme of the carnival. I had occasion to eat a Maltese dinner at their Byron Street pavilion and thoroughly enjoyed myself. What with concerts and sports activities, soap box derbys and pretty girls, displays and open houses there was just so many fun things going on that if you nissed any of the activities it's really a shame. The Whitby County Town Carnival was the best this year I have ever attended and I look forward eagerly to next year's carnival. I hope you feel the same way. ADMIRAL DEALER TUEI CORNER STONE; "Gifts for People who care' 122 Brock Street North Whitby, Ontario 668-8401 NOTICE 6F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY FOR APPROVAL OF A BY - LAW IMPOSING A SEWER RATE The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wh.itby intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of a sanitary sewer from the West Corbett Creek Trunk Sanitary Sewer in Lot 21, Concession 1 in the Town of Whitby, formerly the Township of Whitby to the southerly limit of the former Toronto and Eastern Railway right - of - way in Lot 23, Concession 2, Town of Whitby, formerly the Township of Whitby at an estimated cost of $550,000. and the borrowing of $458,370. therefor. It intends to charge the whole of the cost of the work as a sewer rate for a period of 20 years upon lands that will or may derive a benefit therefrom. It is proposed to raise the whole of the annual payments by an annual rate estimated at 1.16 mils. The following is an example of the annual charge on an average dwelling property having an assessment of $5,000. $5.80 annually for a period of 20 years being a total of $116.00 a) The area upon which such sewer rate is to be levied is described in Schedule "A" attached to and. forming part of this notice. b) There will be no exemptions granted. Any ratepayer may, within 21 days after the first publication of this notice, sent by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the special rate. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said special rate pursuant to the Statutes and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above. SCHEDULE "A" COMMENCING at a point at the south - west angle of the Town of Whitby as it existed on the 31st of December, 1967 where it intersects the north shore of Lake Ontario, THENCE northerly along the west limit of the Town of Whitby as it existed on the 31st day of December, 1967 to its north point in Township Lot 31, Concession 2; THENCE east parallel to Dindas Street (No. 2 Highway) to a point 660 feet west of Cochrane Street; THENCE north parallel to Rossland Road to the east limit of the Township of Whitby as it existed on the 31st day of December, 1967; THENCE south along the east limit of the Township of Whitby as it existed on the 31 st day of December, 1967 to Lake Ontario; THIENCE westerly along the north limit of Lake Ontario to the place of beginning. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 9th day of Auguste A. D., 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, :.MI.C.T. CLERK The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario GIVE SO OTHERS M/GHT LIVE We specialize in colour service Component Stereo Sales.