Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1973, p. 2

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-PAGE 21, TIIURSDAY, APRIL5, 1973, WIIIT1BYIFRLiE PIRI-ISS Letter to the editor Dear Sir: We wish te express our hanks foi' the fine coverage your paper gave our mîosi recent projeet fthc Fire Fîgiers Filmn Festival. Wth- out presently knowing the exact outconre we are how- ever- certain that we have more than met or goals. WC aIse are more than certaintht wîthotit Your Co- operation wc would flot liave hiad die succcss wc h-ave thiere- fore on beialf of the mienliber- shiip of Local 2036 Whitiby Pro fessional Fire Fighitcrs Associa tion, THANK YOU. Yeu rs t ru ly, T'ony Van Dolcwccrd Sec. Treas. Whitby OPP's Ontario Provincial Pc lice ('mi issier1-1. l (rahiaru prcsented the 'oniissicncr's (cri ifica te (et Val)u r, thre Ferce's higlhcst award Ibr bravcry. te Prmcicrai ('estables R.G. Kcaly and l).A. Robbins du ring a cererirenv at (Jeneral Hcadquarters, Toronto, on Mardli ). Royal ('anadian lurnane Association LI fe Saving Awvard s were aIse presen ted by thie (crmissioncr te Staff' Sr.perin- tendent W.H. Armistrong anrd Mr. D)enis I lar rwel Ia r the saine ccrcnny. Elated, and making plans for the County Town Singers' upcoming tnîp ta Miami are, from Ieft ta right, Ian Forbes, president; Jim Ashley, director; and Bill Schatzmann, business manager. Photo hy Mike Burgess EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE CouinedftonPage I wherever rhey have performied. One of the greatest emnotional experiences fer any per- former is te be accordcd a standing ovarien. Another is te have an audience continue applauding and chccring in tiI promise cf an encore is cnsured. Withy's (cointy Town Sirîgers have cnjoyed boiîh these experiences: ueron mce, but nany tii-ties. Home rown supporters cri thusiasin for iteir ewn people'? The Singers have always enjoyed thar, and proudly se. BuI t thte cheers andI standing ovat ions have hecu jusi as stroug at thre eto-onshowS. 'le date, tIhe group')s plirîacle et success ruutst surel\ ble thecir receprîinat Ontrario lPlacceîiiiiii MrIre Stiinuier cif '71 . l Infrnt ci arrest imiatd cm cwd ci aroind twc tlrousand peo ple: a scorch ing liot day, in rthe ru d-c igîr ies prt np tedi more r ha n rthe "nv mrd le is k illiiig rue-' cerpl ai nit roi n thre girlsIn rIre group. 011n li l uliersrnrer daN, thar mrxed audienices, comprising ail ages, t roui différent parts of On- tarie, rose at the end of' the performnance, with a rear. and dlemanided more, Dîrector iim Ashîley was a figure of mnixed einet ioils, if hle had tears that day they were lest in the smvea t tha.-t was h îeraîly pourinig frem im ii. A large nuniber of the audienice that day wvent home kneowving who the ('eunty Tewni Sinigers were, and just whiere the towni of whîtbly \vas. Thliîs greup et Singers started inii 907 as a smnall greupi et' soeeIw\o doeienpeople svho <'et tgether for thc Pure pleasure of' singing. Today. tlîcy are ever seveity si reng. wî ii a wa îgIisietfîpeople anxioirs r c joilil theni . wh île r hcv retain t hecir ecuiusiasin. ardId t eir accorupan ist M arg We bc r, caiin penn d cii r thoe Cbatritic es. r iiidcldi- cated director. J imi Aslcve. will cettmute te iwoduce the wcndriu soids kniowni as t he (ci yTown in igers. Gomid luck tIc ou r (coi my Towni Singoers i n NIi arni. FIer- idla. Conrstables Kealy anîd Rolibinis, hotuninrbers et Witiby L)ctacinient , vcre fired tipen 1w a rman wantcd ini conec- tien witIr ail at temp ted ruurder in Oshawa lifter stoppinig h mii along the Macderra Id-Cart icr- Freewvay in Septemlber I972. Severail shiots were exchianged wvith ihe guiniian wbeo was arind ith a sawed off double-barrellcd sh etgini. Constable Robinis, va s able tu a pproacl tIhe suspect on foot and arrest irui. No irnjuriis wcrc sustairred. Th is case is still bc- tore thre courts. St aff Sîperint endent Armnst rong, 1irect or eftthe Force's Planirig arnd Researchi Brancdi, sas off du ty in h is auto- mobile on thIe evening cf Auguist 1 0,1972, wlicn lie saw anl aduil t fernale disappear down an emuankiir t inte Lake On tarieoircarIle casteril cdgc cf Metropol iran Torento. Af- ter, si ppirrg thIe car and mn ing te the clit'l' Iie saw bier Semle distance off shore lti i iin d'ccp ater. Ile pluniged inte the lake whiere lie vas sbeun yjie by Mr. Hart- wchI ol* Littîle Britain, Ountarie, wlioe had r'esponded te h is cal lfor' hellp and togelther îhiey rescued Ille woilnan. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the Cou nty Town) [Io rnetown paper ef Witby. Broekijui, Myrtle anid Ashiburn;- servinig Ajax and Pckering. Ptiblishied every lhursday Publislied by li tby Free Pruss hIc. 212 lrock Si. Southi, Wiiby Mail Bo>\ 2016, Whlitby. Phrone 668-61 Il or 668-01 12 Fd itor: Judy Di)rkee MAII HNG Assistan t Iditor: J im Qua il PI FR MNi I Sports Iditior: 1)oug Weaies NO. 2941I Advertisirig: Roîi Wiistatnley DR. W. K. CHANG WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F HIS OFFICE AT 519 DUNDAS STREET EAST, SUITE NO. 7, WHITBY, ONTARIO FAMILY PHYSICIAN 668-5871

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