PAGE 12, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS MACKA'S ICalifornia FilIm Makers Intsrestod KING ST. 1. SIAWA <Iu siLU ou HAIMONY U».) The FPIIENDLY FLEA MARKET "We buy and tell anythiflg» _ 23 KING ST. WEST 7259783OS ATIERILTTiRESERYKE 103 b.m4s .e* woWhi*bY R ENAUI TEST DRIVE ONE TODAY ATN Newly Auth@rlz.d Dernier IDALO CAPPUCCITTI SERVICE MANAGER MOTOR c&cSALES LTDO in Ontarl«o Ladi"es' Collogo TV 'and RADIO Sales and Service Marvin Miller of Warner Brothers, Burbank California Film Producers was an inter- ested visitor to the Ontario Ladies' College on Tuesday (lune i 9th). He was visiting the College for the purpose of using both- the College Buildings and the campus for settings for a forthcoming film that Warner Brothers will be producing in the near future. "It is a beautiful place and the grounds are just be- cablecast8 hounced at the Alumnea Lu- ncheon that Warner Brothers are. interested in using the College as a setting for a fortbcoming movie that they plan on making. He said this isn't the first time that t ie College bas served as a setting for film groups. A local film group fromn Osh- awa used the College for a variety of settings and scenes in the movie made by the Oshawa based film company. G tb»> Canadiari Bible, Society At its final meeting for the season, the Whitby Bran- ch of the Canadian Bible Society met in. St. Mark's United Church, Friday, lune I Sth. Plans were made for the annuai walkathon in the faîl. This will be held on Saturday, October I 3th, and will take the form of a "Family Walk in the Coun- try." The object is $3800. for the purchase of Malay New Testaments (New Trans- lation) for Singapore. Is pleasedi to bring our viewers LIVE CO VERA GE of the s4 ONTARIO- SUMMER GAMES Our subscribers can watch events from June 3Oth until closing ceremonies August 2nd. We hope you enjoôy the coverage andi the games. PETER SMITS Hair Styling for Men Wish es to announce- that his shop wiI be closed for holidays from JuIy 2 to JuIy 9. He wl be back o'n JuIy lOth at the same h ours for business. JOHN NOWACKI SALES 160 SUMCOE se OSHAWA 728-0051 102 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY TE L. 668-2053 autiful beyond words," Mr. Muter said. "We just have to wait for a decision from the Board of Directors of" the College. The plans and suggestions will be put before them in the next fe w days. When we know what their, decision will be then we can go ahead with our plans and we will make our decisions public as soon as it is pos- sible to do so." Prior to Mir. Miller's arriv- ai Dr. R; Davis, Principal, an- BU.668-6331 129 BROCIC STREET SOUTH WHITEBY. ONTARIOI I TIOlYIOI T (A SERVICE PARTS INGVARLIMI.. 723-1176 RENUMI MM"