Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1973, p. 7

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TEE PLANTING IN MEM ORY 0F HERBER DOWN The Broekliî Horticuflural Society is planning a coin- memorat ive t ree pliiting cere- tnony in nîenlory of the late Mr. Heber Down. As well as being well known in public service, Mr. Down was a mem- ber ut' our Society for many years, and the memibeu-s have chosen this means of niarking hlis long time association witlî u S. The mnemorial service will be hield Sunday, April 29, 1973 at 3:00 p.m. in front of the Brooki in Memiorial Arena. As thle Horticuiturai Society lias undertaken the landscaping ut' this siglît as a memorial garden, it will be an A PERSON CENTRED SOCIETY Education Week In a re cetiît notice troiii Thiomas L Wells, Mi,îister et' Educatieui. the date l'er Edu- catîin Week has been fixedi for Aprîl 8 - 14. 1lts cli ieft pu r- pose is te tocus attentioni on thie imiportant rela tiensiiip lie- tween thee h o tii e and thîe school. This year's thlenie. Ht mnati Values in Educa tion. is dear te) OUIr hiert s. Here a I Den is O'Conor our a mii lias beenl thle deveiepniien t and rein- ft1 rcemient ut' values set ini the home by îthet'ait he r anid mtiitler. It lias aise been env objective 10 tester learuiing conditions te lîelp the stu- dent niature and prepare for adUltlîeod. Sister mildred moyle Prinîcipal a t Deniis O'Coninor -iheles tliat ail Oet nS juinl and lieip t iet IIIate tdut -A perseui cen îîed Society and LICa t(in is tuie key te theifi tLire. ' appropriate location for a liv- ing growing memoriai. In order to raise fuuids for this niemorial, and so We may properiy iiark it witlî a brass plaque, we are asking Al itîterested parties 10 assist wiî h donations. Pieuse niake your ciieque payable to tlhe "Brooklin Horticuitural So- cicty Heber Down Memiorial". Donations may be sent to Mrs. E. Munns, Treasurer, 308 Cochrane St., Whitby or to Mrs. Win. E. Davis, Publicity Director, Ashiburn. We do appreciate your in- terest and assistance. Please accept this invitation te at- tend oiur tree planting cere- ni ony. DR. A 'S MINI-TALES The Fat King's Contest Once thiýre was a very fat boy - so fat he couidn't sit down on a chair without breaking it. The children of the village teased him and eqled.him Blimppo. But Mie just kept on eating. One day a messenger came: "King Justin is having a contest. Anyone fatter than he is, ean marry the King's beautiful daughter Caroline and become the new King." Everyone in the village thought Blimpo could win. So they sent him off wîth a mule train full of food supplies, The crowd at the castle buzzed when they saw Blîmpo. Surely he wouid win. The King ihought so too. '*You must be tired," he said. -Why don't you rest before we weîgh you? " The guards led Blimpo to a fine bedroom - and locked him in! For days King Justin kept him locked there, with only bread and water to eat. Caroline felt sorry for Blumpo. Each night she saved some of her own dinner and took il to him. Soon they feul in love. At last. King Justin uniockea the door. The crowd gasped when they saw Biim- po. He w-as thin and hand- some. He had lost the eontest! But Caroline begged her father to let BliM po marry her after ail. And the King agreed. When the news reached the village, a cheer went up for their hero, Blim po. Copyright AVS Technical Services, 1972. * 1962 VOL KSWAGEN,V certif ied, Lic. EAA 543 .