WIIITBY FREE PRESS, Ti-URSDAY, MARCII 15, 1973, PAE1 DY BILL WILLIAMS. I ONE MANS VIEW Hello again. I'm back at the old stand after a brief absence caused by a little heart surgery. I'm feeling fit as a fiddle and rarin' to go. * * * Our town hasn't clianged ail that mucli since I've been away but several things in it have. For instance the WHITBY FREE PRESS is in the midst of an ownership and policy squabble that could bring about some interesting administrative changes within the next week or two. Can't say mucli about iL liere since, as a minion, we don't have too many of the facts. One thing seems assured thougli - the paper wilI continue to be published and, we hope, continu e to get better witli each issue. * * * We find the decision of the Provincial Government to give an extra month to municipalities wishing to comment on the proposed regional governmeflt plans for this area most com- mendable. The original February 28 deadline had most communities in a bind and the extra 30 days should make for more com- prehensive briefs being prepared with ail objections and counter proposais being more complete. We un- derstand Whitby was ready to meet the original deadline but this was due to an inordinate amount of work spent by council and senior employees. Now, even they will get the benefit of a littie more thinking Lime. We understand that a major Hlollywood and U.S. television personality may soon become a neighbour in our area. Can't reveal any names at this telling but have it on good autliority that the person involved lias already made an agreement for the purcliase of a Toronto property and is now giving this area the once over for a hidden retreat. We should soon know how accurate this intelligence is but we believe it to be riglit on. So the coach of the CTC Tiremen has decided to cal it, quits after the disasterous season the club had this year in finishing last in the league. WelI, we can cer- tainly understand that he could be unhappy but his stated reason for leaving the eamn leaves us with a bad taste in our mouths. He says he can't stand being with a loser. Well everyone can't be a winner ail the time but in sports, as everything else, when things don't go right you try to do something about it - not just geL Up and walk away. Anyway, if that's his attitude we can't say we're sorry to see hlm go. Perhaps it was that very thing that wouldn't let the Tiremen reach their full potential. So guys, let's geL us a new coach and let hlm geL started now to geL us a real contender for next season. Dianne Lee and lier guys are belting it out ini fair fashion at the -Stage Door Room of the Whitby Hotel. We, personally aren't too impressed with her presentation. Sure she has been a~ muiti-winner of the GoldLeaf Awards in the past but does that entitie ber to obviously put down lier musicians in a manner noticeable to lier patrons. We think lier group is a good one but as for Miss Lee, we've seen better. Talked to a man this week ATTENTION!1 HOME OWNERS 1 SAVE rOUmSIa Sidîng - Sol lits - Eoyôstroughin Facio Bords - Windows onýd. 0o0M Instolletion if r.qulred. KAISER - Direct Fectévy tImbe SUPIEMI WUIIOW a ioom PROIIITS, 1730 Simcol ST. M. 2-4 ILLUSTRATED HISTORICAL ATLAS OF ONTARIO COU NTY Facsimile edition, complete with historical and biographicat Sketches and dletailed maps showing names of property owners. Originally published by J. H. Beers & Com. 1877 102 pages, bard cover, linen binding, size 18" x 141/2". ORDER FROM: PRICE $13.00 POST PAIO. MIKA PUBLISHING* 200 Stanley St., P.O. BOX 536, BELLEVILLE, ONT. TEL. 613-962-4022 I Goreski's suimmer Resori Ltd. CLUB ANNRENE A MODERN D:ANCE HALL PHONE 965-3066 Fishing - Swimmîng -Tradlers, Camping & Marina IONLY 20 MILES« FROM WHITBY R.R. 3, PORT PERRY, ONT.- handiles rigliYmlhn o feels rlght ne tMs 0 1600 x. on Interlor Flston Engine amr 0*.V SAVE COUPE- SEDN$100 See them today at AIRLIE SALES LTD SERVICE 209 DUNDÂS STr. W. WHITBY .....640-9397-. SA, who wanted to bet me al kinds of money that Des Newman would be our first regional chairman. When I explained that the first chairman is to be an ap- pointee of Queen's Park, he was somewhat shocked. He dlaims he knows dozens of people who don't know this. WelI, in our view, the fact has been well publicized and, on this basis, we don't think Des has a chance. However, when the first election of a chairman is made by duly elected members of the region, perhaps a yearafter inception, then we think Des has a better almost anyone think of. chance than else we cari Elsewhere in tliese pages there is aletterfrorntle local Ileart Fund expressing their thanks to tlie FREE PRESS for whatever lielp we were able to offer during their recent drive for funds. Just let me say we were happy and proud to do our part and, as one who lias need for tlie services provided, let me in turn offer my tlianks for tlieir unstinting efforts on behlaf of people sucli as myseif - and there are hundreds of thousands of others just like me. The new Whitby theatre group is soon to present their initial offerings in our town. From what we hear they are going to be a smash. We wish them ail the luck in the world and happily await the first curtain. Sugg. List $1.45 99C BOX F 18 Sugg. List $1.39 PEARL DROPS Tooth Polish Sugg. List $1.79 . .....91C PROTEIN 21 SHAMPOO 14 oz., Sugg. List $2.99 .....1.59 CRESI TOOTHPASTE Family, Sugg. List $1.39....... 89C SCORE Men's Hairdressing 4 lIoit., Sugg. List $1.39.. 1.09 I.D.A. COLOUR FILM #126-12 exposure, instant Ioad 99C FOAMY Instant Shave il oz., Sugg. List $1'.35 ......... 97C SECRET Super Dry Antiperspirant Sugg. List $2.09 1.67 CURIIY NURSER KIT with disposa ble'bott les ........4933 BAYER ASPIRIN .5 groin, 100's ...................69c MAGNOLAX 16 oz., Slugg. List $1.69 .. .. ............... 99C ~3~L SOFI DRI Lightly Powdered 5 oz. Spray Sugg. List $1.69 1e07 C c, rnfi de COURTIGE-ALLIN LI.A PHARMACY 117_Brook St. M. 668-2384 SHGRT'S U.D.A. PHARMAGIY 65 Baldwin St. 655-3381 BrookIin 6za . mý ,