Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1973, p. 5

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WHITBY FR EE PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1973, PAGE 5 One Don'î know the exact rea- son but it sens several of the businesses in the Harwood Place Mal, li Ajax, are closing their doors. 0f course, we know it's a lack of business brought about mainly by competition from such places The inhibiting cffects of labour-saving devices on physi- cal activity are lending new significance to Whitby Y fit- ness progranis. Adults of both sexes are showing increasing interest in shaking free from routines into which they have been trapped by the machine age, notes Roger Gomnes of the Y staff. "As automation con- tinues to liminate manual effort both ini the home and on the job, it has become ap- parent that casual participa- tion in sports is rot suffîcient îo keep the body in sound physical condition" lie cmi- phasizes. One obvious symptoîn of physical unfiîness is relue- tance to even bother with previously favoured actîvities. Other warnirg signs in- clude: expanding waistlines; loss of flexibility; deterior- ating posture; recurring back- aches; shortness of breaîh; increasing reliance on drugs to relax; slcep. stay awake or mnaintain body functions. "Perliaps of greatest sig. nif-icance is the risc in the numnber of persons being felled du-ring their niosi productive years by the broad range of cardiovascular ilîniesses liniped. under -the general lieading of "hecart attack" as- sents die Y spokesînan. "'Movenet" says Roger is die key to pphysical fitness. Bu t hapliazard activi tics 0or infrequent gaines are of ques- tionable value. They cai be dangerous. especcally a fter anl illness or a prolonged lay-off trom exercise." At die Wiîby Y progranis are plarned and superviscd-by skilled professiorals. These include such activities suchi as: Mer's Fitness, Irdustrial Basketball, Basketball Coachi- ing, Womieni's Fitness, Swin- ming, etc. "Tlîough miary eleinents cf plarred fitness prograîns in- terrelated--specific objectives man s view By Bill Williams as Sheridan Maîl. However, we thoughit the Harwood Maîl had had a lot going for it and can't understand why nier- chants there ;'dn't get into the truc spirit of things and do a little more merchan- dising. He who hesitates is can bc set, i.e. condition the cardiovascular systeni, in- crease strength or inuscular endurance, improve flexibili. ty, shed excess fat, comments Roger. "As programns advance, many hitherto abstainers start taking part in recreational ac- tivities. Others already par- ticipating in gaines invariably find themselves performing better and enjoying thcm- selves more" he declares. For furthcr information pîcase contact: Roger Gomes, Whitby YMCA Office, 668- 6868. Chess tournament scheduled The Whiitby "Y" Chess Club is plcased to annource ils second Chess Tournament will commerce on Jaîîuary 11 . 1 973 ai 7 o'clock ir the Henry Street High School. Tlîc winners of the first tour- natiient were Jolin Soc in tie senior division, and Joliî Hobbs in the junior dîvisiotî. En try lee for tdie second tour- raient will be $2.00 and thie prize for I st place will be hallf tuie morev collected froiniall the entrants. The tournamnent wilI be run onciite Swiss pair- ing systeni and each gaine will be an lîcur long. If' possible please bring your chiess dlocks and boards. Seîîd ytiur entry fee by chieque or inonev crder with vour naine. address anîd phione nui- ber th de Whitby YMCA Clîess Club, 4 I16 ('entre Strcet S., Whlitby, Ontario, or corne in person on the I lith of ian c- ary to H-enry Street Highi Schcool. Our new session staris January 1l1ith, 1973. Adulîs, S5.00 tor 10 weeks. S3.00 tfor Y inenîbers, Students S3.50 for 10 weeks, S2.00 for Y mnembers. ARLIE SALE 209 DUNDAS ST. W. WH ITBY (AT CENTRE) Incrsasinq intsrsst in "Y" fi1t n ess proqrams lost, or so they tell me, 'and now it nay be too late. Recognition of the role played by minor hockey in the lives of our children is being recognized again, this year, with Minor Hockey Week scheduled to begin on January 20. No one can dis- pute the fine job minor hock- ey leagues and officiais do for the youngsters each and every season. It behooves us ail to get behind the idea, at Ieast for this one week, and attend some of the games locally. We know the advice is time- worn but we believe you shouldn't send your boy t(ý the rink-you should take bîm. Don't know whether they are trying to téil me some- thing or flot but a large nuni- ber of friends and acquain- tances are on a diet kick these days. What makes it doubly difficuit for nie is that 1 should be too, but choose to ignore it unless 1 arn re- minded. It was fine when only the occasional friend, whorn I sec once in a while, decidcd to count calories but now, three of the girls on staff at the FREE PRESS have taken the plunge and get great delight frorn throwing verbal harpoons at me as though I1 were a whale. The girls, none of whom I1 con- sider to be overweighit, (not by much). are ccrtainly keen oni dicting at this tinie. How- ever. 1 don't think they will keep it up. U've seen dedicated people in action in this direc- tion before ornly to find their interest dinminishirg as time wears on. Wlîen thcy ask mie whien 1 plan tb diet 1 simply reply. I don't have the stom- ach lor it." This is always gond for a belîS' laugh. Have often wondered how some restaurants, hotels. cafes and lunch counters gel away with what 1 cali sloppy house- keeping. Admittedly, 1 know of nîo cases where the prob- Iern is serious but do know of several who do flot pay as much attentioni to housekeep- ing as should be the case where food and drink are served to the public. I was given what may be a partial explanation this week. It seems that inspectors, Iocally, were in the habit of making discontinued or at least are not being made as frequently as they once were. The result, little slips here and there. Last week, however, noticing an extra amnount of effort being expended in one place in re- spect to housekeeping, we en- quired as to why. The answer, simply stated, was that an inspector had indicated he would be calling in. 1 can certainly understand the reluctance of the Whitby Library to move into their new quarters (our one and only town hall for God's sake) until they can take over that part to be vacated by the police department. It does make sense to make the move once and for ail rather than in stages. However, we were in- trigued to learn that, even after the move, they will flot have any more space for books than they have in their pres- ent location. It seenis that what they will get for their large expenditure of funds, is simply more office space. We can 't help but wonder wheth- er the delay in the move has been brought about by a still more readily understardable reason. Queen's Park, in an- nouncing regio rai governmcnt for the area, made it quite clear that municipalities would flot be permitted to selI their assets until aIl de- tails of the new proposaI have been worked out. There are indications ihis limitation may bc made retroactive. If this is the case, perhaps the sale of the municipal building to the library board may be deccarcd ruil and void. Perhaps their reluictance to mnake the move at this urne is irspired by cautioni by council. STO 723-0061 TUNE-UP '0C SPECIAL 6 CYLINDER ........9.95 6 CYLINDIR ........4 0 $ <PARTS EXTRA) WE WILL INSTALL YOUR PARTS OIE SERIVICE] 0 NONQUON ROAO PHONE RUSS or ROM CftO 1390 AJAX SPORTS ePlus the finesi COUNTRY PERSON TO PERSON COMMUNT RADIO CHOO 1390 -~ ~ 44âA 7285143 tâ *LOCAL NEWS THEY'RE HERE The New '73 Mazda RX »3 TMh.y'v. finally arriv.d, the sm@th.st, f astt, rotary driven car on the r@ad. Comingi or goimg.. for MAZDA LTD. 668m9397

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