PAGE 10, WIIITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MARClI 15" 1973 Our ttH ometrade"55Guaoranteed ""THE SIGN 0F ACTION" Sales Plan ReaIly Works. REGARDLESS 0F VOUR REASON FOR MOVING, THE EASIEST, QUICKEST, SUREST AND FAIR EST WAY, IS TO LIST VOUR PROPERTY AND BUY THROUGH LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. AND HAVE THE ADVANTAGES 0F THEIR PROVEN TRADE-IN GUARANTE PROGRAMME, SOME 0F WHICH'ARE OUTLINED BELOW.................... You can acquire your new home without selling your present home first You pay only the fair market value for your new home. You recieve the fair market value for your present home. You nover own two homes at the same time You hold moving expenses to a minimum by moving only once. Your fîinancing is arranged in ad- vanoe of any firm commitment on your part. School enroîlments may be or- derly planned in advance. Experienoe proves children are happy if they know where they are going in advanoe.. YES-YOU MAY USE OUR GUAR- ANTEED HOMETRADE PLAN AT NO EXTRA CHARGE JUST THE REGULAR COMMISSION. HERE'S WHY OUR ""HOMETRADE" PLAN WORKS FOR YOU WHEN YOU LIST YOUR HOUSE THROUGH LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD THE MARKET * 7 out 10 buyers own a home * 2 out of 10 have littie or no down payment * 1 out of 10 has ready cash ûûcl BUYERS WHO HAVE A HOME WULL BUY AT à FAIR PRUCE PROVUDED THEY ARE ASSURED 0F MOT OWNING TWO HO0MES AT THIE SAME TIME (Here's where we can do something for you that you are unable to do for yourself>. e e o o e o o O With Hometrade you wiII know what to expect and when. There is no possibilty of owning two homes and having two mor-tgage payments. Your equîty is guarded from bargain-hunting specu lators. WE ARE MEMBERS 0F THE OSHAWA CHAMER 0F COMMERCE AND THE OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD Nine months ago we intro- duced our new "HOM ETRADE" Guaranteed Sale Plan in your area. We had flot ant- icipated the success of this plan. To the present time, every ýperson who partic- ipated in this plan has rec- eived the full market value of their property, and also were able to purchase their next home, before selling their present home, and avoided the disappoint- ment of having to buy conditionally, and the insecurity and worries of this type of transaction. LLOYD METCALF1 beneficial for estAte sales or e We find this is especially foroed sales of any naturi e We miake no cash offers. e We do not speculate on your home. e We do flot guarantee a sale within any specific short timne period (we cou Id if you're flot fussy about what prioe you take). a We do list your property on M. L. S. to give it the best exposure to the public possible, and we do guarantee to purchase your home from you, if it is flot sold by the time you have to close the deal on the house you have purchased from us.. Before listing your home or purchasing another home, consider the advantages of using th is offiîce, where you flot only get experienced ethical service, but have the advantage of our "HOMETRADE" Guaranteed Plan, at no additional cost, Makes sense doesn't ît! LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 Kineg Street East, Oshawa, Ontario CALL 728-4678 SECURITY