Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Mar 1973, p. 8

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PAGE 8. WHITBY FREE.PRESS, TIIURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1973 By Joyce Read For Week March 18 - 24 CAPRJCORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 The fulll moon on Sunday thic 18th draws attention to places of amusemient, speculation and children. Home and property interests arc stressed during the next four weeks. As colder weathier fades, beautification proeets should bc started. Allow extra tim il' plan- ning to do mnost or the work yourself. Mild speculation is favored il' you do not go oùt on a financial limib. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 This sveek begins sith a fulll moon on Sunday flic 1 8th i tîrat sec- tion of your clart dealing sith resouirces, savings and latent occul ability. Significant days arc Monday the l9th and Tuesday the 2Otli wlipn intellectual interests are stinmulated. Do not bc conten t to tolow~. You are a niiember of flic leader group. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Go slowv the first days of tlîrs sweek, especially in connection with legal affairs. It seerus to you, a! this tinie, tirat perliaps everyone is against you. If you are not stable yotr develop a liersecution comi- plex. This is a period when you must bc mature. Paience wvorks ini your favor. l'le I 8th., Sunday. finds you at vour low. l'le key is to take this ini your stride. ARIES - Mat-ch 21 to April 19 The fuit moon occuirs on fleic 8t h. Sunday, in thiat area of' our chart dealing with hlealth. work, or those wvho serve y'ou. Do not allo\N personat lite to inifringe uipon business activity. Whlile tibis seven-day period is rather ciuiet. you are resting up) for futuire pur- suits. Appreciate thiese serene periods. because thecir occurence is soniewhat rare during tlie first of the year. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 Intellectual affairs are stîimulated. D)ont consider decisions or arrangenients ruade now as final. Keep. tlexible. If you car't corn pletely risc above depression at teast rernem ber if îk templorary. This is a month whien you slîould care for your hcalth. GEMINI - May 21 to lune 20 Sparkle frorn last week is retained durirîg Ibis entertaining seven-day period. Spirits are higli, exuberant events arc in the offing. Signifi- cant days are Monday thec l9tli and Tnesday the 2tlî, whcen enter- tainmrrent of an unusual nature appeals. During nîidweek social life hîiiproves and popularity soars. Latter part of flic eek, watch tIrec health of your pets. CANCER - une 21 to iuiy 22 [Ionie base of operation is stressed during tlice first part of tlire week. Play lîost or Iîostess withi your usual gracious air. You have a faculty for rniaking 01(1 and yourîg feel ut home. You enter a period wlrere your profession is doubly imîportant. You have great ambition and cari achieve positive results by being prompîît, efficierrt, anîd extrerncly cou rteou s. LEO - Juiy 23 to Aug. 22 A new eriergy cycle begins tiîis svcek. You are ti a butter nriood anid irrclined 10 look aithtIe sorld %vitlr a more adveit uresorne sp irit. 'l'lire lu Il nioon on Surîday tihe I 81h occurs in that section of Iy on r cîrar t thiat lias to dIo itlrfinianice. N'on have a chrancc to i icrease your incorie. 'lhiis weekend is a lropitious tlie 10 critertaini ra tirer thIanl be en tertainied. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 Yonr sigrirfîcarit day durrng tlrrs seveni-day çýeriod kis ncsday tire 20th irYoni take a rîew lecase on life alttIt ir e. Yon are radialting cirartri oh* a sort tIra! is attractive 10 oirers, ai thins rime. If' yon i eed a loati îow von Id lic tIre tirîre to negotiate ît. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 'l'iis secven-day perîoti is touchred witli qufiet iiougie. Tenisions d issi- pate. daily duties setule down to routine. Yon fonulction weIl. D)oiot ailow~ pet t anrioyances to beconre parainint. ('areer tialtters, arc stinînlated dnring nîiidsscek. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to NOV. 22 Sigriificarit dayN are Monday tire I9th and Tuesday the 20thi. wlien you t'eci wanderlust. Travel sceems giarnorous and exciting. If' tit imrpossible 10, take a journcy rîow, plan a vacation l'or later in tIre year. l-inianîci prospects brigîrten tridweek. SAGITTARIUS - Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 This %veek is sorîîewhat lîke a cool. retfreshliiîg-revivitig lrcece. Yon are flot ont of the emnotonal woods. yct a chiecrtul attitude niakes- work more pleasure tliar drudgery. Signit'icant days are Wedrîe'say and Thursday. You will yearn 10 get away from your prescrit enviroriment. MWTh RDL FLEA MARKET I W.