PAGE 16,'FIIUIZSDAY, APRÃŽL 12, 1973, WIIITBY FRET PRE- SS CARPET SPRI CORRAL 1S ANTI C G SALIE Starts Today April À4th., Propylon Castie Twist SALE 95 $9sq. yd. IN LIVING, COLOURS FOR '13 With Rubber Undercushuon SALE 95 sq. yd. M-ýELANESE VOILA SHAG F.aturing the rich Saxon y Iook for 173 SALE sq. yd. VIVANTI CARPETING SALE 7 sq. yd. And a hundred more drastically re- duced Bales of Samples, ail '73 stock at huge spring sational SAVINGS. CARPET CORRAL 1646 BAYLY ST. PICKE RING, ONT. Just West of Brock Rd. on Baseline HOURS: MONDAY to FRIDAY 9 AR a 9 PM SATURDAY 9 AM - 6 PM 839m4771 or 942-1731 4 1 z;*="Ã