Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1973, p. 11

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WIIITBY ERLiti PRESS', TIIUR-SDAY, MARCII1 22, 1973, PAGE il MOTORING with Mike Burgess The Twenty-srxth Annuai Canadian National Sports- men's Show is in full swing in the Coliseum at the C.N.E. Almnost twelve acres of exhibition space is occupied by approxfimately 400 exhibitors, presenting cverything from fashions t0 fishing, from guns to gliders, frorn cottages 10 camping equipment, frorn motor cars t0 mobile homes. This aniual springtime ('?) exhibition is considered to be probabiy the best in this part of the country as it has somnething for everyone. For the young and the oid; for the energetic and the lazy; for those who are looking for things to do, and things 10 watch. The dernonstratioîqs include archery, roller skating, safe gunhandiing, boating, camping and canoeing, Judo, Karate, Kendo, gymnastics, and Scottish Dancing, to name just a few. Fishermien even have a chance to test their casting abilities and skills at the casting pool or at the live trout pond, and if successfui the catch is frozen and taken homne by the iucky fishiermian (or womanl) .. for just 50e. 0f initerest to the liunter, or just plaini dog lover, are the Retriever Trials. lî's a real joy to watcb the anitics of the well-trained animais. Maii's best friend lias to retrieve a bird at the sourid of a gunshot. but on luis way back (bird in mouth) another guni is shiot off and ANOTHER bird is tbrown i ii bis patli. If the dog drop)s die first bird and picks up the second, thiat's a 'nuo-no" arud daddy doesni't gel biis ribboii. Weil it's fuii watcbii. More hibantfive acres of'space is taken upil by the biggest mnotor shiow ini Toronito. Cars and automobile accessories fronu ail over the wvorld are mi1 display. A lot of, die cars that were at tbe vuntireal -Auto Salon ivîu icb i1 wrote abouit recent ly are ini ibis show. Su wi thou t wvziniig t o repet it ive lIl j ust say dit juist about every car miain fac- lu rer wbu blas a car \vortib lookiing ai was tibere. but I cai uinderstanid wby Toyota wasni't. (ou Id it be tuait sales are su guod because of tibis *Made in Japani' kick (or wia lever) ibat tbey dori want tu iinvite comnparisun' Also on1 band is anin iternatiornally 1lainous inovre anid TV star.,. Lassie! This star is one of the Ifew whiose popularity spaniîed 21 years (of corîtitnous TV slhows anid today. uver I150 stations of' tie CI3S-TV nietwurk carry Lassie's adveniturous episodes. Sirîce Lassie's first muvie. 'Lassie Coine Home". xvas ruade iii 1 939 I dorî't think ibis is THE ORIGINAL-but yuui carii blave everytinlg. ilncîdetitaîIly, the dog sihows are leld in ilie Quiceni Elizabeth Building and a doutble-decker bus f'erries'be- tween die two butildinigs, gratis. Su rega rdless oA' wvbeti e r vo owan t a larn iîy ouingmi, o r jus vlsitx' t o ogle girls. car s or doras, n ittor dowr tt lie C.N.F'. tirere are 0111\1 ilîree big days Ici t 1for tîîe 2<rIrl An rurial Spur t sr li ns SIî .)Wý. Fil inex\ twek Iiaps lotorrrîg! McCORMAC Blades In Semni-Finals Tie Bruokliini-Wliitby. Mc- Curnuack BlIa de slirave ad- vanîced tu tie senui-firiais againust Ricbniuud Hillinmitire O.M.H.A. Major Bantanui play- uff's, and as ut' Sain r day, Marciî 17/73 îlîey 1ir a ile d Richunîunîd Hihl une ganuie lu nuîîîing as a resuit of a 2-0 Ioss in Ricbinuond Hill. Earlier in thre nionîhu, tIhe McCormack Blades had de- feated the Trenton Bantanms in three garuies straight. The first game was a 5-4 overtime wîn in Trenton, the second game was a i13-0 win in thre Brooklir Arerua. 'lire decidinig garr iiiu nis ruîrid xvas a 4-2 winî iu the Irookiinu Arenra. Tire bighl liglît uf' the series againîst Trenitonu xasitue i13-0 winî i Bruukliru Arenua as Glenu Julînîston fired six goals. îwo of h' enî u nassised, anud oniy five seconds apart. Joc M cln t y re picked up three goals, îwo uf thein uunassisted, and oniy five seconds apart. Joe Mcinlyre picked up threc goals, whiie H ar oi1d Lymn borner, Mark M illa r, Jefi Baun and Robin Barnesadded singles. Todd Casey had six assists for the night. FR11 PIZZA WITH THE PURCHASE 0F ONE LARGE PIZZA CORNER IZZAtà OPEN 668-8807 WE DELI VER MON-SAT. 4-2 a.m. SUN.-4-1 a.m. 6688,808 204 BROC K ST. S. Dunlop Radial PIy Tirfe HIADQUARTERS ATTERSLEY- TIRE SERVICE 103 Dundas St, !ast, Whitby 668-3356 No longer do women have to drive a car anîd know rîoth- inîg about tic importaunt de- tails of thee motor or the inechiariis 0f thue car. Tlîey are takirîg off thecir apruuis and putiing uni the coveralis as îbiey attend tie Witiby Y special courses for worneni eacb ~ Wensiy ai Nurse ClIuev-Oids Motors onu Durîdas Street nicar Thicksur Rd. The Whitiîy Y lias beeni conuru ci inîg îhîis sjîeci counrse srnuce ca rly iantuary anîd niuxva sîiecial counrse is urider \Vav for 4 vweeks under te direc- tioni utfReg 1ilanier. 