Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1973, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS PAGE 7 $4OOO IN TAXES Roit' Rocken of' Corona- lion Road, wvho is stili raising furor wiîh tthe Town of Wiî- by, appears 10 be miaking a colorful reputal ion in hiis f'ighit witlh îown counicil and ils public works departiment. "Be assurcd thiat if 1 ami niol satisfied in any way, this could turn into on1e of the biggesî battles the town lias ever known," Mr. Roeken threatened in Iiis now re- known letter to the ulayor. Roeken, whio is paying ai- mnost $4,000 yearly ini prop- erty taxes t0 Whitby, and whio had to emiploy hiis owu gradcrs at Coronation Road, appears to hiave corne to the last slraw when on Monday mnorning lie hiad t0 arrive ai hiis Scarborougli office in a chauffeur-driveu automobile. The reason for the chauffeur lie said was "due t0 the fact that none of my cars, nor miy neiglbours-or ail persons iu this particular northwest sec- lion of Whuîtby are able to leave their residences." Af t er nia kiing fis grie- vauces known witli gusto at the nayor's- office by tele- plhone and cable, lie said lie hiad pe rsonally reaclîe d a po in t whiere lie found plhone cails and telegramis 10 îown lhall "fruit less". In bis letter lie pointed out 10 the nmayor, "My' con- cern ai this timie is thie sec- tion between the Kiefert resi- dence and county road #4. Thec section noili of us is preseinîly lot mny coiîcern and is soîneonle else's responsibil- iîy. Thie incomipetence of*your road departnment. Linder NMr. Evans. is unhelievable. 1 feel strongly thi 'Mr. Evans ind thie town counicil and ail oth- ers connected 10 Ilie Wlitby municipal sysîemn are working for tlhe townspeople and therefore, for resîdents iii tlie northwest section. We are pay- ing their salaries, and Ilîcre- fore we want saîisfactory re- suls. " If Mr-. Evans or his field superintendents would peri- odically inspecît te work- inatnship and conditions of ail roads concerned, lie conitiii- ied, lie would be more aware of the conditions before any major problenms would occur. On nuinerous locations thcre is no wire fonce or beami guard rail on shoulders anîd deep ditches oni our side of the road. When Mr. Evans gels a caîl fromn the residenîs, ail lie does is gel a load of sandy stonie substance, miak- inig the matter worse. lu the winter, lie wrote,- we have insufficient Snow plowinig. In the spring, the roads are imipassable. lu the, summier, it is a cloud of dust. As yoti know these remnarks miadq carlier tb your office have ail been very fruitless. He said that ont inspection by Iimiiself of the road on March 16 ho found il cîosed t0 whiere even 10w trucks were rinable to pull out stuck auitomnobiles. Onl the I17 the lieavy ra in iinade na tiers St illI worse. Mr. Roekeni explained thiat lie had to walk anid gel a chiauffeur driven car to do bis partial grocery purchiasing. anid thien liad to carry bis groceries hiomie in thee heavy raiii. "Iin God's world, wvlat kiiid ofconditions are tliese? lie asked. "I airn payiing al most S4,000 ini property taxes 10 Witby., In reîurn, with [lie exception of thie educatîin of ny îwo girls, i arn getting absolutely nothing. We have no road, no sewcrs, no water, no garbage pickup, no0 street lights etc. Vlie irony of il ail, is aItlhe last council uleet- îg, Marli I12, one council- marn stated, 'If we are to fix Up thie Roeken Road,' we miust fix tlhein aIl'. WeIl, state- mients like this, lie said, sure gel my blood to a boiling point. A furtlher remiark by one of your counicil mnembers was that, 'Roeken knew, at the limie ho construicted that house iin the country, thiat îlîis was at country road'. Wbien we constructed our home in 1969, we were told by thîe Brooklin people, and by your building inspector, Mr. Tripp, that funds were available 10 improve and buiîd Coronation Road, but aI later dates, I heard tliat funds fromn Brooklin were used up on other Whlitby commitmnenls. And Ibat," flie said, "shows you lte co-operalion that one gels." Co-operation for hoe and othier residents along Corona- lion Road miay be achieved far sooner than hoe expecîed. At a special meeting lield last week, counicil agreed 10 in- clude costs of ropairs 10 Coro- nation and Lyndebrook Roads in Ibis year's muni- cipal budget. TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION "Cancer Week" Take Notice That by resolution of the Council of the Town of Whitby the month of April, 1973 had been proclaimed as "Cancer Month" ini and for the Town of Whitby. The resi- dents of the Town of Whitby are urged to give particular support to the Cancer 'Society during the conduct of its annuai campaign for funds irn April. Dated at the Town of Whtiby, this 29th day of March, A.D., 1913. 0. G. Newman MAYOR WITH THE PURCHASE 0F ONE LARGE PIZZA COI MER PIZZA OPEN 668-8807 WE DELI VER MON-SAT. 4-2 a.m.20 SUN.-4-1 a.m. 668.8808 20 BROC K ST. S. A PROFESSIONAL CAREER ON THE GREAT LAKES " Earn while you learn " Guaranteed employment at $10,000 on graduation * MARINE NAVIGATION TECHNOLOGY * MARINE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY * 14 months paid sailing experience plus 22 months college study Admission requirements " Mature students (19 years or over) or " Secondary School Graduation Diplorr (candidates should possess 4th year credits as fo technology programs in College of Applied Art and Technology calendars.) For Further Infromation wvriteý Georgian College. Box 700, Owen Sound, Ontario. or {#,AVE ON DX OUALITY FUEL NoW* ce# us re«l f. Pvmffla cuib« o$$mm DX FUEL OIL 668438 From COROLLA lm SEDAN e.Frmi it ec iSr *h UW M Twe VUSTWIYT.wV. 668m4792 PREFABRICA TED MOTELS This tye of building is our speciality, low prices, with furniture included. Sizes (12' x 20') or (14' x 15') per unit Also, Rembec is looking for distributors of hus producis such as mobile homes, tent-trailers, industrial buildings etc. . . in eveiy available territories PLEASE WRITE TO: REMBEC INC.,' 5780, BIvd. Ste. Anne Boischatel, PQ- GOA 1 HO TEL; 822-0785 a à a il

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