Tirem en top; Belleville The Brooklîin-Wliitby Cana- dian Tire Junior "B3" Tiremien afier traiing 2-1 and 3-2 ai die end of' the first two per- iods of play, carne back withi tlhree goals within a span of 5 minutes and 30 seconds, defeating the visiting Belle- ville Bobeats 5-4 in a gamne played in the Brooklin Arena last Thursday. Major Bantg playmoffS wi Thie Brooklin-Whitby Mc-' Cormack Blades Major Ban- tains wvill open their play-off round against Lindsay in die Brooklin Arena Saturday. Feb. 10 ai 6:15 p.nî. Thiese Major M idgets defeat Akjax The Brooklin-Whii tby Con- solidated Building Corp. nina- jor înidgets recorded thecir first win over ai Ajax in thie 72/7-3 season as thiey skatcd to a 6-4 win ai the Art Thiotnpson Arena. Ajax hiad beaten the Consolidated Building Corp. teani on thiree occasîins thiis year. two leaguje gaines and one exhiibition encoun 1er. S teve Sandford opened thie scoring at 7:03 of thie first period. but Dave (irahai tied thie score l'or Ajax before thie 1 5 minute mark of thie saine period. At 1 9:16 of' the open- ing period, Ken Clarke gave tlie Whlitby club a 2-1I lead as lie beat thie Ajax netminder wiîhi a hiard slapshot. Thie second period started off twithi Dave Grahiain scoring hiis se- cond goal of thie gaine ati the 24 second mark to pull thie Ajax tcam back to even teris. Mike Rowley and Dave Soni- clietti gave the Consolidated Building teaîn a 4-2 lead ai die end of' the second period as Rowley scored froi Ken Clarke ai I13:25 and Dave Sorichetti scored unassisted at 19:11. Carlo Carnazolla and Ken Clarke added goals for thie Brooklin-Whitby teani in thie final fraîne, while Rob Wat- son and Johin Buchiowski added singles l'or Ajax. Thie Brooklin-Whitby (on- solidated Building Corp. nina- the Brooklin-Whitby team. Harilaid Al-mstcars defeat Ajax The Brooklin-Whitby Hari- laid Stars rniinur novice tearn had only one game this week in which they defcated Ajax 2-I. Warren Smith scored both goals for the Harilaid Stars. Doug Wood ticd the score ai 3-3 as lie beat the Belleville netiinder atIl11:56 of thie third pcriod.Wood also pickcd up assists on Mike Harper's go ahicad goal, anid on the winnirig goal scorcd by Don Nicholson at the 17:26 mark. Tom McLcishi and Steve Da- bous were the other Tiremnen goal score rs. ams open ith Lindsay two teais tmet l'ive times during regular season play, and cach team hlad two wins and a tie. This should be a very exciting play-off', 50 try to attend. The McCormack Blades and the Lindsay Bantamis played twvo exhibition games during the pas! week-end, the first in Brooklîn and retnrn niatch iin Lindsay the follow- ing evening. The gaine in Brooklin end- ed ini a 4-4 lie with Gien Johnston leading the Brook- lini-Wiby attack with 2 goals. Singles were added by Robin Barnes and ioe Mclntyre. The return matîch in Lind- say on Sundax' evening saw the Brooklin-Wit by teani corne home on ithe short end of' a 4-3 score. Scoring for the McCorinack I3lades in ibis gaine was liandled by Hlarold L\eniburner. Joe I lowe and Ro(_bin lKîrnes. The Brookiiti-Wlîitby Vick- ery Elecînic mites played iwo exlhibiltoit gainies du ring thle week-enîd. and caiîle tp witli a Wint and a lie :tauinist clubs froin te (slîawa ILittle Nil.- L. Leagîte. On Saut rdav îîigli t thle Vickery 1El ectrtc boys de- f'ea ted thle pi eviou jsly umîde- feated Littîle N.II.L. Leafs by a score o!t2-1I'iil a gaine played iinthte Orono Arena. (Goalscorers l'or itle Brookliii- Wîitby teamît were Greg Gib- son anîd Brock Neuiîtt. Omi Sumîday the Vickery Electric mîies played 10 a scoreless lie witlt the Little N.H. L. Ail Stars. Both teanis biad a iiuiîiber of good scornig cliatices tlîrouglîou t thle gaine. bu t st rong îîeî iiiii dinmg at t h emnds made for- a very excitimîg The visiting Bobcats îook 7 of' 13 iminor penalties hiand- cd ont ini the gaine. Shiots on goal were 47-32 in f'avour of' thc Brooklin-Whitby Tîremnen. Next hoinê gaine for the Tirnen is Thurs. Feb. 8 in the Brooklin Arena at 7:45 p.rnl. Mien thicy hosi the Markhiaîn Waxers. inor Midg.ts have perfet season The Brooklin-Whitby Hari- laid midgets endcd regular scason play this week with a 9-I win over Port Pcrry. Jimi Demille was the tcamn leader ini this gaine, as lic fired t'ive goals and addcd îwo assists. Single goals were added by Tomi Foster, Tim Brown, La rry G rahamin a nd Jerry Huinink. The I arilaid boys tiien played thle Oshawa Kiwanis înîdgets ini an exhibition gaine that ended iin a 06' tic. Scor- ing l'or the Bro)klîin-Whittbv îeamn in this gaine wvas hail- dled by Eddie Sictu >r ith iwo goals, loin[oster t\V( goals. Glen Aikinson and Dave Allen added single inarkers. Do ring thle regu