Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1973, p. 12

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1A ht2, lI LIRSI)A Y,', IBRUI Zy 15, 1973, Wil î'î'liY FREElut:PREîSS MOTORING with Mike Burgess ()ur cnt ry ini tle 11)7.ï'aniaciiaii lii lennait ioinl Winter Rai iy last week-cend xvas bicd ic anid Ihair-ra isiîîg Ifrui U c- giuîîîing to endi. Wbei Pc le Richardsuni and i1clecided lu cuter -lliis even t, about Ia iîun tiiagu, WeCri/c! t o Ilie re pa raition îb a t wt Iid bUc occessalrx'tu iifie a rca sou a h y cuiripe titive car. île ice. edie W -svsC spcn itapproxi- iiateiy une bnitired ai SiXtV nitutu imrs duîng it lis aîîd tulatIs alot ut niejits tintil tour i iii 1w mrniig [bIC preparati iuîsuiie ol \vtiiclii1I uueiîtiolled last wec'k it cliindecisu spcn i il i mo i tic t ion s, uC ucrat rellcili i- inig, ligli t iuiu add t jouis, e 1rin 1a(î safcty prec at ions. We biad eliccted. becai.ose o f t lic fa irtv yiii iid ieatiihcr twu \VCCks ac), t 10 Llec i liciiiîr raiiai-ply tires. W!îeuîlItle wea ther last wveek t uok a ttrluo r tie worse, WC decicled lu changoe to siouws. -tlic ou îly prubteni \Vas dticiIee!ilii's arc steei-Uci ted,. 50 il xve ciulv rail t wo Snuws alndtwo M iclîcIinii's, the sInuwS \wOcIl c lsaI0hve 10I u c Stel Uc i ed. The reasuti being that stecl Uelted radiais bave diticreuit liaîîciliuîg char- acterist ics thanr egcîiar radiais. -Anywvay. ail the icicai dealers aiîd d isiribcitors sceieci L) bc ucit Of stock ut' Mic10il SiO snu 11i01.11r siZe, su ve wound Lip gel tig four Dcîrîiup radiai suîuws- a pcîor coiîn- prom11ise--wbliclî\Ve inStaliedd ai)Oi une 110c.1r-befture î raiiy started. The fOrst car was cdie to leave Tcrcnîtc at 7 p.nî., and our irue of' depanl cre was 7:45 p.nî. -we arrived at the stant at 7:40! Fortunateiy', we had already' been scru tiuîeened, produced our F.iLA. internat ioal cc)mpet il iuu licences and liad oniy Iu stick ccir ncimbers citi the docus anid synclîronize watches. As a mnalter cf faci i nieveu did syn- chronize my 'iune ut day watcl' ur itil 250 mules later anîd untii then, oîîiy csed iny eiapsed limie watch. Su there we were sticking these litge cîîwieidiy iiuni- bers un the duors %vheiî sumebudy yeiied 'lîey! yoci'ne sLip- posed lu Uc at the starting lneyur lexi te o 9 ...su we di-ove cip tu thec starniing i me , pst ih li ne ci' vaiii rg cars, seconds et'ure the lag dropped ancd WC werc off. Wouud you believe Peter liad tc)rg)t ten tot) lii(11) the gas tank anîd \we iad just startcd ibe lirst icg wvl cli wvas 250 miles long' *1Arid there was liittc iipe wc wunld sec oltr service crew belore i150 mles il' we sav iîeîîî tîicii. 