Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1973, p. 8

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PAGE 8, TFIURSDAY, MAY 3, 1973, WHITBY FREE L.PRESS KA LHIHS ON Sunshine OGis .Well, distinguislied gentlemen, the truth about Toronto's Sunshine Girls finaily lias been toid by a rather obscure littie publication known as Toronto Uife. For everyone to sec, the monthiy magazine lias featured a number of Sunshine Girls, plus their own expose' stories. One must say, it made good reading niaterial for sonîeone who does not know too mucli about Toronto's best looking gais. I was one to spend 75 cents, just to find out what kind of girls tliey are. My interest, of course, was greater in the story silice i have pliotographed soie 30 Sunshine Girls nîyself. It was a pity thougli that many of the views expressed in tlîis article iacked sincerity and even good background informa- tion. For instance, the writer faiied to mention that good Sunshine Girls are liard to corne by. Many of the girls I have pliotograplicd looked well in front of the camnera but when 1 developed tlie film, well-- Iairnost had to run for- cover. And, don't believe that aIl Sunshine Girls arc taken by Cooper, Holland and Betts. I t appears again that the free- lance pliotographiers' efforts hiave been playcd down by the writer of that magazitne. But, 110W let's get back to the girls! As expected, sonie of thern were real cry-babîes. Oh, My God, liere lie w-as again tiîat dirty, old mani hiding beliind his camnera. Fie wanted that 1 take rny clothes off. He wantcd to take pic- tures with a Polaroid camera. And now, hold your breath-- that dirty old maan wanted to sec rne au natural. Naughty, nauglity, 1 say. Here, 1 think, the blame rests with the gais tliemselves. No doubt, they arc imagining things, to say the least. No professional photograplier wouid use the Sunshine corne-on for lis own personal entertainrnent. Perhaps, at a later date lie couid approacli the girl, but then, it's a different story. A pliotograplier also shouid have his own private life. No one can expect himi being on the job 24 hours a day. What lie does on his own tirne is entirely his own business. My experience witli Sunsiiine Girls is quite pleasant and at times even lighthearted. Maîîy of theni have neyer heard of the popular feature. The first reaction is aîways the sanie. RealIy? Me? A Sunshine Girl'? And then, corne a bag of mixed reactions. Sonie openly downgrade thenîseivw. Others think they are* too good to be "used" for this type ENirE irH BIC yCLE SHIRT by Arrow> of presentation. The rnemnbers of thie Women's Lib, un- doubtedly, wiil be ready to smash the camnera over the pliotographer's hcad. They wili scnd up smnoke signais- maie ciîauvlnist pigs exploiting our beautiful bodies. If this does happen (and it's most likely to liappen sooner or later) tiien make a hasty retreat. Remember that Womeîî are very, very sensitive .tiiese days. On the wliolc, i find Toronîto girls reasonabie when it cornes to photograpiîing tiieni Secretly, l'm wiiling to bet, about 80% would like to sec their picture published in the newspaper. 1 often wonder wiîy. In conclusion, I have this advice for ail wouid-be Sun- shine candidates: stop worrying about your own beauty. It's in the eyes of the cameraman-a man who should know lis job. readers Dear Sir; Cornmenting on Mr. Kal- nins columin on Local Press, Tliursday April 26, i would like to state that Dr. Laurence J. Peter would say that Mr. Kainins has reachied HIS level of incompetence. A manî who supposedly lias had fiftccn ycars of news- paper experience would know that tlie local weekly papers lie is referring to hiave a very smail budget and would îlot ,-xist witliout the arnount of advertising that is in them. And whatever the percentage of advertising that is required to keep a paper running is ob- viously needed. 1 don't know the back- grouind of the editorial staff of' these papers but 1 arn sure that thiey are not ail amateurs. Maybe it would bcejust as well that thecy were, after ail what local paper can supp;ort a salary of a Martin Goodman. As far as content is con- cernied, what is tlhe real pur- pose behiind a local paper'1 To teil of' local happenings of' course. This the weeklies do very welI. In flhc area of world aff'airs we have die Star, Sun and Globe. write Mr. Kaînins where is you,'r proof that letters to the edi- tor are written by editors? And liow many tirnes have you picked up the Globe only to find the front page decorated with a sports pic- ture? And what is wrong with a Polaroid camiera? Have you forgotten the cost factor? And anyone who lias to turn a newspaper around clockwise seveai times before lie can open it must be cornpletely brainless. Mr. Kalains should forge about a writing career and concentrate on pliotograpliy. For it's clear that if lis clîoice of Sunshine Girls does flot improve he will have reaclied another incompetent level. Yours truly, A.C. Gregory, 72 Calais St., Whitby, Ont. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED APARIMENTS Bonus I nterest Mayl1to May 15 OTTENBRITE MEN'S WEAR 103a DUNDAS ST. W. AMI FILL OUT BALLOT ýJ iie 4 2 Il#' 4. '.Y . Money you move to a Special Savings or a Regular Savings account at Victoria and Grey Trust at any time during the period May 1 to May 15 will be accorded fuit interest (Special Savings 5 %, Regular Savings 4 %) from May 1. This up-to-two-weeks bonus gives your savings a substantial boost ... if youactnowl W7CZVRJ4A elGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 18a9 MANAGER - LORNE REID * . .,~ *.ê.i. 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