'Wi'IiiY W I IlRl 5, i'IIUJRSI)AY, i"LBRUARY 22, 1973, lPAGE, 7 World Day of Proyer rites to involve 10 denominations A Whitby woman, Charlotte Gentles; left, attended a special showing in Toron.to of two new films on historic sites. With Miss Gentles are, left to ight: Larry Ryan, director of the Ontario Heritage Foundation; Peter H. Bennett, assistant director of Canada's National Historic Sites Service, a branch of the Department of Indian Affairs and Notheun Development; N iagara-onthe- Lake. and Aldermnan WN. Massiah, vvî h rliY-'lHîs er ien b)ers o'1 triI eîoîn lî,ttionis ii Wliitbiy wiIl gathier uit All Sainlts' Anigliicaît (' Lrcli 10 observe Ilie World Day of* Prayer l'or tIlle sprle"cdof*tIlle GosPel. Iwo soi-viccs will be field lhou tlli ne ii1jnce ofi,11 -înd baby sittiiW willI make it ca.sier or cltire 'a it iies 10 coiC. A CLP ol*Itall t- tcrwards wilI gîve peoffle a chaince 10 chiat wi th cach othier aid niake ncw acq- tiaitan,,ices amnong thiose of' othler chiLrchics. Mus. Alex Scot t wiht con- duet die 2 i.în. service, and Mis. William Pilkington , tie 7 p.nu. service. Mie othier chiurchies will Puovide rcad- ers. 'FlicRcvcrcnd Roger- Rice of Westmninster United hi il/e car/v Jays ini England, religious orders, unziî'ersities anzd ueruiani groups ail ra tiwir owni postal sysienis. ('linuclu will bhriig Ilile ms- sage ut 2 p.iu., and the Rcv- erend Grant 'Schwautz, tIe liuw coodiatigcha phaiin ui th icWhitby l'sychiatric I lîspital, ut 7 p.in. Wcmmiu rîtf New Zealand wucte îlîis yeau's service. l'he thlîinc "Alcut in ou r Tiniie" will be depictcd by a puo- cessionu cil'colout i baincurs I)uehared by the uneumbeus oh' various chuches- A choir made rip oh' miembeus oh' all Ille clîrîrches will be presnit, and l\/ls. W. (Pai)l) Dwsoni oh* ail Saints, and Mus. Il. (Marcc lia) Poison oW St. Joli il tlie FEvungel isi wil I sing solos ut Ileicla'tc-tiooii seuvice. Mu. Ric Aubouir oh' St.- Jolin (lhe Evaiugel ist witlh his grui au, w il I lead iin two ImUsical hitlutdes iii tlle vening. Ovcu I160 count ries on 6 continents will be joinling withi Canadians ini services on this Would Day oh' Puay- er. l)v Joyce Rcïad For Period Fcbrtîary 1 Sth to February 24th CAPRICORN - 1)ec. 22 tokin. 19 I)cini irit uis bcisy ' se i i av periciti ie rsoi)al i aiii tî iici s eupiasc 'I'iere is unipie cîppor itci tit I ti rtirer career a ins. butii oi iliius pusl s uttir sel Itcmrw ard. Sîit iii t cias are Ticescla>'thue 27 tjiranti AQUARJUS - ian. 20 to Fei). 18 'Iiîrs i s, a irect t ese'a pericuî. (cru Iroi ymcii r i cmpt~' i i rîing tlire lirst pa ri(cil i ire w î'e k. \ouare enr e ring a e iraist' S lent' f'crtcue nîrds posýtiivet> in y cîcr dtirectichn. Uiirairce, appcain b ilnuprcive ati iie 1firsi crf lie midu i. Sîgriicari t day s are ili sii the' ]si and h iridas tire 2ndi. PISCES- Fei). 19 to Mlardh 20 Y'ciir c> île isiricrvitiLcip tiinig l1is seveti-da> pînci. Youri icisi igri ificaiiiti ay is M arcir lire 2 rîc ile re cci iceit in se'c- ret, hrave'sec'ret,,îiisîcîseti and ti îrage i roiirariiit.clandcestinie irreetirits. (Cntidil'tiia 1i alaiirs tdiuiîate. 'icîcilearir a vaiciall lesscnu iiitire cîrri cil' a secret i ittis cia. a ci> l' pa raitiiunit îimpcir t aute. ARIES - M.larcli 2t to April 19 'liris ex tratrd i îary sevei'c.ia>' pe rîcîci star t s miiitri gin . goc lriiiucror. Yoti are gifttec l s'iii specialiniisiglirt ticiring this pe ricîti Yocir Iiss niost sigiiiam days arc Scîîîday the 25 tir anditMonda: the 26t1i. Ycrur standing in tire eoinnirii rcîr niglhiirîii at'ta irs areliîeiglîteîîett ttiring iiîid-week. