WIIIT13Y 1FREl' PRISS. TFIURSDAY. APRIL 12, 1973, PAGE 11 * e SOCCER NEWS BASEBA LL NEWS Althoughi the weathernman hasni't miade it look too con- vinceing, spring is on the way, and the Whiitby Minor Base- bail Assoc. hias shifted into high gear ini its plans for the '73 season. This Saturday morning the W.M.B.A. will hiold its first of two registrat ion sessions fro i 1O until 1 2 noon in four different locations, the Legion Hall on Byron St. South. The Brooklini Arena, Westmninster United Chiurchi and I15 Almionds Ave. The final session will be hield on Saturday, April 1 8th at the saine locations.1 Whitby's entries in the Eastern Ontario Baseball Assoc. have been organizing for the upcoming season and have been holding prelininary conditioning workouts in the Anderson Collegiate Gynînasiurn. .Coaching staffs are getting settled away althoughi there are still sonie posts to be filled. AI and Keitti MacDonald will definitely be working with the K of C tyke club and are hopelul thai Jimi Jermiyn wiIl also return to the staff. The Lasco Steeler Bantamis have a whole niew look witlh Gary Steane as the niew head coach. Gary hias been with West Toronto and Leaside leagues. He was aI one limie signed by the Pittsburgh Pirates and hias hiad considerable inior pro experience. He wiIl be assisted by Mike Volpe who also played senior baIl in Toronto. Ralph Vine who lias hield several important posts with the W.M.B.A. will acî as manager. NEW MANAGEMENT FOR GANADIAN TIRE The Caniadiani Tire Midgets are going to make their '73 bid under the guidance of George Turner, Keithi Sarginson. Gord Forrester and AI Hovland. Turner and Forrester were with Caniadîin'Tire club last year which hlad a highly suc- cessful season taking E.O.B.A. Midget A honours, and conîing through with outstanding showings ini both the local Whitby-Oshawa Midget Tournamient and the Colling- wood event. Keith Sarginson lias been active with the W.M. B.A. witlh the Legionaires and tie Steelers in previous sea- sons while AI Hovland lias hield coaching posis iii the W.M.B.A. Pee-Wee House League. Whitby's entry in the E.O.B.A. Junior series will be wearing new colours this year. To be known as the Whitby Reds. the club is being sponsored by Red's Cycle and Sports. Mike McArthur is head coach. He will however be devoting niost of his timne to pitchers and catchers, while Dave Yaeger who lias liad considerable basebaîl experience at the senior level in the Niagara District will be ini charge of tlie infielders. SEASONS HIGHLIGHT Highlighît of the area ba'seball.season will take place on the Civic Holiday weekend when Whitby will be tic liost of a double knockout tournamnent for four top finishers during the regular Junior scason t0 declare an E.O.B.A. Junior Champion, The Oshawa and Whitby Associations are also naking plans for a repeat of the highly successful Midget Tournanient which last year attracted soi-e of thec top Midget clubs in Ontario. I973 certainly promises lu be a great basebaîl season for local fans. APROFESSIONAL CAR EER ON THE GREAT LAKES " Earn while you Iearn " Guaranteed employment ai $10,000 on graduation e MARINE NAVIGATION TECHNOLOGY e MARINE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY e 14 months paid sailing experience nîlus 22 months coIIlcie stLJdv 91 A NEW SPONSOR FOR SOCCER The Whitby Minor Soccer Association is reporting a tre- mendous increase of players this year. In the Bantamn division the association w e I c o ni e d the sponsorship of Conirie Luini- ber, Ajax. In Pee Wee the numiber of teamis have increased fronm four to six. Bruno Harilaid is a new sponsor for a Pee Wee Teami. In Mosquito, ages 11I and 12, (born between Jan. 1, 61 and Dec. 31, 62), the teamis are flot yet filled and addi- tional boys are welcomied to register. Contact E. Cane, 414 Harris Street, 668-8017. The Association also welconed Jerry's Produce as a sponsor of a Mosquito teami. In Atonii the teanms have increased fromn five to eighît and the association executives are appealing for increased people to coacli. As it now stands in the squirt division there are enough players for six tcamis. Anybody willing to hielp is asked to contact the publicity chairnman Hubert Adebar at 728-1877. Girls loin soccer by Terry Borg A few years ago when I met my husband, 1I didn't know wlîat soccer was, then 1 started going to sec irin play even then 1 was not really in- terested in the game. As a matter of fact 1I used to cheer for both teanis, but with eachi gaine 1 learned a little bit more. Two years ago 1 really started to enjoy the Gaie. My oldest boy was thien play- ing for the Whitby Minor Soc- cer wiîli the Atorns. ILa st year mny husband decided to hielp by coaching one of the tcanis, and when he couldn't make it f'or the gamie, I coachied the teamn. Continued on page 12 a a a imission' requirements " Mature students (19 years or over) or " Secondary School Graduation Diploma (candidates should possess 4th year credits as for technology programs in College of Applied Arts '~< and Technology calendars.> For Further Infromation write: Goorgian College, Box 700, Owen Sound, Ontario, ~1 President of WHITBY MINOR SOCCER Bill Vanderkolff was heartily welcomed to the Club Loreley by Ewald Rathmann an executive of the Club. Bill Vanderkolff-left, Ewald Rathmann-right, Hubert Adebar publicity director-center. Swimming time at Garden Pools, Whitby YOUR NEW LOCAL POOL CENTRE "AQUA-PLEASU RF" POOLS BY CONVERTIBLE INGROUND VINYL LINER POOL ABOVE G ROUND POOLS CONCRETE POOLS SPRING SPECIAL - 16' 32' INGROUNO VINYL LINER POOL KIT ONLY - $1625.00 COMPLETELY INSTALLED ON A DELUX HARD BOTTOM (DIFFICULI ACCESS MAY REQUIRE A SMALL ADDI- TIONAL CHARGE) BANK FINANCE AVAILABLE OUR NEW DISPLAY CENTRE WI.LL BE OPEN SOtIN IN WHITBY CALL - 655-3431 LUCKY PIZZA CONTESI WIN 15O"0 Every time you buy a pizza from PIZZAZIP- you could win $50.0O..Just f ill Dut the form on the top of the box and mail or bring it in, enclosed in a plain envelope to either of our two locations. Every Sunday there is a draw. Corne on in or phone, YOU COULD BE A WINNER! - .~- IN. 7-A,11 LAST WEEK'S WI 'NNER: Mrs. Edith White, 264 Huron St., Oshawa- 723-0004 TH IS WEE K'S WIN NER: Mrs. E. Arbour, 920 Walton BIvd., Whit by - 668-3925 WHTY- 106 Byron St. S. ft77AIf 66-45or 658-9909 rILLI.ZL Ir 76- IAWA icoe St. S. 4255 j 1 NIS -000" 1 p