KA LNINS Eat Out For soilîe linie, i have been grumibling about my ever- inecasing weekly food bill. And, i shall continue 10 do so. As a bachelor, .1 must cal out since my culinary know- iedge in t he kitchen is almost lion-existent. Peciple say, I'd be bet ter offt t ge t îarried to a sweet lit tic thing who cani cook for nie evevy day. Peviîaps so, but is tiîis good etieugli rcaseiî t o renotunce îly pvciotis lvcedonm. Ili is nu ort n iia te, tha la ave t o a ti i)Irest auantit ls whelvc lfOod prices hiave skyiockctcd iniitlic lasi couple of' years. 1 ca n venienîber lîavivg a ctîp o i'co licloy teti cenlts or a1 iieavty' Ilurnch for a dollar. Today , tor t lic saine f*ood i teilîs 1 have to Pay twivce as nocli. l'mi woîidleiîig il' a cup ot* cot'fec . wliclî ofilen tastes I ike a dislî wateCv. is v-cal ly wor tilh-0 Ccent s. l'Ini I so Pc, îtîrbed to seC thlIsoelrest auranits ini tiiis area arec clargiîîg 8 cents for a baceîi and teiliato sanîdwich. Su vc. t lie restauvanit owîicrs ave cvy iîîg out Imle very- tlîiig lias goîîc Up tlîcsc davs. Truc eîiuglî. ButI, 1 vould I ike to hleai-elle restaurvant ewncv vlo lias detîblcd a salavy 101 h is st affIlieîîbrs. Ail 1 kîîow is tuai iiaîy waiîvesses who were getti ng Si .(-0 ail heur. new receive about 1-5 centîs more t'or the sainec services îlîcy perfevîli-- a miinimumî salary as imposed recetitly by iuic ,ovel«llllent.4 Net lonig ao. 1 aIse ieavîîcd via corresponîdentinîi Sout1h Amevrica lia ve jacked-up Ilîcîr pvices by oîîly Ille tlosî. Thie New York Tineîs liîat colîce producers -3 per cenît anidl'ive at Xhy tHien in Caniada have we to boost the price of' a cet tece by en uIîndrcd per cenît? Necdiess Ie say. there are many unanswered questionîs about restaurvant businesses. Perlhaps, it is high tlime wc appoinît elle more celiiissiell to iîîvestigate the gvowirîg food prices. Oui top cf thal. we nced a commvission tiat wvili îiuvestigate thc iîîvcstigators. As I sec il. tlere is noencîd 10 ibis food racket. Hoever , il' tIi igs gel wovse. Il'il hîave t o start iooking a rotunîd fer soîie pots aîîd panîs. "Thj.e Afternoons of Pot- tery"',Wiliýbe offered to Senior Citizens by the Whitby Rec- reatian Department in con- junction with Whitby Arts mnc. A teenage patter, Beth Cl1a gg e tt, from Newtown, Pennsylvania, is teaching pot- tery classes during March at the Station. Most of lier stui- dents arc eidren, but there was suich interest ini the Senior Citizen pottery classes hield t the Craft Workshop this fait, t bat t1 vec speciai afterîîeens are being arranged only. for seniors These will be Mondays - March l2th, I9th and 26th from 1:30 ta 3:30 P.M. in the downstairs warkshop roam of the Station. The fée wilI be $2.00 for the three sessions. Rides will be ar- ranged for those needing transportation. Ail Seniors interested in registeving for the ciass are asked to eall the Whiitby Rec- reatiovi Dept. 668-5803. Gardening By Sid Morris LUPINES You wiil find that Russelil-iybrid lupines wiil provide soeeof the finest lowers cf your garden. They have a widc range cf colours- blue, whîite, ycilow, red or pink. Tiicir fiowers are set tighuiy together along 2 feet or more ot their 3 foot stemîs;: îhey bioomn from îîîidspring to eariy summner. Tlîcir hiandsonîe foliage is deeply divided mbt mnany paiîîîlke segmentîs. Russell Lupines are hardy ini our area; they do best in full suri or partial shade and a weli-drained. rieutrai or slighîiy acid soil. Space plantîs about I15 inches apart. In* spring and fall dust borie meal iitly around the plants ta encourage the dcvelepmlent of biossorîîs in early summier. You cari propagate lupines froin seed sown in'the spring or suinîcr to fioWer the ilext year. Plants can aIse be startcd froiî 4-to-6-inch stern cuttings takeri in early spring with a tiny piece of the top of the root struicture, or crown, attachîed;, they wiii flower the foliowrîg year. ATTENTION! HOME OWN ERS rSAVE *Y INSTALLINI YOURSELF ALUMUNUM 'PRODUCTI Facio Boards - Windows aM4. Doors - Instollation if required. KAISER -Direct Factory Ironeh SUPREME WIRPOW à DOOR PRODUOTS 1730 SIMCOE ST. M. 723-943 BUIGGEST CLEARANCE EVER Philips Kalnin's Girl of the Week The life of the photographer is neyer duli. This week Alex came across Neleke Meinin g er, 26, and a freelance artist from Hol. land. Neleke vis- its Whitby f re- quently in search for artistic ideas. Alex took this picture while she was just taking time out from a hard day'swork. And, wouhd ou believe that el- eke really works so hard? Photo by Alex Kainins Ail CenadianW Zenith 100% eS@ld Sue. Che"l Admirai Sqlor Co *We do taek* trads-ns *Saie y delimyOV *Sus. day mrvico FALCON T.V. 426 Simco. S#. S. Oshowc 723-0011 *Ptt'DY tREF PRESS, THURSD.&Y, MARCII 8, 197 3, PAGE KEARDe' AXI Radio ÉEquippea &DirecUne Et Amoid's Marlket, 115 Brock St. N. For Vour Convenionce 150 Peny Sbom fWhtby