Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1973, p. 11

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Whitby sees birth of new theatre group A new theatre group, the Whitby Theatre Comnpany,was born on January Ist, 1973 and looks forward to a long and healthy life spant. Formed in association witli the Whitby Recreation De- partment, the W.T.C. will be multi-faceted in structure and plans to cover a wide spectrumi of theatrics. 0f utlmost im- portance to the group, is com- rnunity involvement, and to this end, rnuch limne will be spent in workshops airnied at those young people, and others. who wish to learn more about theatre. Organi- zationally, the theatre coin- pany breaks down as follows: Whitby Theatre Comnpany The main body will pre- sent three or four major pro- ductions during 1973. While a complete and final play list is not conmpleted. one of the productions will include 'Streetcar Nanied Desire." The W.T.C. will hold open auditions for people in tlhe cotiniunity initerested in beiîig actively engaged in theatrical production, and will t ry * as mnuch as possible, (o cast its presentations in thîis nanner. Vit by Repe rtory Comnpany Is the core group, and comprises menbers wlio have actually founded the thecat re group. Tiiese individuals arc interested in both Iearning more about theatre and pass- ing whiat knowledge lhey i- ready hiave ont(- otiiers In tie ai-cas et youing peuples' theca- tre. wurkshiops. etc. It is alsu the intentfion of, this group tu put- onseveral productions du ring the y'ear. Library hours Saturday muorning stury Iou rs lfor the lie ni tho f' Jan - tiary at Ilhe Whiithy Lihrary hiave been anniountced by Lib- rarian . Anne Llope-Brown. On Januiary 1_3 the pLIppet play'. "Lit ile Red Riding Hood" is lu he featured. On thie Illowving Stturday, January 20, children will leariu hiow to make *paper bag cIe- pihants' and will read about King Babar, wvIfle on1 Satuir- day. ianuary 27 lively animal films w il I be t he teatLire o fý the day. AIl stury hiours at Whitby library begin prutflpt ly a t 10:30 a.nii. and cnd 1 1:30 appointment of Mr. F.R. GilI as Superintendent of the Whitby Jail. Mr. GuIl succeeds Mr. James Rea recenlly ap- poin ted Supe rintenden t of 01- tawa-Carleton Regional De- ten lion Centre. Mr. Gill joincd the Ministry in 1958 as a correctional of- ficer at the St. Catharines Jail and most rccently held the position of Superinten- dent, St. Catharines Jail. Mr. Gill's appointment is effective January 8, 1973. Peter Pan Players Is an already established group and is prcsently pre- senling one production per year. Its presentations are es- sentially for children, and il is the group's intention to again cast players froîn the com- inuniity, as well as others, and to make the group available to tour schools, hospitals, etc. Young People's Theatre Represenits one of the most important mras, as it is the W.T.C.'s intention to develop the interesl of young people in the Whitby conimunity in theatrical activities, 10 pro- inote their talenits in direc- tioni, producing, stage mani- agernent, writing and acting, and tu provide theni witlh the opportunities to present their efforts to the community. The four areas will combitne with workshop sessions, se- nior citizenis as well as oui- side product ions to formi what should be a most iniclusive theatre group. The Whitby Recreatieni De- partimeilitlhas otffered ils fuiî assistanice lu this venittre. ind the W.T.C. wvill be using the Sir John A. Macdoilald The- atre inl the towt) fer ils pro- duictîc i. Presiden t of' the new greup is Blair Hlavilanid. Ar- tistic Director is Peter Evani- WH ITBYFREE PRESS, TH URSDAY, JAN UARY 11, 1973. PAGE il Task force on policing A Task Force on Poiicing hot been appolnted by the Govsrnment of Ontario to study the organization, aidmInistration und efficiency of police forces ln Ontario; analyze present und future needu> examine alternative approaches ta meet these needsi and moike recommendations. The generai public, Including Individuais or organizations, ar@ lnvitedi to forward written submissions before February i Sth, 1973, on mottera relevant toi a Relations between the police und the public. e Future policing needs lni the province. e Division of police resp@nsibilitles. a Financing of police services. e Unification of Police Perces, or possible alternatives. e Personnel planning and development. e The administration of Police Forces Including the concept of Sourds of Commissioners of Police and other governing bodies. e The roi@ and functIon of the Ontario Police Commission. aringt MwlIb. conducted throughout the Province of Ontario und the locations wIil be dotermined ta a large extent by the number and orîgîn of Inquirles recelved. Wrltten submlssions wiIi assist In scheduling appointrnents and haringa. Those wishing to appeor at one of the heaningi shouid notify the undenslgned as soon as possible. Huglh A. Crothers, Chairman The Task Force on Policing Iln Ontario 185 Bloor Street East Toronto 285, Ontario chuck, while Jo Havland will aci as Ce-erdiniator. Plans for 1973 product ions should be known shortly. Adults. stu- dents. and aIl othier interested parties are inivited te contact cithier tvrs.l lavilanid at 668- 9491I or the Whitby Recrea- lionl Departruen t. rNOW OPEN-L POLLARDSi OLD TYME BUTCHER SHOPPE L i 1315 HARWOOD AVE. N.I ilAJAX I 10 QUALITY-Red Brand Meat lu PERSONALISED SERVICE Cail or Visit us Today 942- Custom Cutting 8881 SFreezer Orders I'!Iý - - ----mm--m. p Ony January But Almdy* su S Our Sprng Stock Us i Coming Un. Wb Must - MAKE ROOM IMMEDIATELY.1I SAVINGS Ã"F ON ALL BRAND NAME MO CKLY [OMIPM[I Induding BAUER SKATES - WYNELL STICKS - Sale Ptorts COOPER EQUIPIENT *THURSDAY M * JANUARY ilth, at 10 aeme I ý,RDSCYLEAN SORS WHTB TWO LOCAIONS AJA 668-471942894 January Clearance 'k,Àrd OTTUNBRITE'FS MEIS WEAR 103A DUNDAS W. 668-3261

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