Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Jul 1973, p. 8

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PAGE 8, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS IN EUROPE Amsterdam, Holland. The captain's voice came over the PA system. '"Ladies and gentlemen. please faisteix your seat beits. ln approxi- miateiy i15 minutes we wiil be ianding ini Amsterdam. Hope you ail had a pleasant trip and wiil fly again with CP Air." As soon as the plane touched down at Shipliol airport, the Toronto passengers dispersed ini ail directions. Some wvere searching for the luggage, sonie ruslhed to the roney exclhaîge counter and others tried to liait a cab. A sort of miid frenzy set ini as everyone was trying to leave thie arrivai area. As soon as 1 fetchied miy fliglît bag, 1 found miyseif (with maniy others) waiting for a bus that could take mie to the city. Once iii Amsterdami, the problims started to miount. The biggest problim. as one couid expect at tlîis timie of the yeac. vas to find a decent hiotel roorn. The VVV, opposite the Centrai Station, soived my problem at an inflated rate. A young Dutch girl looked up to mie and said: 'Sorry sir. but we have îiothing for 15 gu ilders. But, we have a roomi for 20 guilders a niglit. Wiil you take it?" Seeiîîg about 20 other people behind mie clamoring for the sanie roomi, 1 decided to take it. "Just wvait a minute," intonied the female cierk. "The owner of the hotel waîîts that y'ou take it for two nights, otherwise lie will charge you five guilders more." Once agairi 1 capituluated. The hotel was located nlear Leidseplein. It wvas quite central. And everything looked just great. Thiat is, until 1 was greeted by a fast - talking manager. "We have a nice roomn for you on the fourth floor," lie announced wliile checkiîîg in somne of îîîy luggage. "The shower and toilet you'll find on the third loor." "Oh fine, fine," 1 said. "Wheres the elevator?" GM Record monthiy1 of S38,216,364. con July wages, salaries ai ation pay was announ day by Generai Mot Canada as the annu, Canada 1 vacation period begaî;î. Last payroil year mue amount was S31, ubining 000,000. nd vac- The company's vacation iced to- pay schedule for more than tors of 23,000 hourly - rated people ai GM is 80 hours for more than Over 100 students of the Connelly School of Danîcing, of Whitby, took part in a 1l6th annual dance recital recently at Henry' St. High. Mrs. Margaret Connelly, B.A.T.D., lias been teaching Whtby area children for 1 6 years and is presently teaclîing two boys wlîo are sons of onie of lier former pupils. Pictured here is eleveti year old Tracy Colpitts of King Street, Whitb)y, doing la baton twirl.- "Elevator? Oh, no - you have to waik up, " said the manager. "This is itot America."1 1 liiked up at the bottom of the stairway, trying to figure out the altitude. My calculations turned out to be wr ong. Instead of 40 steps, 1 had to climb 75 steps at the steepest angle ever encounitered. When 1 got to my room, witlî my suitcase, 1 was completeiy, exhausted. It was an experience of a lifetime. After two days, however, 1 managed to find a clîeaper place at a lower altitude. Tlîings were starting to look up. lndeed Amsterdam becane niore interesting as 1 started to explore it. First, 1 walked to the closest bank, just to find out tlîat nîy Caîadiaîî dollar lias slipped by six per cent. A few days later the dollar had devaluied even further. But tlîis didn't dampeiî my spirits. At local restaurants I found out that a cup of coffee cost arouind 35 cents, a sandwich over a dollar and a full - course meal approximateiy tlîree or four dollars. Geîîerally speaking, the prices hiere are very, very higli, But, apart from the inflation, the city radiates a certain kiiîd of old Europeani charîn, caniais, littie bridges, old- faslîioîied trains, winding streets and couiîtless squares. Tlîeî, tliere are the usual tourist attractions, like museums, concert halls, old casties. outdoor cafes and even the famous red district. Dain Square with its Royal Palace aiîd nîany shopping areas is a perfect place to spend an afternoon. Niglîts you go to Leidseplein or the red district. Nightlife ini Amsterdanm starts arouind eleven o'ciock. 