P>AGE -1, TIIURSDAY APRtL t9, t1973, WIIITBY lRLPRESS Letter to the Editon While riditîg our bikes tu school we wcrc hield uip on highiway I12 by a train stupped on thie UP t racks in thle ar-ea of Nurtler hemeigh its. Mie Mon- day nîorning train ai 8:30 causcd a car I ile-Lip tromi the t acks, nunt h tuo Paltmerston Avenue and suri îh t1o('h1csnui Street. Peuple wcre late Cor work, fou r ut whio we know, ;tîd wc werc alinost late for sehlool. Amiong the peuple lield Lnp une imn part iculan was an ami- bulance whichi was carryîing a sniall boy whio was badly ini- jurcd, by a muoving vehiicle. Thlc ambulance anrivcd ai (lhe scene of the accident to take the boy tu the Oshawa Gen- emal Hospital and la ter tu Scar- NEWSFLA SH The CP tracksl borougli General Hospital. We lîeard the siren and tut mcd around to sec te fashing liglîts coniing t o w a r d s tlhe shunting train. It was a guod ten inutes bef*ore the tracks were cicar anîd the aînbn- lance couid be on its way. The amiblan11ce could have prie arotn nd an d over the Cochrane bridge but it woLd have taken the saine aniount of* tinme as it would l'or the trai to miove out of'the way. We hiave iivcd ini Whitby almnost seventeen years and thie tracks hadve always been a nuisance. For many years the residenîs of' Northcrn Heighits have nequested an overpass because of-niany car problenîs due to t'roquent travel over die trac ks. Suchi things as louse niotor tuouts, broken shocks and a certain amnoun t of' disconif'ort are only a few ut' these prubletîîs. 'On a main thorough t'are p)eolple do not cxpect to be hield up by a train. We have always fearcd thiat an ambulance or a l'ire trtuck would get stopped by. a pass- ing train but we neyer thuughit it wouid really happen. A h ou se could burti to the ground or a person could die, ail becautsc of a shunting train. As young nesidents we arc con cern cd by Laurie MacDonald of 856 Byron Street North and David Smoddy of 310 Palmerston Avenue. WIN $1GG Wiîtby Arts Incorporated, in co-(>pera tion witlî the ('ominty Town Carnival ('oui- ii itee is sponsoring a "~Logo Coni test'-. (A Logo is a graphic syîn- bol describing an orgaîiiza- t ion 's f*unlc ioný business etc.) Wîa t we are looking f'or is a logo foorithe Wiîby Couiity Townl Carnival. NOTICE If you -qq own a travel traiter or camper.. NOW is the time to have your propane equipment and appliances thoroughly înspected and adjusted. Be sure of a fun-filied, caret ree holiday with dependable propane cooking. cooling and tighting systemns. Allit I akes is a phone calI for an appoîntmeni. Complete service just $12.00 PLUS PARTS GLEN COOKSON at 668-3328 (Whitby> Ask for ~S vour free cOP) 0f Camping ac ross Canada ioo THIERIi WILL BE A PRIZE 0F S 1(001 CIASI-I 'l'ie wîningii( logo wil i be used o)in a nlew leitterhicad fui Ille \Vhitby COunity Town Car- nlival. Offliciai ciit ry fi* i s arc ava ilable tfmuni"TliieSit iomi Coirne r oft Vic toria an d Lien ry Sîrecets) anly Su n day fruml Lut ries inay bc br-OughIlt t "Thîe Station- amîy Suiîday t'roin 2:00 - 5:00 pi.rt. up Io and inclu di îîg Juiy 29t h.I, 1973, %vii icli is the closittg date of' tlle contlesi. Thiîs coiitst is opI)ito amateur anîd protessionai ar- t isîs. The wîiiîer xviii be niî - t*icd bv teleiioon 01Tîiturs- da;y, AnLgt 2iid.-1973. Conditions of Entry: *AI i con test a ts iiiust be resicleîts of Whlitbiy. 2. En t ries inst ibe on xwhiteu bristol board i -"'x 10""and be suitabie lfor rcprudu(ic- t ion. 3.y Amnîuiîîber out colours italJ Ie used. 4. There wiii bc a limit oftwo ciiiries per person. 5. Each enîry ut be ac- compan ied by an oftficiai cnt ry fOrm a tîached lu tthe back. ( Be sure it can be r-ciuved casily). 6. Ail entries becuntle t he pro- perty ut'\Vhitby Arts lu- corporaied and cannot bic relt nme d. 7. Whiliby Airts Incorpora ted cannot bc respunsible for lusses or damiages to eni- t rie s. This Contest is Cîosed To: 1The imenibers and inuuciid- iatc tamnilies ou'thte Board o t* Direct ors olt.Wiii tby Arts Incorpora îed. 2.The utenfibers an di mdi- aIe tain1ilieS out the Cuun1ty Townm Carnivail Cumiittee. T~ he iumdgcs an d fthir ini- niediate 1fanifics. 4. No conmnmercial entries xvill bc accepted. I.. iin the iumdgcs' opinion. there is nul suitabie entry. this con est xvii ibe dcciared niill and void. THE JUDGESI DICISION WILL BE FINAL. Inquest coming up OPP to investigate Whitby Jail death By Alex Kaîlnis A nmassive inîvest igat ion lias [beel lauinciîed b W/h itby anîd On tario Police depliîetits iîîto tlle lîaigiiîg dcat11 lî of 2t)-year-old Ilanilton y\ouitiinii a poulice colii here. 01PT>itîspector Fred 131 uîChIcr toldid tc 1[n'iec Press today a speCîalv appoilnted policeiispect or vii wttut otiier a detaiied report for the Ontarioto ru Gnrlon Michael Schîutict . tiiid dead (011 Apr-il Sxviîlî iîeieg ofliîis trousers tied arouiid lus ieck anîd Ille otliîr ieg lied airoutil a vertical bar iii thie cel door, Mris. NMarie Sli tic tt shoeked li thuc su ddc îîdca iii iii a Whjity police ccli sait1 todax lier sou liad beet i-iiîiiîg ltai day iin wh itby MIilt a itend. j\cLsot itn si tle precii îîîtary OPi rlt eor -tlhe>, wcr arte sîcdiotiM( pin. allicr bdiug asked l[o cave a local 1h ro leti lie \Vs Ioîind dcard icss ilan iu c heus iler. W/h i t ('loi evi titx l3rttCc Attieceflis pri iised auitiqlîest itlite \'ettlls deait. lThe iliqtesi. S:ttd a court officiai. xxiii be hled m'IV _/ot S. depctdiuu, on tIllcdates availabie l'or a11illiii eetd-tat tics. 'llite itîîluesi is ecxpectedtlo attrac i inait uîo-îw itcwspaperîien aand televisiomi reportecrs. Becaluse of I lic IIIîu su.ai ictline inIllte youil's deathi, ami array of' vititiesses xviii be cai ied iii to test ify. A st a ili ig testiiory is liîredicte d tu eiierge tYoruî ibiîs imqucst. Ouie court officiai bold The Ft-ce Press, the upcoiniîg in- qucst eould last aîîywhîcc from tiîrec luten days. I *~, 1: Wlîitby Town Council Iast nlighit îroposed a 2 mili eut in residentil property tujx. I t wo Ild mean a saving of' about $10,00 per ycar to the averagc Whlby rosi- dent if the proposed budget is passed and approved. The Counicil also proposed a raise in pýay for it1e Mayor by $2,500 and proposed to itncrea,,se 10 $4,000 thew yearly su lary of a COn neCil nienîber. More about ibis ini our nexi issute. 1r >1 É Ti -1 ý