'Neit cross tiiose bridocs wiien oct coine to t liui' Ve lbad 0011C abocit tseit-i miles Ililu tue railv when a sharp loft vvas a litic sharper iiban Pleeuiact bai- gaMined tor, sccal\xIhtlose iiew sne\5 s ac tlet I ike t licv wecre liai f iat ail Iltuelme, 1i1d \we wocIod p oin a ue eiglv' wittbItle rea r eci idit a dit cli wb icl ce r la inil\~c Pete a new respect (or lack of)t loi tiiose baîet haî snoVV, ires, anîd Jrecipttated a lot et ' sords aoutwisiiiitt1 wc biad lefît tose NMcieeios oumi. Auv wayse oilvl\' osi o n mit e iliito the ne xt chec k pou Ii. Oh vocs!'t tuai t e ii ii - clcîded zuakitie an i iiscluedtiled sîop a t1a a 'taýtI in ieai Ralan t i cet tcas,. Abocut 120 uîîuk's Itlt() [le uall'y. stuIle\wieue()IlIltle way luO îîawa, xs e stan ted ilii a ,elules ol, select uve Stages. A select ive stage is basicaliv a twusty viiindy\ illy sectioni wbiere Yoci pcItVOcUr 1foot î i hard c hkeguîL Uise On (u tIbese seleCt iveS oci are timcid t o thticsecond.,auid evet s seccond Lite cc)st s x octpoitIs. Witli tiie lielp ot)I a co uple of' snowbanks tuiai kept cîS awaV,]'frcîîInderos, WCe uuînaged tcî rmil it c le auî aîd uîut lu se a riS" J)l)iîs. ['roui tiiere oui, the "loscu we col to ()ttawa\ti lv 503, 507. etc.) t lic ciel- tllie ruals scelliecI ttLce t, i tu t possible. Andc wc staruec lw loiic a litîleomet- aluuunute pel' con trol.l At the -'50 mîile mark. ont seconîd ofiia as up anid firsî cuffee break 17 uinutes dciratiouii tle s lu o'tifhle t97_.2 lrss(Ilcaude lie big . S.i\.raLI Fiendu sol aud Pupc.edrbppc1)d (ottdue to uicctiauiuc;ul prcblcuîîsxvi tli itlcir Icci'.sp isrdAuîe rlicaut ïMot uts Jeep Waigonceer. This tcauui xvasa Ilucvavtci u hI> x vli iluis railiy. S(i-Ioly afîcu', (tue Scottisli xvorks diriver (coilmactecl to Ford triEurope) Au cirw walî, xvbixvaS I]ow ru uti Uv FIAT, to dr-ive a FIA F i 2S; ditleci it auîd %wtpeclout lus suspeisioti and ans cbauîces lie unigli t lave liac ITu t dic w i uîtc t of thcI ast (ros- ' zua l ul l fir st limue aund rut ied h wice mourec Uclire il t s cppec icipsitle duwui witiu cvciytiiiuig caved itu. tiaviuig liad 1lue pleastiic tutjoiuîiug Ilie "( Ipside 1)uuxvî ('cub" previously, I1xxas u1uit uised tut the iiad 1 iugiuîg aui1d sick feellingiiat i uccuul s aus voui go> uvet ui t via t hot uc cu ume xvas Miîinxve stoppe Id îl ueicad uit,seat belL ýgei l (oîbcnwise cîcî ui d uonuiyun iiLuac Iwc lu tii uttituei otîl caved i stu adly 51/C u2>uiciut tupenulibu'douotsu c e cuit wieuc the windows were. Yoti s 1 Ithiowgiguitai wc ',ici guîîe tve tuie snitw bauik auid weiu t itiict Ild xhîti i e noc one wcicl d sec ns, a i we iiiigi t uumi ss b rea k tasi. We til i turuîed outîwe werc tcîpside duîwuu iighutMithue middicle oid tue road. 'l'le îex I car ii uaged Ici steop IUcl i)re bit t îu g tî s auîd thie driver îî'ieci a dcur openC with a cnîuw bar stu w c'tttici gel out. Meanwb uc the car al'ter h iii guilu thie saine sittual ion WCelbad , an d h av iog 110 place Ico go, wou î li ipi)luing a geîi t le roil (once) and landed un ai I foturs l',ai îly satciy. Iý'ur-titina îeiy thlîc was a t'arin bouse inarhy , and 1 guess wlien tIlle tfirînier saw the blood oun iy fcace lic luok pi ty on us and touk lus iin. Fruni there (lie lucali QP*J) gave uis a ride mb itIle Station iin