~$295. * 1971 VOL KSWAG EN, detuxe, sunroof, 1tike new, Lic. BBT 485 * 1971 VOLKSWAG EN, 411 sedan, tow miteage Lic. DYR 989 ALSO SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION 0F USED VOL KSWAG ENS AND OTHER CARS 942-1881 942-1401 AUTHORIZED V-W SALES &SERVICE -The pupils and teaclis are participa t i ngi'Onta rie EduIcatien Wýeek' by iaving an *Open Hou se* 'rini 7:00 - 9:00 pu.. onTlîursday even- ing. Aprili2 tii. Alil pare nt s a re iuîvitcd uo a ttend. The Parents wiil aise hajve au op- portuinity te secethe uctuai c la sse s ini action- duriuig SCIeIOO ILIti rS (') :00 ad.11. - 31:30 p.m. ) on \Vedniesdav\. April 1ii iiaîd, oriîurliiisduv. April 1Illî. The s it u d e iii s wihi ihave tlîeir Ar-t\work, projecu s.uand scrapibooks un va riens topics i1i the dii t'flellie,îu su jeC t ureaS. HOSPITAL GETS FACE LIFI The Honouruhie James W. Snlow. Minisi er ut' Gevel - ment Ser-vices su id todav t li tenders are tîow beiitg calied foi- renlovatiolns to ottai.e 5 ut Wliitby. Psychîlatric Hiospi- tai. for Itle Minist rv uo' Ileai tlii u t an e s t i ini a t e d cosi o f SI 190.000. Cottluge 6, previotisiy renio- vated uiong simiilu Hiles, uc- coiiniioda tes 1 6 eniot lonaiiy' disturbed adolescents us part ofl a ciildretî's set-vices pro- grain being carried otnt utthie hospi tai. Coniversî-in of' Cot- tage 5 is now required to pro- vide residential cure and treat- ment t'or an additienal I16 adolescents suft'ering fromn se- From $2188 COROLLA 1200 SE DAN "Front Disc Brakes "White Wall Tires "Rear Window Defroster Four Speed Synchromesh Transmission «And Many Others BESTWAY MOTORS DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668m4792 vere euîîeuieuai disorders. Renevat unsis th le two- puartial basenîctît wiil c0;îsist et convert iuîg openi dertîîiter- ues te deuhle bedrot uns anud pruvid iuîg îatiiroem s. kiiclie n. living, dining. recreat iotî and cra'il moinis, anud s51:1 t' aci- ties. Plans b' Ministry of' Gov- ernnient Services stalf aisu incinde a iiewv l'ire sta irway, new iigiituuîg and liot ar Ilieu t ig systeîîi. and a paved recrea tion urea uandsiniail par k- inîg lot in tuie site work. ln- teriet finislies speccilîed a re pia ste r %vali1s, drywall parti- tions, carpe i and vînyl asbes- tes t ile floors. as weil as pîniit- ing and decora ting. l'le p ro ec t is e x p e c te d te be ceniffete by'(lice end et' t Ilis yeuir. BROOKLIN-WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOC. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUNDAY» APRIL 29, '73 m 7:00 p.m. AT COUNCIL CHAMBERS, WHITBY MUNICIPAL BUILDING THERE WILL BE AN'INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE AND ELECTION 0F DIREC- TORS. THIS IS A PUBLIC MEETING, ALL ARE WE LCOM E. WIIIjTIY l'RITI) RESS, TIURSDAY, AP)RIL 12, 1973, PAGI 7 g The FRIEND)LY FLEA MARKET 'We buy and seli anVthing' i I23 KING- ST. WEST 725-9783 OHW PR EGNANT? NEED HELP? Adoption Services, Pregnancy Testing, Etc.... CALL: National FamlIy Planning Council, Ltd. 1SAVON 1X UALITY('V FUEL NOWP Coq Us T.sY for Prmo*,CofieSeie DX FUEL OIL 6684381 THIS SUNDAY FGOLLOW THE CROWD- WHITBY MAIL TO WHIUY MO0. 2 HIGHWAY wlmTY MAL_ "4010 MACDONA&.O Cian Mee !Iv Compiinientscf THE FREE PRESS TO OHM 'I OPEN HOUSE IN BROOKLIN SCHOOL a iý- Lý %mlmwmmmvý 0

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