Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Mar 1973, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 KALNINS As a photographer, 1 feel obligcd to say a few words ini the right place about Whitby Arts recent photographie ex- hibition at thc Station. What l'in really after is the recent decision by the pro- gramn commnittee flot to exhibit Tcrence B. Sinms nude phiotographis which, if l'in correct, were corrmissioned by Whitby Arts Ine. As the'story goes,. photographer Siîns' nude photo- graphs of acolored girl front the Uinited States were re- jected on moral grounds. Dorothy Hachie, speaking on behalf of the prograrn eommittee, told mne the Sims photos were "Playboyish" and "flot suited for ehildren who might visit the Station" Mrs. Hachie also told mce the self-appointed crities on the committce found sorne photographs to be of "dis- tasteful" nature - whatever that means. And to make the matters worse, 1 was given Sirns' unf- listed telephone numnber which, after checking withi the Bell Telephone Co., turned out to be a dud. A swcet voice on the phone informed me that "the number you have dialcd is flot in service". THIS SUNDAY THIS SUNDAY while you can FdjeIOFie OIET0"FISH for th'ei Price of Bity one "Filet 0' Fish" and get one FREE on presenting this advertisement. VALUE 40c SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1973 Valid one per custorner at ether McDONALD'S VaIid an par customw eat either MebONALD8 SiMbOE S ocT. N. TTUTNO ON NUDITY Unable to rcach Mr. Simis for comment, 1 can casily fi this gap by supplying my own commnentary. First, 1 would like to know who are these I12 almnighty programi coinmittee menibers who have such powcrs to decide what is good and bad for the general public. Are they, by any chance, kindergarten or public school teachers? And what do they know about ehild psy chology? To make such a hasty decision, one hias to know more about photographie arts or the moral attitudes in general. It is flCwst10nme, 1I must confess, that a nude body con- stitutes a distaste and eventually could be construed as harinful to the younger rninds. Clearly, as 1 sec it, the Whitby Arts Inc. has comm-ittcd one more blunder by appointing themnselves as guiardians of people's morals. And, il is a known faci Iocally that the prograi coin- iicte is infested withi narrow-mninded miembers who would like to run the arts colony with Qucen Victoria's own approval. But, just remember that shc's been dead for a long time and the chances are that lier stodgy ideas will neyer bc împlemnented again. As for Mr. Sims, 1 suggest 'hat lie gets back to square one and try once again to present his nudc photographs for display. We buy and seil anything" 23 KN ST. WEST 725-9783 OSHAWA DAVID R. PARSONS CmeerUFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT 110 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA 576-9511 {SaEON < DX QUALI TY3X ». FUELNOW &- 1 DX FUEL Ol668431 WHITBY - Frank Sugden is new chairman of the Whitby Citizcn's Study Group. Electcd at a meeting held here last weekcnd, Sugdcn re- places chairman Jim Gart- shore, who s uc c ee de d 1 council as a representative of the ward. The Study Group, whicli hias remnained relativcly inac- tive since civie elections, met to elcci a new executive, and after a decision from nmcm- bers whether or not to con- Vour WiII, Vour Lawyer and Vand G Evecrybody needs a will. Evcry wl ncceds comlpetenit adiinstration. Go to yotir law'yer for votir wull- Io V ifli(i to assure thit whiat vou leave goes mwhcre yoti waînt it. Eighity Nezrs of experience in acî inlis- tering estates stands behiind otîr judgmient -and assures corporate continutity in carrying out yotir wisiles. VICTORIMA [2GREY, TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Neow to get the Income Tax People Io Iend Yeu money interesi free Interested? Well iî's possible. Section 79B of the 1Income Tax Act 'says' so. The Goverriment encourages you to prepare for your retirement by giving you important income tax deductions on money you invest ini a Registered Retirement Savings Plan. You can save hundreds of tax dollars each year this way. Your moncy is flot taxable until retirement; then, only as income received, (your tax bracket is likely to be lower then too). It ail adds up to about the same as "4bèrrowing" money froin the Government, interest free ... plus the savings that tax deferment may bring. You can learn the fuil story on income tax advantages on Retirement Savings from the weIl- informed professional who represents the Manufacturers Life. He is associated with a company that bas a record for sound and profitable money management that's outstanding i n the industry. When you talk to him be sure to ask him about the buiît-in guarantees that only an insured plan can offer. Phone hum today or mail this coupon for a free, informative brochure on how you can save tax dollars.__________ * Pei«»s= en me, wthout obligation, a * free copy of the booklot: '4Reglstered * * Retirement Savlngs Plan." * ~NAME ...... ........... ........... ... AOORESS.................. .. Steve Hanson i The Manufacturers Lite I* Oshawa, Ont. aI.K Hno MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Suite 501, Bell Tower, Oshawa Centre tinue on, 10 examine priori- tics for the coming year. In a relcase t0 the FREE PRESS on Wednesday, group mem ber and former vice chair- man, Harry Inkpen said the group lias a 'master plan', which it does not intend 10 divulge at this lime. He did say, however, that there was concern expresscd by attend- ing members about the so- called rapid growth of sub- divisions locally. This, he said, along with the current trend toward closed to the public and prcss commi-it tee meetings would probably be on any list of priorities composed by his group. Citizen Ralph Stratford, well known spokesman and debater for the group last year, was clccted to the post of secretary, and Councillor Jin Gartshore who was ex- peeted t0 resign remains a group memiber. "We arc fully aware of Mr. Gartshore's awk- ward position now that he is a counicil miember," said Ink- pen. There was discussion about the role we played last year. Sonie nembers felt we played a too soft-shoc part and others feit wc wcre too rebellious. 1 feel that hiad we hiad tlhe courtesy of a response fromi the counicil when wc originally asked to address it, things would hiave gone niuch dit'- fcrently. Conscquently there is nio doubt that a rift devel- oped betwcen the group and the counicil and that we got imuch support in citizen sup- port, lie said. How will council feel about the group as a contintling body of observing defendcrs for thc commnunity's ratepay- c rs? Says lnkpen: "Thiere is no doubtinun y îy mmd at ail that thc ncw counicil will not show as negative an attitude to- wards the group as the last one did." VOL KSWAG EN TODAY'S BEST BAR GAINS Twice the warranty of most other cars. 24 months oir 24,000 miles. Best in winter - No treeze ups Best Investment (high trade-in values) - LOWEST IN PRICE $2,198.1 EE THEM AIL PLUS MANY RECONDITIONED VWs AND OTHER TRADE-IN CARS AT Pickering Car Centre Baselîne Rd. Y, Mile East o'ý Harwood Ave. AJAX - 942-1881 Open Till, 9.p.m. Have master plan Study group- baok on tho munioipal scene

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