'llie xvolinuu ugel r igl r mu to LASCO STEELERS NEED FIVE Tlîe Brooklin-Whitby Las- co Steel Major Pee-Wees met tîhe Trenîton pee-wees in Ilueir third round of play-offs, and required the full five gamnes 10, eliminate the Eastern On- tario entry. The first game was played in Tr e nt o n, and saw the Brooklirî-Whitby boys corne horme on the short end of a 7-5 score. John Waddehl scored twice for the Steelers, while Darîny Maguire, David Sey- rmour and Greg Tushingham added singles. Tlîe second garne in this besi of five series was played îin Brookîin Arena, and the Steelers came up withi a real team effort 10 win the gamne 7-6 10 tic the series at one game apiece. Dale Sawyer and Greg Tushingiiam scored two goals each, with singles going to Randy Gallas, John Wad- delI and Jamnie Roach. The third game of the series was piayed in Trenton, and the Steelers suffcered an 8-1 setback. Greg Tushingham scored the lone Steeler goal. Game number four was played in Brooklin Arena, and the Lasco Steelers recorded an 8-5 overtime win. With the score tied 2-2 at thc end of the second period, both clubs came on strong in the third, and the visitors junîped into an early 5-3 lead. The Steelers pressed on and tied the game at 5-5, setting the stage for the ten minute ovettime period. The Brooklin-Whitby team scored three unanswered goals in the overtime period, and tied the series at two games each with the fifth and de- ciding game 10 be played, in Mitchell Lumbermen In Semi-Finals The Brookiin-Whitby Mit- The s e co nd and t hir d chell Lumber minor pee-wees games in this series will be opened their semi-finai round played in the Brooklin Arena against Newmarket Sunday, on Saturday, March 24 and March 18 in Newmarket, Sunday, March 25. whiere they went down 10-0.- BIGG;EST CLEARAN CE EVER Zenith Most Models Avoulable 100%l Solid State Chassis (nos @eKbcty as illutratedi Philips_ Ail Canadian Med._- Admirai A&dmirai Soar Color <fl t xactly a iflustrated) *We do take tradeins *Same day delivery *Same day service Oshawa 723-Wll their work. This is not a course on theory only but is very much a practicai course. How to change tires, what lu do to get the car started, care of' tbe battery, distributor, carburetor, spark plugs, what the points and condenser do and ruany utirer detuils of' the niainteriarice of' a car comupuse die course. Caîhly Debosky.orne younîg lady erîrulied in ie course. says tîiat nuuxv sle at least kruuws tIre rinues uft ie car parjts aind wlnat is to be dune by tihe ser-vice stations in re- pairs arnd adjustilrrenut Mitchell Lumber Pee-Wees Take Three Straight T'ire Broo.kînru-Wliitby M il- clieli Linniber Miiuor Pec-Wees advanced to tIhe senri-finials by defeat ing ithe Trentouni lie- wecs in tlircre ganures sî raigli. Tire firsr gainre was jîîaycd 'Trenuton , anrd t lue Linnibernriei carlle 1np witli a 6-?1 wirr as Gilbiert Nietrwendv k led rire way witli r hrec goals. sinîgles wcrc added bv Keitlu \Visonr. Nrck Nosowcrko arnd Janrîr Thei second a nid iirrd ganies ithe besi of f-ive scries were ;layed back in ithe Br ooklinî Arenra, arnd tire Lrniibernueni gave 1ir everytiig îlîey Iuad F l'lie tiuird gaine iru the ser- ies xvas a 5-4 winî for the Brooklini-Wli i t by Mitchell Lnuber M inuor Pee-Wecs. Gil- beri Nicinwendyk scored îwice for the wîinîers. wîuile sinigles were added by Nîck Noso- \venrko Jarine Tirtaczaid Kejîlu Wilson. takilig the seconud gainue 121-1I l"ddie i Iav deri led tire scorinug1 para de vi iilfOu r goals, jet f I)innirne anid Waynre Mi dd le- torn added t wc goails eci, Witlr sirugle miarkers beinug ad- ded luy Keitlu Wilson, Mike Piiu, (Gilbîert Nieinweridyk anud David Flemuinig. WOMEN LEARN AUTO MECHANICS Evwww -p T#oesdy amd Thunqh IVA NIS 'w10 14u IWA ST. L - %U1DY "If you want to look your best" w.-ftw MO" 4»4241 dI CO. ITO. VOUR MUSIC MAKER * Providing Entortainment By Professional DJ'S & IC'S For Banquets, Danoes, Bar * Mitzvahs Etc. SPECDAUZIUGIN WEDIUG DR. W. K. CHANG WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F HIS OFFICE , AT 519 DUNDAS STREET EAST, SU ITE NO. 7,,WHITBY, ONTARIO FAMILY PHYSICIAN 668-5871 FALCON T.V. 426 Simcoe St. S. @-" Trentonon Saturday. The deciding game in the series was a 5-3 win for the Steelers, as they had to corne from behind in the final twen- ty minutes 10 register the win. Trenton led 3-2 at the end of two periods of play, and it wasn't until the 8:00 minute mark of the third period that the Steelers were able to lie the score at 3-3. The Brookiin-Whitby team scored the goememd goal at 10:40, then they added the irisurance marker at 11:41 10 take the game 5-3 and the series at three games to two. 1 qk ditýàmieu

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