P'i-tb]wbiecouir ser-vice crew (To ii Vei t ch and Te rry ('ii w ick ) ter i icked uis up. 3y tIlie way , il' tinybcdys initerested we bave a sligibtty ciscd MG13- GT pa rkc d i ann e î'syarl oa ic tb ecilsl e Iap! <Su iuicli tor a weli-pncpai cd mlachinle anid a lut out bloud (tileiatiy). swat nd tears . . . . aybe ilext year). Aîîy way Jecan -iatlPc issc anud I ce B ar l tI )eîiew w ho ývcire Ru on i ng secoi ni lu le nde rson andciPo gue, th uk uve r th llad wbMini IcodcrsonLI ru îpeci n I, anud Jcan -Paoui ni a î- aged-1lu <ccp Ibis FilAI 128 ino finsî place luorthie duraI ion out the eveuîl. and Ilitis ivîog [lAi cars the iiust wiios inii ui ('aoadiao XVitcr R.atiy. Jeaui-1>at, xvtîu wonthie ast Wiuî uer R'ally alsu. ilci nie tuaid lie ftindîcl ie roacis "realiy slîlpper-y' , bous incw Pircili B3 comupotuid radial slo\s a diïst oct acivantacgc. lutluitiyIdonîîtiihink Ibis comîponducis availabie ini (aiiada y-cl. Last y ar 's NationaIR a l'y (Chbamnipioun i g Boyce un y liad une wurd tcu say "s! ippc)ry"'! iBoyce ancd Woods t ied duwn seccnd pilace. 111eidenut.illy, of tllie 06 cars iliit started , '4 dicin't finish. Beft're ciusiiîg, I 'd like I o lbaîîk ()le dofîîy re acers wvli cai1ic duwii t()thc st art wi lbh is sof i, secC LS .is 11 (lie mad rush 1 didn't gel a chance lu ge t bis 11aince, but if* lie wotuld Uc su kind as tu send mie bis naine and address (t0 thle paper ) l'Il mnake su rc his son gel s a pictuLre ut' the car (hcfuore) gratis. I t'sSun Iday n igh i and îiîy hcad is start ing tu ache "F'il necxt wcck. 1liappy Mut uring? Goreski's Summer Reso»rt Ltd., CLU8 ANNRENE A MODERN DAN CE HALL PHO]NE 9135-30B8[ Fishing - Swiiînrniing - Tradlers, Camnping & Marina ONLY 20 MILES FROM WHITBY -R. R. 3, FORT FERRY, OINT.- EUROPES BIGGEST SELLING CAR NOW FOR SALE IN OSHAWA In Europe, where they've been buying small cars for three generations, they buy more Fiats than anything else. For every Volkswagen sold in Italy, 6 Fiats are sold in Germany. For every Renault sold iri Italy, 2 Fiats are sold in France. For every Volvo sold in Jtaly, 9 Fiats are sold in Sweden. Ail this becomes more mean- ingful when you consider that, over there, they have fif ty different ' kinds of cars to choose frorn. And that their choice is based.............. on sixty years of driving these....... various cars under conditions that run ail the way from the sub- zero winters of Sweden to the Alpine roads of northern Italy to the traffic jams of Paris to the no speed liit driving of the German autobahn. Now, if you've been trying to decide between the dozen or so' small cars sold here in Canada, stop in at our new showroomi and look over our seven Fiat models. It'l make your decision considerably easier. The biggest selling car in Europe. i .-~.- ---'~~A,~~** seul Isa-Ut iii-, i * t. i .3 il 8 .52.5 4' ~ *4' r r ,'r a'.a- a- e- r.. i'.s ..st. ~., ~ e.~, ~ * ~',w-.a'.r..e .a~.s a -%VVIMWýV"4M

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