@ buy wnidmilI ny'thing# 2F IMIG ST. WEST 72&M13OSHAWA KA LNINS ION MONEY~j That old, familiar phrase, "I can live without money" or "Money isn't important" bothers me a lot, par- ticularly, if you're always short of it. Some people also suggest that love is more important than money and further - money creates only problemfs. I beg to differ. In my case money is very important and without it, I doubt I couldhave survived. The people who discredit monetary values ae usually the ones who neyer had a chance to hold a hundred dollar bill - even for a single day. Thus, they really don' t know what they are talking about. The longer I live, the more I believe in money - bold cash, if you pardon my expression. And, don't get me wrong now. I'm not greedy nor anxious to gain super- powers - political or otherwise - through the ap- plication of the existing monetary system. But, I'm interested to have enough money to live comnfortably. Also, money can bring other benefits like f reedom of speech, freedom of personal travel and above ail - a much needed independence. If I had enough money, I could afford to say NO more of ten to people who have little or no regard for a person's job qualifications or talent. As the saying goes, "if I were a rich man", then I would know what to do with my money. I'd spend it - just to have a good time. But, I would still look for work. IL is unfortunat.e that work and money are so closely related. It really shouldn' t be so. And, speaking of love and money, may I offer this suggestion: take money and forget about love. It's only an infatuation. I can go on without love <but not without sex) for quite a while, but being deprived of money, I'd be broke. HEAROS TAXI Bt Amlamart, 115 &=ok st N. For Vour Conwmnuo 150 Nrry MB Wb 20% DIScUNT. DUMCT TO YOU Suddenly .. 20 floors Of quiet elegance in. SUMMIT PLACE * pli «4r-mzf eur '- . ff -4w S 5 Yeso *We casm.fool MlRIE AIS Reg. 25.00 New 12.50 Obocorne delicloualy f.mnlüne wtth kaeousty Ioving handa, inome .ppatmm. tWe oeate am" that >j zeaI..to.thp putmgth, diapoanid lmatgUiyou'v. always wanted. A ail biten dvrn corne true. gaie U ud pafnleu for PERMANENT PERFCTION. Doult lt aplit bxo&a, cewwd anid unslghtly gln.rn- axii ouz natural beauty. EYEMAB! Rea. 8.50 Now 4.25 you neyer have to tabo off at night. Long bIuslaImàes. APPLIED NA RAR Y HAM to becorne an extensioni of your own. No need T4 1! . .'l NaiLi- 'n Lashes Stuio- 13 Kiev St. Wet 379-1033 *DucWnartopply t. Oshawa tudio Qnly 177 Nonquon Rd. c2QoL a FULL RECREATIONAL FACILITIES e YEAR ROUND INDOOR POOL e SPACIOUS SUITES AND BALCONIES MODEL SUITES OPEN 1-TO 9 DAILY 579-1629 SUMMIT PLACE residents can be assured of excellent attention. The Executive and Management Head Office of Valiant Property Management is located on the 2Oth floor of SUMMIT PLACE. NOTICE Town of Whitby CLOSING 0F ELIZABETH STREET BETWEEN DUN DAS STREET WEST AND DUNLOP STREET Take notice that the Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-law for the stopping-up and closing and also to authorize the sale of Elizabeth Street between Dundas Street West and Dunlop Street more particularly described as fol lows: That portion of Elizabeth Street as shown on Annes's Plan now part of the Municipal Plan of the Town of Whitby lying between Dundas Street and Dunlop Street and more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the easterly limit of Elizabeth Street distant 17 feet southerly from the northwest angle of Lot 13 of Annes's Plan; THENCE southerly along the easterly limit of Elizabeth Street a distance of 688.44 feet more or less to a point distant 10 feet measured nor- therly from the southwest angle of Lot 15 ac- cording to Annes' Plan; THENCE westerly in a straight line a i stance of 66 f eet to a poi nt i n the westerl1y 1li mit of Elizabeth Street distant 10 feet measured northerly from the southeast angle of Lot 4 of Annes's Plan; THENCE northerly along the westerly limit of Elizabeth Street a distance of 688.44 feet more or less ta a point distant 17 feet measured southerly from the northeast angle of Lot 3 of Annes's Plan; THENCE easterly in a straight line a distance of 66 feet to the point of commencement. And further take notice that on Wednesday, April l8th, 1973, at the hour of 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Town of Whitby a Comm ittee of the Council will hear in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law. Dated at the Town of Whitby this lSth day of March, A.D., 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, AMCT, Town Clerk, Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West, Whltby, Ontario.,

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