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 i)uring this seven-daN1 periotid ciit le t yocirsett, beeonie *a vie Onui of' brooding. iHave f*aillianrd keep svateh over your expeuises. D)ia logue wuihl you r partne r or mnate eoid hecome hiea Led. Stress niiifie w orkiuig area is relieved by fici 3rd. Now \vouIld he Itle tinre te sîggest iînlprovenîeu Is and short cults tor ex- ped i ing w ork p rocedwcres. dailY aet ivi ty. GEMINI -NMay 21 to June 20 SîgîrîicLaîit davs ciurîup tus si-veii-day period are 'i'iursday the I st and I rid'îy t the 2ndiXîke eare n t Io an tagonie tîrese ini au llt hrrtv. i reai i dt*heti les eouneeted sith your protession wl ti e \ reirreire nesty. You iiay hiave differenees svîth an assoeîate and compromise inav tue îeeessary. Do nfot insist on yotir owil %vay onlivbeectse Von oiginraied Ille icia. CANCER -- June 21 to July 22 Dtiingu t lus seven ia> ipr'iod yen si ti ave probhin s b sotve. i here suit ire certain diieîtsitjations b 1e met. 1' \perieiice and u isd o1 lill iicone hI ocîr aid. Muiciali fincesanid joint pa rtnerstî p miolliles appear tess c iup i ca tedI nows. Itroll ou t dis- cri'pancie s in de t i lw irk. Go ove r tirst f'ont1111tii bills anrdt ciecis LEO --Jtly 23 to Aug. 22 \\ ork e lii ciii anid quietct cm rie tiis svn'i periodiciR e- ire.îl tgr.n.ioticîs tvh tirelctinies. 'icur iist siuiticariItldays arc Sinda> fie 25 tir and Mcinda Ille 26ili. Vîtlity niîstlire scr\iiQiiipaired it tlire 'irst of the iinth, Yen are heset w ti prolieius bh reai anrd iiaigîinedl. irîui i titrivia. yvi tmnay he mrore nervîrus lin usuai. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sep)t. 22 A unte et' cn fu*tsioni nia> lire presen t in Irle fani iiy ciree during this seveni-day perîod. A disagreeinei t niay ensule over new tuniiiiluire or redec.oratiniz. This is het ter dlelerred uin ilIllie 28 tii w iren ym i niay 'd eide yocou o't rîeed i t a'ter ali . i>rcrtee t vaiuah- tes dcriiîg uns seven'-day pejriod. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 Tiis shoci id te a retas înig severi-dIay cycle l'or VOLIu il bra. Vit- ality iiiay be iow anîd eoiise cýiiemi tty yocîi iîay nleed muore rest tratir rorirriily. Brinhiers. ssters anmd close relatives are stresseci duririg(tie eariy pari ol'thie week Mhenî a get'togetiîer. tîrobirif certiainr pr(briii scau, i rre tc'a.O ierminiilers ol' the ltaii y shîrci Ii hi'trea ited wÃitlirde lerente. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 i:iieigy i s iiglir . d day provides an e xciti ug a rray crf'cirai' leriges whtieii yoci îrîeet wili tci nuiug andi ingenr iiiy' 'l'iis coci ic be a gorîd week f'or r n pruiving h inai ces. Bargains eati lie bunic i n raldier c)bscu re place s ai hazaars. Ilea imiarketis andi iliseocin i icntres. iHomerriet'e cti )e vî'ry iraruioniou s i <w. SAGITIARIUS - Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 Yotî hegin luis week svith a tiglh horst cf' euergy. 'lucre are inany tasks te coini)ete. Yoir sehedciie nay hiave Ici be rearrangeci ~ o ericomipass nevv activîty. C'onserve vitatity t'or important work rallier i ian acee ratiîîg sociat picasuires whiiî'î epiete yoîîr tories. Signifctinh cays are Suntay Irle 25 iii andi Monda-ýy' tire 26tii. BIGGEST CLEARAN CE EVER Ph i 1ips k. Modulor 4 AIl CanadianW Mode Zenith Most Models Avouaoble 100% Solid State Chassis mnot eaciiy as iiustratedi Admiral ALDERTO VO5 HAIR SPRAY1.091 7 ounce - Suggesied List $1.98a CLOSE-UP TOOTHPASTE à MOUTHWASH IN ONES3 SFamlly Size - Suggssted LIai $1.39 8 Admirai Solar Color mnot *xactly a« ilusrat.di *We do take trade-ins *Same day delivery *Samne day service FALCON T.V. 426 Simcoe St. Se - - Oshawa ATTENTION!1 HOME OWNERS r' SAVE Y INSTALLN4 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Siding - Soffîts - Eavéstroughirig - CORPORATION 0F THE TOWVN 0F VHITBY NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS 1973 Dog Tags mnust be purchased before February 23, 1973. Proof of rabies vaccine certitirate dated within two years of issuing of the dog tag is required before a licence can be issued. Fee for a dog tag is $5.001.- Dog tags may be obtained at the Treasurer's Office, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. F.N. McEWEN, TR EASUR ER, TOWN 0F WHITBY. COIJRTIE*ALUNlA IWMACY SHRTSL ÂPIaRNAC iii mh I. N 61.DW IEIDY 6 IaiwlmSL 51DMamooth 723-00111 1 . - --- 1