1 found it exciting and not too expensive. Once ini Amsterdam, take a side trip to Voliendam, abouit 20 kmn fromn Amsterdam. lt's a fislîing village. packed wvith souvenir slîops. Youi will fiîîd old fishermien sitting on long woodeiî benches and retelling tlîeir stories (or lies) for hours. But, tliere are fishermnen who stili go out to the sea and bring back fisti - not fairy taies. Unfortunately, thley're outinmbered by the old fellas on the wooden benchies. Volleîîdam is a very pictuiresque sea- side towîî, wortlî seeing during suimmer nionthis. News on1e yeaîr's service but less than tlîrec vears; 100 lours for three years but less thanl five; 12-0 lours for f ive years but less than ten; 140 hours for 10 vears but iess than 15; 160 lîours for 15 years but less than 20 and 200 hours for employees with 20 or more years service. The current houriy rate for production assembler w. orking in GM plants is S4.80 an hour including cost of living allowance. This figure does îlot include earnings for -overtitne, night shift premium or company - paid benefit programs. GM employment in Oshawa Ste. Ilierese, St. Catherines, London, Windsor and Scar- borough plus sales zone of- fices and parts wareliouses across Canada totals 30,000. Vacation period for iîourly- rated employees in six plant cities will be scleduled thro- rughi July and the first two ilweeks ini August. Special Savings Accou nts Member Canadla Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTORI4An [0GREY TRUST COMPANY. SINCE 1889 Wheat -Marketing Agency Approved The Minister of Agriculture and Food bas announced his acceptance of the recommendation of the Farm Products Marketing Board that the Ontario Wheat Produc- ers' Marketing Plan be amended to provide for agency marketing of wheat. The recommendation was based on the resuit of an expression of opinion conducted among Ontario wheat growýers at meetings held across the Province in June at which 75.9 % of those balloting were in favour of 'the agency marketinîg proposai. Thîe expanded authority will be implemented in time to apply to the 1973 crop. Ail producer sales of Ontario wlîeat will now be to the Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board througlî appointed agents. Wheat used on a producer's own farm or sold to another producer for his use will be exempt from the regulations. Ontar«io's Energy Pol»icy Outl"ined By Premier Davis Addressing tlhe Legislature, Premier Davis outiined tlîe Government of Ontario's plans for an energy policy, following receipt of Ontario Hydro's Proposed Generation Development Program 1977 - 1982, Task Force Hydro's Report No. 4 entitled Hydro ini Ontario: Financial Policy and Rates and the report on energy prepared by Darcy McKeouglî, MPP for Chatham - Kent, Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier. Mr. Davis introduced fîve Buis to implement the proposed Government policy. Amendments to the Power Commissionî Act, designate Hydro as a corporation rather than a commission, in recognition of the argument advanced by Task Force Hydro that the corporate designat- ion and the concept of a board of directors is appropriate to Hydro's redefined role anîd new relationship to the Government as recommended by the Task Force. Under the ainendments, Ontario Hydro will continue to be accountabie to the Legislature, and to be charged with delivering power at cost and with serving the best interest of the people of Ontario. Pie corporate structure will emphasize Flydro's operational independence and streîîgthen its ability to be progressive and to conduct its affairs in accordance with the best principles of enliglîtened commercial enterprise. Mr. Davis emphasized that Hydro's new corporate structure wilI not impair the fundamnental relationship whîich it has aiways enjoyed with the municipaliy-owned distribution utilities. The new, Executive Committee for the Restructuring of Public Utilities will be responsible for developing principles and guidelines withiîî which the restructuring of local electrical commissions across the province will take place. The Government has committed itself to local involvemnent ini the individual studies which will conmmence onîce the overaîl guidelines have been established. The Government has accepted the concept of rate review for electricity rates recommended by Task Force Hydro which would involve public participation. The Energy Board Act will be arnended to extend the respon- sibilities of the Ontario Energy Board to include a review of Onîtario Hydro rates. The Board will be enlarged to enable it to deai effectively with its new responsibilities. Mr. Davis reiterated ini strong language the need for leadershîip from Ottawa ini the formation of a national energy policy, one tlîat would best serve the national interest and the people of Canada. I note with approval also Mr. McKeough's proposai, tlîat Ontario shouid take such steps as are necessary to test tlîe coîîstitutionality of actions relative to the terms of trade ini energy tiîat have beeîî taken or are proposed by. tle Goe etiof Aiberta aind tiîat are not ini the

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