rr*- WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 14,1973, PAGE 15 DI8COUNT PR icES *mWAi OFFICE 9ISiOPIE .wTSv* SEl. e.S W ASLY1 LI - $1TM * W UN mm we *SONM E 23-33 at$3,. TI& s . w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __iteess nd anxio s oslloe_ _ __ _ _ BOWMANVILLE: 12.000 sq.5 Ct.stemiheaed asbLrd home. I11/2 bathroom. electrie heat, fenced backyard, tool shed and other extras. Priced at $28,500. Ternis. J6 + 13 FOR NORIGAGES ALWAYS-DEAL WITH A MAEM. RER 0F 1THE ONTARIO MORIGAGE BROKERS ASSOCIATION oui member(s) in your aiea: RAý R.. 1221 GOD MARINE LTI Cm, Seau-Abm... bos Cm. *EaplsrrTramu EZ IaedwTyeliw% JONE & ON EALYLs-t: 195e black--and-grey Bîc SeTot. Persian cat wearing plaid col- Broc SteetSouh. lar . Nine months old. Re- whitby [Mird. 668-7092-_ JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN For design of Eleet ro-Meclianical Compotients. Graduiate of a recognized Technical l)rafig Couirse. Sonie Exper- icuce ini Component Lrafting an;isset. Apply in wvriting sîating qualifications aïid salary' re- quirernents. or a(: PronlOffice ITT Cannon Electric 4 Cannon Court Whithy (end of Consuniers Drive) iHELP WANTED: Full and part-time janitors required iimmediately for J.i. Janitorial Services. Caîl 668-8038. ~or Sale. House contents, Ima inly teak.. Almost'inew gar- Iden fools. Cl anytime 668- 19233. Horses for sale. Yearling Paint Stud. Yearling Pain(' Gelding. Shlow Quality. Ce- dur Springs Farni. 655-4698' W.nt.d Houmes iti Whltby nid ««. Any conditimo soep du.WIII mdcc oeiioffe. uidc cIoslm,, GEORGE SULLI VAN LTD. REALTOR For Sale: Coboconk. Three bedrooni cottage. Garage, Boathouse. Good Fishing. §4,000. Down, $24.500.0.' Snlow removal.. 725-8645. e 15 WORDS FOR $1 M ADVANCE SMN IT IN OR 13RING UT H TO OUR OFFICE- WORD tu1 <.)<. no oa,,oAe aw rw MAIL TOI WHITBY FREE PRESS BOX 2Û6, WHiTBiY Acnowlsdgomsnîu or roeipt ores no t n n14ý- to choqu. or money orders. Cash sent through the nmil is et the advoetiser's rik. NAME................................... ADDR ESS.............................. P.0.o ................................ PHONE NO.,.. ...... .......... =ROAD RUNT TRAILERS=- FOR SALE OR FOR RENT corner of Park Rd. & King Wi. OSHAWA e 13' light weight ail fibreglassea Ideal for small cars e Sleeps four e Styrofoam insulated a stove e Sink e Ioebox -e Wood grain panielling e By the week or month e Avoid disappointmsent and book nowl SPECIAL PRICE WHILE 1MEV LAST- 4 ONLY 576-1114 576-3912 Bring A Friend Bac k Home To Whitby Homecoming July 27 - August 8, 1973 Give us the names and Adresses of previous Whitby residents so we cait invite them to your hiomecoming. FUI in and mail to J1. Gartshore, Council Repres- entative, Homecoming Committee, c/o Municipal Office Whitby. Nme. - -ma-m-m- -m- m - m Address. am m- -muou- - - -- - - - - - - ab ,n ý LEÀRN TO DR1VJ TRACTOR 1TRAILERS Now you can train right here in Canada Accommodation and expenses-. paid while training! Tuition Tax deductible! For application and. interview, write . Safety Department Trans'Canada Transport Ttaining Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay Wýest Toronto 117, Ontario or calI: 416-64-9381 COUNTY OF ONTARIO CARETAKER Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of caretaker at the County of Ontario Court House and Administration Building, Whitby, Ontario. Salary Sciiedule, Pension, Medical and iGroup Life In- surance Plans are ini effect as well as other fringe benefits. Further'information and application fornis may be obtain- ed from: Wm. G. Manning Administrator and Clerk-Treasurer County of Ontario 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LI N5S6 M - B 668-6111 Classified Advertisinag PRIVATE SALE rMwU îes ouaS WANTEO R.8. SPENCER REAL EsTATrE LTD. 137 King Stret Eut Bo"manviIh, Ont. WOODWOR KING BUSINESS, mdcing table. "abnets, etc., wIIell tabisfsd; .included in ule prios is factorynd aIl mchnery. Ioely 4-bo&foom horm &W 2 building lots. Chenc of a lifetime. we con do the fimnanu. SeIl directly to ne. INO cmmissionpaal.Me When You want. CWl WiIIud jiahnsto: WILLARD REALTV INC. 7234144 PLEASE NOTE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE IS: 5:00 P.M. MONDAY FOR EACH WEEK'S PAPER t ,k Lq