Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Jan 1973, p. 2

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PAGE 2, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 25, WIiITBY FREE PRESS I Kailnins' Girl of the week Closer to home this week is the engaging Jo Le Blanc, WHITBY FREE PRESS receptionisi. Besides terrorizing deadline delinquent columnist Jim QuasI and keeping sales staff in lune with her Scottish temper at the Free Press, 24-year-old Jo enîoys reading and clothes shopping. The parishioners of St. John The Evengelist R.C. Church your assistance is needed Please attend and assist us in deterrnining thre future progress of the Denis O'Connor High Sehool. A questionnaire wiIl be distributed and aiiswcred at ail masses on Sunday, January 28, in an effort to deterine your wishes regarding the expansion of the sehool and its services. (Please see story on Front Page). How to gel the Incarne Tax Peopîle t0 Iend you money interest free Jnterested?! Well if's possible. Section 79B of the Income Tax Act -says-'so. The Govertnmcnt encourages you to pre pare for your retirement by giving you important incomie tax deductions on money you invest Ini a Registcred Retirement Savings Plan. You can save hundreds of tax dollars each year this way. Your money is not taxable until retirement; then, only as income received, (your tax bracket is likely te be lower then too). It ail adds up to about the same as "borrowing" money from the Government, intercst free . plus the savings that tax deferment may bring. You can learn the full story on income tax Advantages on Retirement Savings from the wcIl- informed professional who represents the Manufacturers Life. He is associated with a' company that has a record for sound and profitable money management that's outstanding in the industry. When you talk to hirn be sure to ask him about the buiît-in guarantees that only an insured plan can offer. Phone him today or mail this coupon for a free, informative brochure on how you ean savc tax dollars. ___________ * u~Iu'~ Please send me, without obligation, a free copy of the bookîet: "Regîstered * * ~ Retirement Savings Plan." * ~ ADDRESSI Steve Hanson *The Manufacturers Life * Oshawa, Ont. MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY S. K. Hanson Suite 501, Bell Tower, Oshawa Centre reade.r. The Editor: In regards te Mr. Cauchi's letter on hemnecoming year, let me say that a significant change would surely be seen by any old timers coming back to Whitby for this special year. Most cf those green lanes of Whitby they remember are paved with asphaît by now, and 1 might add that some cf their asphaît replacements are badly in need cf repair. Taxes are going up A the time, and oldtimers who are write still blessed with their sight will undoubtedly notice that where there were once three or four men on town main- tenance, you now sec umpteen truicks with works crews cruis- ing around streets. The things we could cal our own when we were merely a village have moved aside for that modern day excuse-ail, progress. First went the cus- tQns office, then the post office and tlhree stations. Whien old Mr. Alfin of Allîin's Drug Store left his Tender proof system workcs WHITBY - Whitby council, this week, was given another pointed lesson in the value of caliing for tenders for muni- cipal works projeets. Currentiy, their attention is aimed at a tender caîl for construction of a trunk sani- tary sewer fromn the Bradley Farmi property to the muni- cipal complex on Rossland Rd. In answer to tlhe tender caîl, 24 con tracting firms sub- niitted bids with the winner and lowest bidder being R.B.C. Construction Limiited with a bid of $79,784.04. What proves mnost intrigu- iing, however, is that bids for the project ranged tupward from the low bid te a igh of' $181,280.1-5. That is exactly a difference of $ 101,496.21. Safety pays Rewards l'or werking sale- ly during 197-1 have been pre- sented te the Dunlop fac tory workers on a mon thly basis and culmiinating ini a draw for $800 worth of houseliold ftimishiings --tle choice of' the w i nn er. Mr. Stanley' Czesnek. a calender eperateî . whli as been withi Dunflep since 1950 \vas the wvtiincî . J. Crittenduen, vice presîde nt iinatnu fac tLii ng. inade the draw along witli Roy Il. lproduction super- in tendenit. St an anid h is wife selec ted a cern bina tien Ste ree in da rk nuahega ny. Portable televisien sets were presented each iiienth oni a divisienali)basis if ne accidents ecctîrred. This pro- grammne will continue du i-ring 197.3 and includes thie office s ta ff. In addition te the nmonthly presentatien, Dunilop is of- fering oeeof a list et' itemns ranging fromn an auitomiobile te a coleured televisioni set fer a fiirtlier iîflhreveinent in tdie safety record during 1973. With such figures paraded openly, it must be agreed that tendering is a vital necessity where municipal projects or purchases are concerned. Even the detractors of the systemn will have little difficulty un- derstanding this fact. house to go to work in the mornings, he would see the tired old town hall. So in his will he generously left money for us to have a new town hall. But somebody in the New- man Administration decided a town hall would be nice in another locality, se Mr. Allin's gift to the people of Whitby was sold to the library board. Multiple houses were built where old timers used to skate down in the swamnp on Mit- chiell field, and also where you used to ski down at 'Old Wliitefence.' For aIl of thiese changes, whiom are we to blamç? Plea se, not the council, for you had the vote whicli installed some of the older ones back on again. No, if there is any blame. for things not so right in Whiitby town, aIl we who vote can blame ourselves. Sincerely, Alfred Bruce, Dunlop Street, Wit by. TUE*WITIY FIE MIU I (Volce et «the Couity Yw S Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie -~ and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pîckering. Published every Thursday PublIklied 115, hitby Irce Pressllii.. Mail Box 206. Whithy. P>hone 668-6 111I or 668-6112BokS.Sul.Wîtv (Icncral Manager: W. -Bill- Durkec I.ditor; Judy l>urkiçc I ditorial Stat'l«:Bill Wi ,IliaIlisMAI LING( Sports I ditor:Iboug Wcuke,ý Il:R NIIT Advertisig: Rontisntinlcy NO. 2941 ROCK WHITBY 6683618 FR I. - 7:00 P.M. SAT. & SUN. 1:30 P.M. & 7:00 P.M. 8 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS INCLUDING BEST SONG: WALT DISNEY dstm FEATURETTE FLASH THE TEENAGE OTTER Mon.,Tues.,Wed. OCS at 7:OOpm PLUS Colot by Techoîcolorï ADULT-8"UtIrAiNmmt Keep on Truckin" with Certified International Parts. or Parts for any miake of truck CATI 576-4400 NEW ndUSD TRUCKS OSHAWA TRUCK CENTRIE 555 W.ntworth St. E. Oshawa

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