lai season. thte Illarilaid ininor m idgets played M0 gaines wlining 1 7, ty inîg 3 a n d losilng fome. gal.M'ark Lee inii te Wliiiby uet s recorded bus 1tlî su itt-ou i of Ile scasoi. The Brooklin-Whitby Big Mac's played an exhibition gaine in the Brooklin Arena on Sun. Feb. 4 and lost 4-2 10 Chinguacousy. Chinguacousy opencd the scoring carly in the gaine, but thec Big Macs fought back and tied thec score on a goal by Danny Kinp. The visitors in- crcased their lead to 3-I be- fore Dave Williamson fired a goal f'or the Brooklin-Whiitby tcam. Tie Big Macs wcnt into t11w third period down 3-2. but werc certainly still in the gaine. A loit of bad luck around tlhe oppositions net kept the Big Macs from tying thie gaie, and laie in the Major Novice win smmon W The Brooklin-Wlhitby Bob for the Farrn Equipment boys, Heron Farin Equipînerîtina- witlh singies being added by jor novice tcamn ended the Todd Cotton and DarI regular season withi a 7-3 win Blacquire. over Ajax. This gives the tean Thie Bob I-eron novice 8 wins, 4 tics and 4 losses iin Icamn played the Oshawa Red I16 gaines. Wings in an exhibition game, Charlie Meitner led tlîe amnd defeated them 2-1I on way wtib the Hat Trick. Joey goals by Art iohnstone. Van der Line scored twice*** LAIT WUEK' WHITSY - 106 Byronfl 668-6495 or 668-9909 Goreski's Summer Resort Ltd. CLUB ANNRENE A MODERN DANCE HALL PHONE 985-3068 Fisling - Swinmmimîg - Trailers, Canmping & Marina ONLY 20 MILES FROM WHITBY - R.R. 3, PORT PERRY, ONT. - I Mac's ose to Chinguacouey LUCKY PI1ZZA CONTESI WIN $ 50800 Every time you buy a pizza front PIZZAZZIP - you could win $50.00. Just MuI out the form on the-top of the box and mail or' brinsg it in, onclosed ini a plain envelopo to eithor of oui' two locations. Evory Sunday thora is a drow. Corne on in or' phono, YOU COULD BE À WINNER! WINS41R: Mrs. Brooks, 301 Annes St., Whitby. ~I77A 76ID Sm::::.S EI4LL n r 576-3253 CANADIAN TIRE SPONSORS O.H.A. METRO JUNIOR "7 MARKHAM WAXERS at WHITBY CTC TIREMEN le Com.uuity Aremo THURS Feb. 8th. 7:45 P.M. TOWN of I WHITBY PLANNING BOARD NOTICE 0F-PUIBLIC MEETING A meeting wiII be heîd by the Planning Board on Tues4av. februarr 13th. 1973 at 8:00 p.m. in the Coijncil Chamber m4l* itb, Municipal Building. 405 D und as Street West, Whitbv.- Gntio PURPOSE 0F THE MEETING This meeting is called for the purpose of obtaining the participatini, and co-operation of the inhabitants of the planning arta in deter- mining the solution of problems affecting the deveîopmnent area described below. LOCATION 0F LAND AFFECTED The land under consideration is bounded by Thickson Road ta the west; Dundas Street to the north; Kendaîwood Road to the east wid the C.P.R. main line ta the south as indicated on the map belo*. You are invited ta attend this public meeting to express yourvtews about the development of this area and discuss the matters and information which will be presented ai the hearing. In this connection, ail material is on file and open for Public Inspection at the office of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning Board aitthe Municipal Offices, 14 Church Street, Brooklin, Ontario. period, the visitors fired the insurance goal 10 end al] scor- ing in the game. P« Wees split in caton The Brooklin-Whitby Mit- chell Lumber miinor pee-wees played two gamres duning the past week-end, and came up with a 5-2 Ioss 10 Newmarket and a 4-2 win over Markhani. In the 5-2 Ioss, David Fleming and Jeff Dinsmnore scored the Brookîin-Whit by goals. the 4-2 win over Markham was made possible through liard work on the part of Keith Wilson who scored twice for the "Lumibermen", while teainnates Nick Noso- wenko and Gilbert Nicuwen- dyk added the singles. Mite Al-mstars win & tie WHY PAY MORE INCOME TAX TRAN NECESSARY?. There is still tlune bo save tincoime Tax for ~ ~ I972- îhrough a registered Savings Plani. Everyone up to 70 receiving eairmîed incoie. pension incomeadpyn incomne tax. cari mak e arrangements to quality 1tor nmaximium allowablc deductions. Up to $4,000.00 ani- nually is allowable if you qualify. If these arrangements areciîot imade prior 10 28 Feb. 1973, you will have paid more incor-ne tax f'or 1 972 ihan necessary. Genc Posteraro Take advantage of the couoni or cal] IMANUFACTURERS LIFE SUITE 501, BELL TOWER, - OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Tel. 728-7391 1 request more information on Registered Savirigs NAM E..............................................I L[PHONE ....................................... M Sý U LJM The Maniufacturers Lite Irîsutatce Conpaniy 7,,«,-57, 7,,' 77 7-171-7, 777 ý7-- , 7., 1 « Il WH ITBY FR EE PRESS, TH URSDAY, FESIUA YS8, 1973, PAGE il ir 1 SI 0