Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1973, p. 12

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, TFIURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973, PAGE 12 GIVE SQ OTHERS MIGHT LIVE GOT A DREAM 0F A HOUSE? A VACATION HOME MAYBE? A PLACE IN THE COUNTRY? With a small inv«tmert - and our hoIp - you can make that dreamn corne true. We have 57 years of experience to *off er, so there's a good chance we can help you. Phone us, weIl give you the facts. CCC REALTV CREDIT LIMITED Aff iliated wîth COMMERCIAL CREDIT 35 Kiéng St. West, Oshawa 579-1418 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBV PUBLIC NOTICE" RECYCLING 0F CANSAND BOTTIES Those residents of the Town saving cans and botules for recycling are reminded that receptacles are provided for the collection of these items at the following locations: Allen Dearborn Shell'Service Station - Hwy. 2 and Thickson Road Jan Koke's Sheil Service Station - 403 Brock Street South. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk of the Town of Whitby, 405 Oundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. Registrationi for Miner Li- crosse w il I con t iiiue ne xt Sat - o rday April 7, 1 973 at thle Xlîthy ('oujîcil C li a ni e r s, 405 [)uidas St. We"t, Wliitby IrontI 12 noon t e 2 o'clock or kids frin 5 years on. A surprî1-sinig ainloLin t of kids signed tif) last Saturday and nost oet thein vere new- corniers. The p Ia y ers who haven't sigîîed tif) ye t, pIease dIo se Su turday Apriil 7. Tiis is thle last day et regist rut io.n se wve cati go ahead withi orgalîizing and selecting the teains. Wi thii aîiy 1)ayc rs as indicuted it takçs a lot of work and organizat ion for the association. Reinemiber lucrosse is one of Canada's greatest sports. Many kids who have played lacrosse in the past seasons claimed that lacrosse helped thein in the garne of ice hoc- key because the garne is very inuch the sainie. Like passing, checkirîg, goulterîding. Physi- cal condition and building streng bodies aid rninds. La- crosse hi e I p e d the hockey player a great deal ini every- tiiing. ('OMING EVENTS ARE: 1 Laucrosse starts on first Sut- urdav ini May. 2. Chocolate bar drive on April 1 4, 1973. Ali mcmi- Iers arc invited to give a hielping laia d. PIeuse cal I Mr. Schioer at 668-4853. The dr-ive wvill startl ut die police garage ait te liack o l' Io wi iH a t 10 o'cl1oc k. 3. The Lidies Auxiliary will hiold a minor lacrosse danice on May 5 ut thie Amiber Romi. Tickets are $5.00 a couple includinig a cold buffet. We invite everyonie to corne te the danice. It is goiiig to bc a great nighit. 4. Anyone whio is willing te take two lacrosse players in thecir home for one week during the National Pee- Wee Tournament thc sec- ond week of August pIease contact Joanne Nieuwcn- dyk, 1446 Brock Street South, Whiîtby. Tel. 668-6197. Wc nieed your help. Let's give these boys as great hiospitalîty as we hiad last ycar in Calgary. It was great. Thc best te perform Pl'e Wce National Tournamrent coming te Wlîitby and area in Auigtst. 4., .k THE. HOME 0F 1912 CHAMPIONS You will fiîîd tlîis bulb te have a superb fragrance. It at ene t ime was grown ini large quanti tics by the fidrisi for tlheir funerul werk. This* usc h as resulIted ini its losîig faveur witlî thie garden ing publî c, but 1il is seilie thing you slîould t ry ini yeur garden. 'l'le t ulero se variety thelieiirl" grows te a hieiglît of I5 inclies and bears 2-inc i many-pe talcd flowers. Il wilI seîid uii 2 or 3 fliwer st alks over a perîed of t ime ini late soîtîtiier and fllT uberoses are se (ragratit thiat tlîey sliould lbe grown ii simall greups inithie gardeîi and îiixed withi ether fuiwers iii bouquets. Tliey are net lhardy in our area se sheuld hc dug cach Gall after the top)s have turncd hrown - Tlcy slieuld be ullowed te dry and tlien placed iii dry peat îiioss or verniicu- lite. You shotild start them RnOW indoors as they require a long tinie te grow before tlîey will produce their flower spikcs. If you plant them eoutdoors without starting theni first indoors they will be killcd by the frost before they have had a chance te flower. De net set your tuberoses into the gurden until it is reliably wurrn (600F or higher at night). Tuiberoses do best in full sunlight. Space the tuberoses about 6 inches apart. Fee 'd therni monithly from the time the plant emierges until the huds show colour, with a dust- ing of 5- 10-5 fert ilizer scratchied into the soil. Tuberoses are different in tliat large bulbs will divide in- to weveral smualler ocs during the ycar they are plunted. Siice these sîîîaller bulbs require one or two years of good growing conditions te reuch flowering size, buy bulbs that are îlot quite full suze te get at Icast two vears' flewer- ing front the bulbs before îhey splî up. By that rime tliey will have rnultiplied se niuch that there are bulbs cf a Il sizes in your collection, providing lcwering-sized bulbs for the years ahecad. Tliey cui hcobotained frorn C.A. Cruickslîank Ltd., l1I 15 ivieut Pleasant Rd., Toronito, Ont. PONTIAC GUSBROWN UC Dwidas St. L (ut Hopkins) Whitby 668-5846 il. Visit us soon aât our big new location I A PROFESSIONAL CAREER ON THE GREAT LAKES .u " Earn whiîe you learn " Guaranteed employment at $10,OOO on graduation b MARINE NAVIGATION. TECHNOLOGY b MARINE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY D 14 months paid sailing experience w-du ir 99 mrnnths PFi s Cti 1<V o F- imission requirements e Mature students (19 years or over) or e Secondary School Graduation Diploma ~ (ca ndidates should possess 4th year credits as for technology programns in College of Applied Arts< and Technoîogy calendars.) For Furiher Infromation write. Georgian College, Box 700, Owen Sound, Ontario, BROOKLIN-WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOC. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUNDAY APRIL 29', "13 7:00 p.m. AT COUNCIL CHAMBERS, WHITBY BUILDING MUNICIPAL THERE WILL BE AN'INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE AND ELECTION 0F DIREC- TORS. THIS IS A PUBLIC MEETING, ALL ARE WELCOME. Gardening By Sid Morris TUBEROSE SUPERI OR ALUMINUM WHITBY 576-1442 S/DING - A WNINGS - DO0ORS -WINDO0WS SOFFITS - FA SCIA EA VESTROUGHING Made 0f *25 Vear Written Guarantee 4Oo *Instruction Kit If You Wish -To Do It Yourself * Free Estimates Mark 0f Qulaity I I .............. . il a a a eli_

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