WHITBY FREE PRESS, T HURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1973, PAGE 5 1' BIRD 'S b I EYE WIEW by Jim Quail A Graceful OId Lady. Suie used to bceftie County Cortuus'ad 1there arect'ew buildings in Wh ilby tlliat can jjboastilas in ucli Iistory. I cun remiember ftcue Ciitenu iai Building, ias it is 1n0w cailed. whcn I firsi saw lier. and alitliouighi1 was jus! a kidi I f'eit sbe was al, grand old building. Youi couildn *t lielp bu t fecel awed iii thle presenîce of' sncb i *ne wu rk muiiisuip u)nd si utely gra ndeuri. To nie il was tlle saine l'celîiîggeuc lMieni I waik into an old banlk or Uinion Station iii Toronto. As Wl itby was the comnty seat it wais necessary Iu put up a county courtiiouse thlat wvus wortîy out sncli a pres- tigions positioni. Perlîaps thlefiuai toucih to sncb sta tely archiitectu re was t hose twu solenin black cannons tua I sî ood o l Ie fron t la w î as il* gt a rd i g Iile k ing h lil sellt. Duriiîg thle enîd of* lier tenure als a Cutny Courilionise sie su ffered froni iii fit t iig doors. cireaking floor-sand crackinig plaster. but t(lie nilagiu i ficenlce sti iiiStood oui 11nCIit sceenied a siainie tu build anothler st 'inclure thlai vould even t ry to p'r tend Io take over thle dutlies. I1ri-iîeiiilber wlii en iie nw courtiiouse was be ing bu il! on Rossluiîd Road thlîc wvs a hute anid cry about inoviug file caimios to tIlie uew build ing. Otîe sucli ou tcrv caile t roia Miss l3urwasbi wlio lived riglît across tlle s! reet lroiii the uld cou r! lon se. I*ini sure slîe liad iiustliy pe rsoiia reasonis l'or w.vaiîiiug the culilions kept at Ille nId buildinîg but 1 thlik sue vas riglit. Miss Buî wash feelcs Iistory is imiport ant and 1 can voucli lor that becauise slie i ricd Itclacli nic h istory iii hligli scliuol. 1It's odd tua ini tliose days I didîî give a fiîg for h îslory, bu t now I gel tipsel uand ratilier persoiiaily involved Miîeni1 sec soiiicbody waiiliuîg t o lear clowinan old strucitire wli ich ubvîously lias a lot of* h isî ory h idinig iii ils old beaiiis. I guess Illlie eau il cry wsi ieliig becaise tllie Cali- non1s iiude ilîcir short jun e>' to ilie îew site aind now liardîy anuybody secs i liciîî. I ask you . lîuw iiianuy people will lhe ahle to tuke a si roîl on u smiiimer day dowiî a (luict sti-reet suilered f-oni itlie sun iiv tati t rees a ndl wider tuf to thlose camiionîs a1Iîd iuie sileîîî i to uuieself abolit ilîcir Tue camiionisiow sil a! a1 site ti i s oni a tour l aine rat (11 top.)tf"a lit. lur awayiroli IllteîCceliter ut towii anîd I hardiy a tait shade trce in sight. I'm flot knocking the îîcw courthousc because it is an excellent structure of* the mnodemn design, it's just that i'm nQt ail that keen on thesc nmodern dcsigns. To me they scem so imipersotiai. Those poor oid cannons Iook losi up there and they sceem to be sitting out a sentence of solitary con-- fineîîîent. As for the old courthouise the building is echoing the sounids of hiappy ebjîdren. The chiidren are the descendants of the kids who uscd to climib over and play rnake believe war around the oid cannons when they were on Centre Strecet. As the Centennial Building tlie oid courthouse is 49st for a numiber of groups and meetings and scarcely a night goes by whien sonme activity or another isni't happening in one of lier moulns. A draina group thiriiis ebjîldren to the siglts and sounds of 'The Enmperor's New Clothes' and a service group shakes the waiis with catisut a meeting which milusi corne to order. Hockey associations plan thieir strategy for a new season and the halls are f*ilcd with skitterishi childrenl in brand new sueake rs. If' a building cotild tatk, the grand old lady un Centre Stre ec uld spin uis imany a tale about lier early days. You can almnosi heuar die cou rtrom irînging witlh the souind of the gavel and the jujdge in luis black robes luoking straiglbt at the prisoner statiug. "Guiity!" The Ceîîtennial Building is a good exanîpie out liuw an oid building can cuniinue lu serve the people and even me- tain suine ou lier stately looks. The onlly ou twa rd ditTer- ence biet ween the uid courtiise now and carlier is that suie looks jus! a lit tic sud withiut lier cannons. Miss Bur- wash . muaybe it 's nut ton latc yct! Nom- v 1 110 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA 576-9511 MARIANNA VILLA (corner of Simpson Ave. and Base line, Bowmnanville) NyOW RENTINGI On* b.dr@.m $155.00 Tw@ b.droom $175.00 Monthly Includes. hydro, Cable T.V. inside parking for one car, etc. Large pleasant suites with coloured appliances, superior sound proofing, rec room, controlted entrances wth intercom. CeIN 623-4172 or 723-0575 or 723-9750 C;HOO4 ( 1390 AJAX *LOCAL NEWS SPO RTS *Plus.q the fiPest COUN-TRY PERSON TO PERSON' îCOMMUNITY r~ RADIO CHOO 1390 jSAV ON< IX FUEL WIL USUS U TAKE OUT w SERVICE ENGISN STYLE FISH1 and CHIPS rHailibut ouilyI TRY OUR FISH and CHIPS You'Ii like them KENTUCKY STYLE C1IICKEN SNAK. PAK. 90* I rINNER BOX $1.35 GIANT BARN $5.50 BRIE URG ERS Three coins in a Fountain. you couldn't wish for Botter Harwoodal, Ajax $2188 COROLLA 1200 SEDAN « Front Disc Brakes »White Wall Tires ' Rear Window Defoggler Four Speed Synchromesh Transmission *And Manny Others BESTWAY MOTORS Dundas St. W. Whitby 668-4792 Live 0nes tife two tùnes over (LIL --ITO) Make tili your o,%,ý,n Nvay to remernher ýour cocie. 'Hien send it to your friends. P051FL E[]j]E cQý 1 PR EGNANT? NEED HELP? Adoption Services, Pregnancy Testing, Etc... CALL: National Famnily Planning Council, Ltd. DAVID R. ASN I ERT IFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTI